

parish:[英 [ˈpærɪʃ] 美 ['pærɪʃ] ]



parish 基本解释


名词教区以下的地方行政区; (英国)郡以下的行政区

parish 相关例句


1. The parish has welcomed the new vicar with open arms.


parish 网络解释

1. (牧区):信徒人数急增,原有的个别小团体的教会模式不复能吸纳所有新加入者,代之而兴的是牧区(parish)观念的出现. 教会不再以建筑物或固定的群体来分野,而是以地区作为与别的教会的分界. 更有甚者,不少信徒将他们昔日对异教神明的信仰,

2. 区:教会的基层组织是堂区(parish),由司铎/神父(priest/ father)负责;若干堂区组成一个教区(diocese),由主教(bishop)负责;若干教区再组成一个大教区/教省(archdiocese.截止2001年9月的统计,全世界有大约1800个教区,500个大教区/教省.

3. 教区;教区的全体居民:小弥撒(无烧香、奏乐等) low mass | 教区;教区的全体居民 parish | 教区居民 parishioner

parish 双语例句

1. Bernard Parish southeast of New Orleans were flattened in the summer of 2005 by Hurricane Katrina's 20-foot (6-meter) storm surge.



2. The faithful were left free in regard to funerals, but, should they take place in the church of a cloister, the quarta funerum was to be given to the parish priest.

忠实地留在自由方面的葬礼,但是,如果它们发生在教堂的回廊,在quarta funerum是考虑到教区牧师。

3. parish在线翻译

3. Catechumenate classes in the parish should pay special attention to the formation of the catechumens in their evangelical mission, and to provide the catechumens with an opportunity to evangelize even before their baptism.


4. A wild, wicked slip she was - but she had the bonniest eye, the sweetest smile, and lightest foot in the parish.


5. Gongseri Catholic Church is the main Catholic parish, which was built in 1894 on the hill of Gongseri, Inju-myeon that connects Asanman Bay to Sapgyocheon.


6. His first parish service was from 1524 to 1531 at the neighboring village of Pingjum, and from 1531 to 1536 in his home town of Witmarsum.

他的第一堂服务是从1524年至1531年在周边村的平于姆,并从1531年至1536年在他的家乡witmarsum 。

7. I see Sundays along the lines of the following extract from a 1949 essay called'Portrait of a Parish', written by Essex farmer's wife Ethelind Fearon



8. Parish services are totally different: they are responses to our faith. Baptism is a prerequisite.



9. The hungry and destitute situation of the infant orphan was duly reported by the workhouse authorities to the parish authorities.


10. A church or parish under the jurisdiction of a diocese different from that in which it lies.


11. parish是什么意思

11. Holy Trinity Church, or as it is familiarly known, the Garrison Church, is a constantly used, not too well-endowed, parish church, Gothic in style, with flags and regimental shields on the pillars, a wine-glass pulpit of red cedar, and a delightful east window, glittering like Celtic enamel in the gentle gloom.


12. The village church`s first parish priest from the Han Wo small Tatsu abbot Chi Chung concurrently. 1902~1904 (Emperor Guangxu二十八年to three decades), the Catholic villages incoming weeks. In 1919, Zhoucun, Daxinzhuang, Dong Xinjiazhuang, loop Tongkuangyu Catholics, such as 1852 people.


13. After the battle, over 100 dead North Vietnamese troops were discovered around Parish's position.


14. A hedge may be a vestige of a Roman or medieval field system or trace a parish boundary.


15. parish

15. He became a rector of a small parish where he ministered for several years.


16. North Catheral is the biggest Catholic church in the parish of Beijing.



17. My mind however is now made up on the subject, for having received ordination at Easter, I have been so fortunate as to be distinguished by the patronage of the Right Honourable Lady Catherine de Bourgh, widow of Sir Lewis de Bourgh, whose bounty and beneficence has preferred me to the valuable rectory of this parish, where it shall be my earnest endeavour to demean myself with grateful respect towards her Ladyship, and be ever ready to perform those rites and ceremonies which are instituted by the Church of England.



18. In 1731 they seceded from the parish church and added to their usual services the celebration of the Lord's Supper.


19. The prelates gave the Rev. Father Abbot 1500 acres of good land in the parish of St. Norbert, and immediately sent thither a little colony under the direction of Father Louis de Bourmont.


20. In the end he had to flee from the parish in disgrace.


parish 词典解释

1. (有独立教堂和牧师的)教区,堂区

A parish is a village or part of a town which has its own church and priest.


e.g. ...the parish of St Mark's, Lakenham...


e.g. Parish priests have referred to it in their sermons.


2. (英格兰的乡村)行政小区

A parish is a small country area in England which has its own elected council.

e.g. ...a closely fought parish council election.


e.g. ...elected representatives, such as County and Parish Councillors.


parish 单语例句

1. The Kidman family lives a few suburbs north of the chapel, and the parish is where Nicole and her sister went to school.

2. Saint Johns'Cathedral was the parish church where Copernicus was baptized.

3. Attorney Harry Rosenberg said Friday that the Orleans Parish district attorney's office refused the charges and no prosecution would occur.

4. Matthew's Parish School, where a spokesman declined to divulge any information.

5. Involuntary commitments to mental hospitals are up from last year, and suicides in Orleans Parish have tripled since Katrina.

6. A voluntary evacuation was lifted for suburban Jefferson Parish, including the barrier island town of Grand Isle.

7. Built to survive wars, the Malate parish church in Manila now has a very different threat.

8. " There's almost no psychiatric services in Orleans Parish now, " Arey said.

9. Yap said Tay was fetched by Parish Priest in nearby Midsayap town as requested by his family.

10. A beautiful little boy was born in the Jamaican parish of Trelawny earlier this month.

parish 英英释义


1. a local church community

2. the local subdivision of a diocese committed to one pastor