

pollen:[英 [ˈpɒlən] 美 [ˈpɑ:lən] ]



pollen 基本解释

名词花粉; [虫]粉面

及物动词传授花粉给; 用花粉掩盖

pollen 网络解释

1. 花粉:牲 征: 花粉(Pollen)是花的雄性生殖细胞,通俗地说就是植物的精子,是植物生命的精华所在. 花粉担负着植物繁殖后代延续族群生命的伟大使命. 花粉的细胞核中,含有大量的生

2. pollen是什么意思

2. 花粉花粉:3 6蜂花粉花粉(Pollen)是种子植物体上的雄性生殖细胞. 蜂花粉系蜜蜂采自植物花朵雄蕊的花粉,营养成份全面,除含蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物外,还富含氨基酸、多种维生素和活性酶以及核酸、矿物元素、胡萝h素等,是一种天然的营养源.

3. 花粉;传花粉给:plumbing system 管道设备,水暖设备系统 | pollen 花粉;传花粉给 | pollinate 对...授粉

4. pollen

4. 花粉 pine 松:stalk 花柄 | pollen 花粉 pine 松 | cerdar 雪松类

pollen 双语例句

1. Do not need pollen mix, the effect of reproduction quality.


2. Furthermore, the result of the experiments indicated that high temperature (33oC) obviously reduced the pollen germination rates of tested colored sweet peppers.

试验结果显示,高温(33℃)下彩色甜椒的花粉发芽率明显下降,除`Chocolate Miniature Bell`、`C02080`、`C05464A`与`丽妃星`,其余花粉发芽率皆低於5%。

3. To open at definite places, discharging seeds, pollen, or other contents, as the ripe capsules or pods of some plants.


4. The pollen tube enters the female gametophyte from micropylar end and the free nuclei near pollen tube have the average chance to acting as the functional egg.


5. The company's products (Xiancao powder, stone pollen, white jelly, and jelly, pearl powder yen) Health delicious, pure flavor, product marketing all over the country, loved by the vast number of consumers.


6. pollen什么意思

6. Yantai Fuming Bee Products Co., Ltd is a largebee products enterprise in China, which mainly produces and sells a series of bee products, such as bee honey, royal jelly, bee pollen, propolis and so on. We also produce and export vegetables and beverages made from bee products, vegetables and fruits.

简 介:烟台福明蜂产品有限公司是烟台大型蜂产品生产企业,主要生产销售蜂蜜、蜂王浆、蜂花粉、蜂胶等系列蜂产品,各类蔬菜和以蜂蜜、果蔬为原料的饮料制品。

7. Common buckwheat is self-incomptiablility crop. The synthetical factors affecting its yield are temperature, moisture, day light, pollen vitality, pollination medium, lodging resistance, number of flower cluster and flower type ratio etc.


8. pollen在线翻译

8. The pollen can be carried aloft and travel great distances in the upper air stream.


9. This result shows that the number of pollen reaching on the stigma in Liriodendron chinese is not equivalent.


10. Plant produced by the transfer of pollen from one strain to the endosperm of a different strain.


11. pollen的反义词

11. The direct effect on a hybrid plant produced by the transfer of pollen from one strain to the endosperm of a different strain.


12. Pollen in the grave indicates they were laid on a bed of flowers.


13. The sulphur-like pollen of the pitch pine soon covered the pond and the stones and rotten wood along the shore, so that you could have collected a barrelful.


14. The nutrients, such as V A, V E, V C, amino acid, phospholipids, glucose oxidase DNA and RNA, in the pollen of Rosa Xanthina and Hemerocallis minor are studied and the result is that the nutrients especially of V A, V E, V C, EAA, DNA and RNA are rich and the proportion is good.

通过对黄刺莓和金针花粉的DNA ,RNA ,磷脂,葡萄糖氧化酶,氨基酸,VA,VE 和VC 等重要营养成分的测定,发现这两种花粉的营养成分丰富,配比良好,特别是VA,VE,VC 和必需氨基酸的质量比较高,RNA和DNA的质量比也较高。


15. In 2006, the results of three large, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of a grass-pollen tablet for sublingual immunotherapy (which included more than 1600 patients)showed a 35 to 40% reduction in clinical symptoms in the first year of treatment and a similar reduction in the use of rescue medication.


16. Also, some anther dust could form embryoid directly, then grew into young plants, conversely, somatic calli and pollen embryoid of the latter medium are fewer, but somiatic calli could be differentiated into a few flower like structure s, meanwhile, the segments of infl.


17. Germinability of pollen largely depends on the extraction procedure.


18. So, the pollen heredity of 4 excellent germplasms and their cutting offsprings were fundamentally stable.


19. The experiment material is apricot and almond in this paper, passed TTC method to carried on examination the agnate pollen of vitality before pollination; after the investigation fruit set percentage, using of DPSv3.01 analyzed the date; the pollen tube behavior and bourgeon were observed by means of flurescence microscopy; the orthogonal design was used to optimize SSR amplification system of apricot hybrids in five factors at four levels respectively; making use of the new SSR-PCR system analyse the 50s hybrids.


20. Our company is specialized in honey, royal jelly, pollen and propolis.


pollen 词典解释

1. 花粉

Pollen is a fine powder produced by flowers. It fertilizes other flowers of the same species so that they produce seeds.

pollen 单语例句

1. And pollen remains show the woman and two children were buried on a bed of flowers.

2. Tests suggest that it relaxes the body and reduces the production of histamine, a chemical pumped out by cells in an allergic response to pollen.

3. Pollen allergy and the smell of plants in spring are becoming increasingly annoying for many people in Beijing and other northern cities.

4. An allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system triggered by normally harmless environmental substances such as pollen and dust.

5. There are treatments that range from pills and nasal inhalants to shots that trick your immune system into accepting the pollen.

6. Allergies arise from an immune system reaction against a normally benign substance, such as grass pollen.

7. Allergies to pollen and other environmental triggers often are treated with shots called immunotherapy.

8. Some are specialists in dating ancient wood - dendrochronology - while others analyze spores and pollen to understand ancient environments.

9. The wheat was later named Taigu infertile wheat because of the complete infertility of its stamen and the pistil's easy access to pollen.

10. If avoiding the pollen doesn't provide enough relief, consider medicine.

pollenpollen 英英释义


1. the fine spores that contain male gametes and that are borne by an anther in a flowering plant