

mundane:[英 [mʌnˈdeɪn] 美 [mʌnˈden, ˈmʌnˌden] ]


mundane 基本解释


形容词世俗的; 平凡的; 宇宙的; 寻常的

mundane 反义词




mundane 网络解释

1. 世俗的:我这里并非说那些生活在贫困中的人就没有政治诉求,而是说他们更普通的、世俗的(mundane)一些涉及基本生存的物质需求,往往被不成比例地低估 ,被不予重视,被过于轻易地放到次要地位上了.

2. 世间的:在芬克看来,为了在基础这一问题上与他人交流,必须以一种新的方式使用世间的(mundane)语言,而这需要一个新的差异逻辑. [6](P144)尽管海德格尔对德里达的影响也像黑格尔和胡塞尔的影响那样经过了中介,但比较而言,他对德里达的作用较为直截了当,

3. 世間:布敦说:龙树在他所出家的那烂陀寺(Nalanda)犯了戒律,而被逐出寺门之后,即到处流浪{原文说他以神通力游戏于世间(mundane)与出世间(supermundane)之中.

4. mundane在线翻译

4. 世俗:我对宗教不太了解,但至少知道中国人所谓的基督教并不是西方的真正的基督教,关键是因为东方缺乏西方先天的那种文化积淀:西方的基督教信奉精神与世俗(mundane)的分离,所以统治者只有对人世俗一面的统治,而人的精神是属于教皇的.

mundane 双语例句

1. If you don't use your imagination your life will remain mundane and unfulfilling.


2. Anonymous depressed before work, after the lectures covered the tired, after work and the hawkers have to bargain stop to the podium, he will lose these mundane world distractions, only the cadence of the time, rack their brains to speak, and only correct answer to intense The argument, in order to liven up the smile that only teachers spoke proudly Department of narcissism, and only when the students heard the emotional secretly applauded.


3. She appeared singularly uninterested in such mundane things as the score, … something called `Loser`s Lurgy`.


4. That being sees through things much clearer than ordinary beings that rely on mundane everyday sense perception.


5. Mundane people say that there is a Self, but there is no Self in the Buddha's teaching, contrary to the mundane view, and the Tathagata-garbha is not even mentioned'- this cultivation of non-Self is cognitive distortion.


6. There the message is undying love, eternal fidelity, and a degree of transcendence over mundane life.


7. Chris takes on an otherwise mundane assignment to refurnish a villa with unforeseen energy in order to prove his ambition; Giti buys a brown polka-dot dress, applies more make-up than usual—both of them painfully unaware that this is not going to work at all.


8. He is not irrational idiots, not like the negative and see through Mundane Life those.


9. Vereesa commented on various parts of his story, making even the most mundane accomplishments of the elder man seem wondrous and brave.


10. The reason of his converted to relgion, one is that resusciteiting his Hui-Race strain and firming his Hui-Race's self-identity, the other is that the spirit demanding of his self-salvation during to mundane press.


11. The effect is primarily expressed by four ways as follows:(1)The collapse of the gigantic Ottoman Empire established the border of contemporary national countries in the Middle East; (2)When the Arab Nationalism came into being as a whole ideology, the mundane nationalism made a great progress in non-Arabic countries such as Turkey, Afghanistan and Iran; (3)Inspired by the nationalistic spirit, the wind of modernized reform blew all over the Arabia Islan...


12. Besides the orthodox Taoist music and imperial and refined music for sacrifice, folk music is incorporated as well, blending the refined and the mundane elements and thus keeping the purest and abundant Taoist style.



13. And it is these rays of light that drives people away from the mundane affairs.



14. Less is more: often, it`s the simplest of touches that can transform the mundane into the extra-special.


15. The animals listed in this bestiary range from the mundane to the fantastic.


16. Her skills for demystifying complex concepts and explaining mundane subject matter using interesting and identifiable examples makes a huge difference to her students.



17. Empty your mind, So no dust can alight. Don`t let the mundane world defile your heart, abandon all hindrance of karma, save yourself from the ocean of misery of life. Embrace the fullness of shining stars of the skies of eons!



18. After years of tedious, grueling, and mundane training.


19. United States and everywhere, ever-so, a seemingly ordinary grass was full of vitality America; a seemingly mundane book was full of human wisdom is beauty; trees stand tall with straight, golden leaves turn fly down, pick up an outline so that the sun is a clear context, symmetrical beauty; tree Tiaopi Jin girls are so amazing the number of rubber band twist out of the U. S....... In short, life is not a lack of the United States, but the lack of discovery.


20. mundane在线翻译

20. Take the New Year resolution to spend more time with your family and bring back the joy of bonding to your mundane life.


mundane 词典解释

1. 普通的;平凡的;单调的

Something that is mundane is very ordinary and not at all interesting or unusual.

e.g. Be willing to do even mundane tasks.


e.g. ...the mundane realities of life.


mundane 单语例句

1. Wood said that during the mundane task of editing copy, " she would sometimes surprise us with an astonishingly candid remark ".

2. The new code of conduct tries to convey the same principle in more mundane ways that suit the times.

3. But it's obvious a newspaper will die sooner rather than later, if it provides mundane content and refuses to embrace new communication technology.

4. Mundane offerings are to include yellow cotton curtains, pots and pans and metal lawn chairs.

5. Bridges in Suzhou are not just a mode of river crossing, but a mood enhancer for romanticizing the mundane.

6. Beneath its exaggerated surface is actually a fairly mundane tale of a young man finding himself in the big city.

7. The couple appointed sales agents to promote the products, freeing them from the mundane task of negotiating with the department stores and other retailers.

8. Escape the mundane tempo of everyday life and hang out in the uniquely groovy environment of Zeta Bar.

9. But those heady nights of European success often left a nasty hangover on the return to more mundane matters in the Premier League.

10. He encouraged the students to have a great heart and always stay creative even in mundane work.