

patiently:[英 ['peɪʃntlɪ] 美 [ˈpeʃəntlɪ] ]


patiently 基本解释


patiently 相关例句


1. He sat patiently waiting for the bus.


2. He answered my questions patiently.


patiently 网络解释

1. patiently的近义词

1. 有耐性地:patient 病人 | patiently 有耐性地 | patina 铜绿

2. 耐心:behave表现 | patiently耐心 | break破坏

3. 耐心地:耐心的bovine | 耐心地patiently | 耐压pressure-proof


4. 有耐性地; 有毅力地 (副):patient 忍耐的, 有耐性的, 容忍的 (形) | patiently 有耐性地; 有毅力地 (副) | patina 绿锈; 神态; 古色; 大铜盘 (名)

patiently 双语例句

1. Once you pour the hot water into the cup, you must patiently hover over it, waiting for the tea to steep.


2. Because the odour inhaled corresponded to other odours inhaled of other ungual fragments, picked and lacerated by Master Bloom, pupil of Mrs Ellis's juvenile school, patiently each night in the act of brief genuflection and nocturnal prayer and ambitious meditation.


3. Dark will elapse and light will arise so long as we waite patiently


4. The next pair of shoes to buy good clothes, took her to a democratic one, with some models let her pick, if she is indeed you are not satisfied with the election, we must patiently跟她讲token, with the tone of discussion and guide her to accept your opinions.


5. During this time, we do not sense the second one does not get mad, in both surveying and mapping in accordance with the principles of good government for clearance, but also to protect the principle of legitimate rights and interests of one side and verify the data while to explain patiently and carefully.


6. We have to wait patiently. When our yoga situation is ripe, Qi naturally collects all thinking and then enters a real emptiness and tranquility. It is done easily in a second.


7. Now, i have no opportunity to hear my grandpa`s voice, i tried to communicate with him patiently but sorrowness and endless pain seen from his exhausted talking.


8. Rarest is the valuable ornamental hairpin generously bears patiently, treatment side person, no matter its high and low, she treats them all is well-mannered, who isnt good to especially, also not desolate any not self-satisfied person.


9. His drawing is then placed over the phone book as a template and he uses an artist's scalpel or basic razor blades to patiently slice away at the thousands of pages inside the famous book.


10. Has just started to use Tradelink, AliPay business, if the operation has any questions, you can get advice and answers patiently.


11. patiently是什么意思

11. If you can devote 10 years to waiting patiently, you may well be happy if you dip your toe into the financial services index, the XLF, right now.


12. patiently的意思

12. I observed too his habit of careful inquiry in all matters of deliberation, and his persistency, and that he never stopped his investigation through being satisfied with appearances which first present themselves; and that his disposition was to keep his friends, and not to be soon tired of them, nor yet to be extravagant in his affection; and to be satisfied on all occasions, and cheerful; and to foresee things a long way off, and to provide for the smallest without display; and to check immediately popular applause and all flattery; and to be ever watchful over the things which were necessary for the administration of the empire, and to be a good manager of the expenditure, and patiently to endure the blame which he got for such conduct; and he was neither superstitious with respect to the gods, nor did he court men by gifts or by trying to please them, or by flattering the populace; but he showed sobriety in all things and firmness, and never any mean thoughts or action, nor love of novelty.


13. I waited for you patiently, comforted you through heartbreaks and disappointments, never chided you about bad decisions, and romped with glee at your homecomings, and when you fell in love.



14. Mr Rines`s generosity and openness to them was no more than he hoped for for himself, as he sat patiently in his waterproofs, waiting, beside a Scottish shore.


15. I am a student of class 12 in the second grade of the 171st Middle School, Beijing, a member of the Communist Youth League, the Three-Virtues (moral, intellectual and physical educations) student in the district, and I am a monitor in the class. I was admitted to the 171st middle school with the excellent school grade and calligraphy specialty in 2001, Recall arduous teaching and hopes many teachers and my parents have given and built on me during my growth. At home, Mother takes care of me in every possible way, which makes me grow up in a good health. Father disciplines me in both stern and kindly way. In daily study he guides me with knowledge consistently, which has broaden my thinking, enriched my knowledge, and when I have a difficulty in studying, he helps me to analyze the question patiently, and always encourages me to take it easy. in school all teachers put themselves out of the way to educate me so that I have made a great progress in study and learned a lot of cultural knowledge. Especially under the education of the teacher in charge of the class, I have entered the society gradually, become a member of Communist Youth League from a child who didn ` t know much about the world; become a class cadre from an ordinary student.


16. Enraged to see any man submit patiently to affronts and ill usage.



17. Try to bear patiently with the defects and infirmities of others, whatever they may be, because you also have many a fault which others must endure.



18. UNTIL God ordains otherwise, a man ought to bear patiently whatever he cannot correct in himself and in others.


19. To bear patiently or for a long time.

长时间 忍受耐(痛苦,苦难容忍长时间)痛苦,长时间忍受/耐痛苦苦难

20. patiently什么意思

20. To endure or bear patiently.


patiently 单语例句patiently的近义词

1. All eight chairs were occupied and all the three stylists were busy snipping away, with hordes of others waiting their turn patiently.

2. Multicolored layers were patiently added one by one, until the little gelatin tower was carefully unmolded to magnificent perfection.

3. The more I admire Ang Lee the man and the artist, the more I appreciate Jane who has silently and patiently carved Ang as such.

4. But China has been patiently and peacefully coordinating with other countries to solve some latent problems that could evolve into " confrontations " in the region.

5. On the red carpet, the star patiently signed autographs for feverish fans and took questions by reporters.

6. Skim off the froth patiently and then turn the heat down to low.

7. They compared it to the Human Genome Project, which patiently unraveled the human genetic code.

8. Reduce the heat to a gentle simmer and wait patiently for another 10 minutes.

9. Reduce the heat to a gentle simmer and wait patiently for 10 minutes.

10. These students had better wait patiently in colleges, attend classes as usual and pray for their families.

patiently 英英释义



1. with patience

in a patient manner

e.g. he patiently played with the child