

infect:[英 [ɪnˈfekt] 美 [ɪnˈfɛkt] ]


过去式:infected;   过去分词:infected;   现在分词:infecting;

infect 基本解释

及物动词使受影响,感染; 传染,散布病毒,侵染; (电脑病毒)使(电脑的)存储器[数据]受到感染


infect 相关例句


1. The captain's courage infected his men.


2. She infected the whole class with her laughter.


3. One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon infected other children.


4. Mary's high spirits infected all the girls in the class.



1. infect的近义词

1. I didn't pay any attention to it because I never infect.


infect 网络解释

1. 传染:infantry 步兵 | infect 传染 | infection 传染

2. infect的意思

2. 传染, 感染:9 analyse 分析vt. | 10 infect 传染;感染vt. | 11 infectious 传染的adj.

3. infect

3. 影响,使受感染,传染:imperfect 不完全,有缺点的 | infect 影响,使受感染,传染 | infectious 有传染性的

infect 双语例句

1. infect是什么意思

1. An international team reported last week that the virus is so destructive, it can even infect unborn children.


2. infect

2. An international team reported last week that the virus is so destructive, in can even infect unborn children.


3. It could be that one disease, perhaps a new type of lurgy, invites the others to infect the bee, or that a pesticide performs this role.


4. It could be th a t one dise a se, perh a ps a new type of lurgy, invites the others to infect the bee, or th a t a pesticide performs this role.


5. It can reside in pig which have infect with SIV or mucago of air passage.



6. By RT-PCR amplification, we found that PnV exists in uninfected LY16 cells, therefore LY16 cells are persistent infection with PnV. In conclusions, (1) LY16 cells are PnV-persistent infection cells; (2) PnV can infect both LY cells and silkworm larvae; (3) and the origin pathogen of silkworm may either PnV contaminated from lab during rearing or viral pathogens of silkworm origin which can`t propagate in LY16 cells.

因此本研究的结论是(1) LY16是PnV持续感染的细胞株系;(2) PnV 亦可以感染黑角舞蛾细胞株及家蚕;(3)最起初罹病之家蚕疑是在实验室饲养时被PnV感染,抑或是罹病家蚕的病原体未能在LY16细胞内增殖。


7. Detail Contents: Genetic disorders -- Immune deficiencies -- Breast cancer -- Colon cancer -- Melanoma -- Cystic fibrosis -- Hemophilia -- Liver disease -- Cardiovascular disease -- Muscular dystrophy -- Alzheimer's disease -- Parkinson's disease -- Huntington's disease -- Viruses: the cornerstone of gene therapy -- Viruses are living crystals -- Viral genomes may be RNA or DNA -- Viruses evolved from plasmids -- Viruses know how to infect cells -- The virus as a gene vehicle -- Viruses used in gene therapy -- Ashi DeSilva: a promising start -- Clinical trials defined -- Cells of the immune system -- Adenosine deaminase -- Preliminary research -- Clinical procedure for ADA gene therapy -- The DeSilva clinical trial -- Jesse Gelsinger: down to earth -- Ornithine transcarbamylase -- Preliminary research -- Clinical procedure for OTC gene therapy -- The Gelsinger clinical trial -- The investigation -- Concluding remarks -- Future prospects -- Safer vehicles -- Reducing immune rejection of the vector -- Improved risk assessment -- Redesigning human anatomy and physiology -- Ethics of gene therapy -- The Belmont report -- Clinical trials -- Physiological enhancement -- Cosmetic applications -- Legal issues -- Regulatory agencies -- The Gelsinger legal trial -- International regulation -- Resource center -- Eucaryote cell primer -- Recombinant DNA primer -- The human genome project -- X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID-X1)-- Alzheimer's disease -- Huntington's disease.

细节内容︰遗传疾病-免疫的缺乏-乳腺癌-结肠癌-黑瘤-囊性纤维变性-血友症-肝疾病-心血管疾病-肌营养不良-早老性痴呆病-帕金森疾病-亨廷顿疾病-病毒︰基础的基因治疗-病毒在活著水晶--病毒的基因可能是RNA或者DNA --病毒从plasmids被逐步形成--病毒知道怎样感染细胞--作为一辆基因车辆的病毒--基因治疗使用的病毒-Ashi DeSilva︰有希望开始-临床试验确定--细胞的这免疫系统-Adenosine deaminase-初步研究-临床程式给埃达基因治疗--这DeSilva临床试验-婕西Gelsinger︰到地球-Ornithine transcarbamylase-初步研究-临床程式给OTC基因治疗-- Gelsinger临床试验-调查-达成评论-前景-更安全的车辆--矢量的降低免疫的拒绝-改进风险估计-重新设计人解剖学和生理学--伦理学的基因治疗-那些贝拉蒙特报告-临床试验-生理提升-美容应用-法律问题-协调机构-- Gelsinger 合法审讯-国际管理-资源中心人物-Eucaryote信元第一-Recombinant DNA 入门--人类基因工程-- X 连结的严重的结合的免疫缺陷(SCID-X1)-早老性痴呆病--亨廷顿的疾病。

8. Namely this dissertation is to probe into the variance and effcetiveness of the land laws system from the late stage of Qing dynasty to the Republic of China and to find intrinstic relation among the social fators which infect the variety of the land laws, focusing on the variance of the land rights'system, by adopting astudy method of law-sociology assisted with historical analysis, comparative analysis and criterion analysis.


9. Strains could inhibit conidium germination, 5 strains made the pathogen grow vegetably and 9 strains inhibited its tube growth. M. grisea produce several swollen cells on the sites of the appressorium differentation and lost the ability to infect onion epidermis treated with the culture supernatant of h23 strain.


10. Avian Flu Virus Unlikely To Spread Through Water Systems - Cornell researchers studied a virus related to the avian influenza virus to see whether a hypothetical mutated form of H5N1 could infect people through drinking and wastewater systems....


11. Objective: To study the effection of using metronidazole to wound to prevent episiotomy infect.


12. Such optimism may underplay the potential channels through which the subprime mess can infect other countries.


13. Description of ascarids and hookworms that infect dogs and cats, early signs of illness, and when pets are at greatest risk for infection.


14. I+will+never+consider+defeat+and+I+will+remove+from+my+vocabulary+such+words+and+phrases+as+quit, +cannot, +unable, +impossible, +out+of+the+question, +improbable, +failure, +unworkable, +hopeless, +and+retreat; +for+they+are+the+words+of++I+will+avoid+despair+but+if+this+disease+of+the+mind+should+infect+me+then+I+will+work+on+in++I+will+toil+and+I+will++I+will+ignore+the+obstacles+at+my+feet+and+keep+my+eyes+on+the+goals+above+my+head, +for+I+know+that+where+dry+desert+ends, +green+grass


15. Pairwise sequence comparisons of the deduced amino acid sequences encoded by CmRV as well as phylogentic analysis indicated that it is more closely related to the totiviruses that infect filamentous fungi than to those infecting protozoa, yeast and smut fungi.


16. Tenella YL attenuated strain were used to infect chickens perorally, then the abundant sporulated oocysts were collected by saturated saline floating measure. The size of the attenuated oocysts was about 19.8~21.2×15.5~16.6μm and the conformation of the strains were integral. 4 The prepatent period of E.

tenella YL减毒株孢子化卵囊经口服感染鸡,用饱和食盐水漂浮法能够收集得到球虫孢子化卵囊,杂质少,形态完整,减毒株卵囊的大小为19.8~21.2×15.5~16.6μm。

17. infect什么意思

17. People who have been infected with a disease must take care not to infect others around them.


18. The coccoid form of Hp is considered uncultivable and as degenerative status. How does Hp survive in environment and infect so many people are still unknown.



19. Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus which can infect more than two hundred insects belongs to the Cypovirus genus in the Reoviridae family.


20. infect是什么意思

20. Sclerotinia can infect more than 400 plant species.

菌核病菌能侵染 400 多种植物。

infect 词典解释

1. 传染;侵染;感染

To infect people, animals, or plants means to cause them to have a disease or illness.


e.g. A single mosquito can infect a large number of people.


e.g. ...objects used by an infected person.



...plants that are resistant to infection.


2. 污染

To infect a substance or area means to cause it to contain harmful germs or bacteria.

e.g. The birds infect the milk.


e.g. ...a virus which is spread mainly by infected blood.


3. 使受影响;感染

When people, places, or things are infected by a feeling or influence, it spreads to them.

e.g. For an instant I was infected by her fear...


e.g. He thought they might infect others with their bourgeois ideas...


4. 使(计算机)感染病毒

If a virus infects a computer, it affects the computer by damaging or destroying programs.


e.g. This virus infected thousands of computers within days.


infect 单语例句

1. Secondly, wild birds that carry the virus can possibly infect people.

2. Experts pointed out anthrax is an acute infectious disease that most commonly affects hoofed mammals, but can also infect humans.

3. Central Intelligence Agency that the virus could infect more than 20 million people in India by 2010.

4. Researchers believe circumcision helps cut infection risk because the foreskin is covered in cells the virus seems able to easily infect.

5. Bird flu remains essentially an animal disease, but can infect people who come into direct contact with infected birds.

6. New foreclosures began to infect areas that had long been immune, compounding misery for residents and headaches for city planners.

7. Jiang also planted a large quantity of Trojan and backdoor viruses on the website which could infect Internet user's computers when downloading videos.

8. The whooping cough bacteria can also infect the diaphragm, causing it to contract and make breathing impossible within seconds.

9. US researchers say they've identified key mechanisms that the SARS coronavirus uses to enter and infect cells.

10. Although medical science has confirmed that spitting cannot infect people with AIDS, the judge still has the right to take any special measures considered necessary.

infect的反义词infect 英英释义


1. contaminate with a disease or microorganism

Synonym: taint

2. communicate a disease to

e.g. Your children have infected you with this head cold

3. affect in a contagious way

e.g. His laughter infects everyone who is in the same room

4. corrupt with ideas or an ideology

e.g. society was infected by racism