

tedium:[英 [ˈti:diəm] 美 [ˈtidiəm] ]


tedium 基本解释


tedium 网络解释

1. 冗长:tedious冗长的 | tedium冗长 | 78. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽(c-go-走 往下走 走下坡路)


2. 厌烦、沉闷:tedious 令人生厌的 | tedium 厌烦、沉闷 | divert 转向、疏散

3. tedium什么意思

3. 厌烦:tediousness 沉闷 | tedium 厌烦 | tee off on 重击

tedium 双语例句

1. I was a bit of a class clown — I guess to get through the tedium of the quadratic formula!


2. They also minimize labor costs and they largely eliminate the tedium and hard physical effort involved in hand-pulling squeegees.


3. Luisa Santiaga studied for three years out of obedience and dropped it in a day because of the tedium of daily exercises in the sultry heat of siesta.

Luisa Santiaga顺着她的意思学了三年,终于有一天放弃了,每天在溽热的午休时分练琴实在乏味。

4. William Henry Harrison gave the longest speech of any American president, forcing his audience to endure an hour and 45 minutes of snow-chilled tedium.


5. tedium的近义词

5. She found that the life in the small town is simple and tedium.


6. She felt the life in the town tedium and boring.


7. The expense and tedium of ferries or Eurostar would be a thing of the past.


8. tedium

8. So if you're smart enough and can stand the tedium, go ahead and fill your poker bots'pockets.



9. Here is a simple utility that will take some of the insecurity and the tedium out of finding, deleting and copying over duplicate or version files.


10. tedium的意思

10. Abroad to us, meant escaping the trappings and tedium of everyday ghetto life.


11. tedium的反义词

11. In his screen, thick shapes cast the solid land; unrestrained writing tears the tedium in chest; gentle strokes touch the pain of history; thick layers of color show the texture of life…Walking past him, we suddenly gain the balance of emotion and reason, romance and reality.



12. I`m only slightly ashamed to admit that I found myself hoping that the strike would shut the Academy Awards down; that for once, in a year of such cinematic bounty and variety, appreciation for the best movies could be liberated from the pomp and tedium of Hollywood spectacle. It`s not that I`m against the spectacle as such. I`m hardly immune to the tears, and political speeches, or low-cut dresses. I even hum along with the overproduced, underwhelming renditions of the nominated songs. And I genuinely love the film industry`s earnest tributes to its past: the lifetime achievement awards, the sentimental statuettes bestowed on venerated old-timers, the clips and stills of the recently departed.


13. In addition he is also largely credited with inventing the game Mah Jiang as a relief to the tedium of long voyages, thus accounting for the game's widespread reference to nautical terms, e. g.'west wind', 'east wind'.


14. tedium的近义词

14. This work can involve the tedium of sitting in underheated committee rooms addressing individual envelopes to many thousands of voters, folding leaflets and letters and then putting them in those selfsame envelopes.


15. Eg: He has got used to the tedium of life here.


16. tedium的翻译

16. He was not used to the tedium of life in a small country town.



17. Few people do not complain about the tedium of their jobs, but they will feel more bored


18. The spacebetween their forward and backward strokes was not large and ar-gued not the slightest exertion, while they gazed blankly at thebank, only the footprints WOrn in the deck indicating the years theyhad done S0, yet seemed to experience no tedium on this old, dailyroute whose every stone and blade of grass was familiar to them.


19. The arrival of the window cleaner provided a welcome diversion from the tedium of the meeting.



20. To eliminate this tedium, many languages are provided with a software tool typically referred to as an interactive debugger.


tedium 词典解释

1. 枯燥;乏味;无聊

If you talk about the tedium of a job, task, or situation, you think it is boring and rather frustrating.


e.g. She began to wonder whether she wouldn't go mad with the tedium of the job.


tedium 单语例句

1. It is a game of great artistry and sometimes even greater tedium.

2. The tedium of long walks to get anything from a shower to a meal.

tedium 英英释义


1. dullness owing to length or slowness

Synonym: tediousnesstiresomeness

2. the feeling of being bored by something tedious

Synonym: boredomennui