

chunk:[英 [tʃʌŋk] 美 [tʃʌŋk] ]



chunk 基本解释

名词厚厚的一块; (某物)相当大的数量或部分; 强壮、结实的马


chunk 相关例句


1. In the old days having meat and milk every day often meant a big chunk of the family income.


chunk 网络解释

1. 数据块:文件中剩余的部分由3个以上的PNG的数据块(Chunk)按照特定的顺序组成,因此,一个标准的PNG文件结构应该如下:PNG数据块(Chunk)前言 我们都知道,在进行J2ME的手机应用程序开发的时候,在图片的使用上,我们可以使用PNG格式的图片(甚至于在有的手机上,

chunk 双语例句

1. Furthermore, LZSS uses one-bit flags to indicate whether the next chunk of data is a literal or a reference to an offset/length pair.

另外,LZSS 算法使用一个二进制位标识下一个数据片是一个原文还是一个偏移/长度对。


2. But first if you've got a decent chunk of money to blow on a gift for someone and you want them to make an alter at your feet and worship you daily (actually this gift is probably best for women or retrosexuals - yeah I made that term up) you might want to check out the concept of a Creme Brulee scented bubble bath.

但是首先如果你有大把的钞票要去为某人花大钱买一样礼物,你想让他们折服于你脚下,每天都崇拜你(事实上这件礼物可能最好给女人或者性欲退化的人-是的,我造了个术语),那你就可能要去了解一下Creme Brulee香味泡沫浴的概念。

3. chunk的翻译

3. That is jacket of skin of a dress, wearing the chunk head of chain of a big gold.


4. chunk是什么意思

4. But of course you`re assured that what you get is a clean, error-free chunk.



5. If a zebrafish loses a chunk of its tail fin, it'll grow back within a week.


6. And the government gets a large chunk of revenue—not to be sniffed at in these difficult times.


7. No task is bigger than your capability and you just need to chunk it down into bite-sized pieces and tackle each one in turn.


8. I wouldn't want you to lose a chunk of that pretty blond hair!


9. With a set of features including lexical information, part of speech and chunk tags, local context, gazetteer and structure information of the text which are easily obtainable for almost any language, we do the experiments on the English corpus provided by Conference on Natural Language Learning.



10. Acceptance tests typically test the entire system, or some large chunk of it.


11. Those numbers suggested a lack of growth in paychecks is enforcing limits on consumption, the biggest chunk of the economy -- and a weak spot that economists say must be bolstered in order to keep the recovery going.


12. First, I, on behalf of our chairman, CEO, Mr. Chunk Swoboda and all of Cree, on this happy and peaceful day, give my sincere greeting and best wishes for Jiuzhou Group`s 50th birthday!

首先,我谨代表公司董事局主席斯维波达先生和 Cree 公司全体同仁,在今天这个喜庆、欢乐、祥和的日子里,向九洲集团50岁生日献上最诚挚的祝福和问候!

13. There is chunk of ice the size of Connecticut breaking off from Antarctica.


14. The ancient Chinese man was a brown, knotted, shriveled man who looked like a chunk of gingerroot and ran one of those tiny stores that sells grapefruits, wine, and toilet paper, and no one can ever figure out how they survive.


15. chunk的近义词

15. But the country continued to spend less than it earned because exporters squirrel away a chunk of their profits away.


16. Thus the process of chunking can be regarded as a classification problem which trains from the corpus with chunk tags and POS tags.


17. chunk是什么意思

17. You can chomp and chug all in one chunk-slurp motion!


18. Emerging economies are not only growing much faster than rich economies and are more intensive in their use of raw materials and energy, but they also account for a bigger chunk of global output if measured correctly.


19. One of the Agfa's company to find a way to have the Super-length life of chemical agents, and each chunk is a printing plate on the reduction of consumption more than 80%.


20. Those crows huge incomparably longer than the Hawks to ferocious, a shiny shiny black feathers hide, it is Lu:yingying eyes; Paw sharp, the 12th 3-4 hook, if caught, would readily removed a chunk of meat.


chunk 词典解释

1. 厚块;大块

Chunks of something are thick solid pieces of it.

e.g. They had to be careful of floating chunks of ice.


e.g. ...a chunk of meat...


2. 大量;大部分

A chunk of something is a large amount or large part of it.

e.g. The company owns a chunk of farmland near Gatwick Airport.


chunk 单语例句

1. Cuban spent a chunk of his fortune to buy his favorite team in January 2000.

2. Workers drag out a chunk of metal that fell into the water.

3. An older marine walked by carrying a huge chunk of flesh, so maimed it was impossible to tell which body part it was.

4. A significant chunk of Washington's lobbying industry and some part of the struggling American economy hang on his appearance as it's broadcast around the world.

5. If houses had to be finished before being sold, the industry would suffer as a significant chunk of financing comes from buyers'advanced funds.

6. Federal and state medical programs will get a chunk of the settlement to reimburse them for having made payments based on false claims.

7. There was a serious side to Sunday's " Hustle Aid " event with organisers to donate a large chunk of the ticket revenue to leukemia research.

8. His squad leader pulled him to safety, but Liu lost a chunk of flesh and later needed seven stitches in his head.

9. Li was also quoted as denying rumors that Wang's estrangement was linked to basketball association demands for a chunk of his NBA salary.

10. There was no independent confirmation of damage to the shrine, but violence earlier Monday ripped a chunk out of the outer wall of the compound.

chunk 英英释义


1. a compact mass

e.g. a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder

Synonym: ballclodgloblumpclump

2. a substantial amount

e.g. we won a chunk of money


1. group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side

Synonym: collocatelump

2. put together indiscriminately

e.g. lump together all the applicants

Synonym: lump