

panther:[英 [ˈpænθə(r)] 美 [ˈpænθɚ] ]



panther 基本解释


名词美洲豹; 豹,黑豹

panther 网络解释

1. 美洲豹:德国早在1940年的VK3001坦克样车发动机上开始研制燃料喷射系统,至二次世界大战结束,采用燃料喷射系统的玛依巴赫(Maybach)公司的HL230汽油机使虎2(Tiger 2)和美洲豹(Panther)式坦克的功率从515kW提高到662kW.

2. 豹子:1、百兽之王的狮子(lion)、老虎(tiger)的叫声为响彻山林的roar(吼叫,咆哮)2、杀手型的猛兽豹子(panther)、豺(jackal)、狼(wolf)的叫声为歇斯底里的howl(嚎叫),3、体积庞大的大象(elephant)的叫声为trumpet4、忠心耿耿的狗(dog)的叫声表示方法有很多哦bark,

panther 双语例句

1. With 4 sufficient kind animal, wait like panther, tiger, lion different, when major while is in the mankind to still take a station to want with standing condition C, calcaneal bore the weight with major human body, consequently, human chela palm and sufficient compare with the distance between short.


2. He surrounded himself with some of the most divisive figures in black America: Marion Barry, Washington's disgraced former mayor, Malik Zulu Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party, Cornel West of Princeton University and a posse of security guards supplied by the Nation of Islam.

他周围坐的都是一些在美国黑人中最有争议性的人物:臭名昭著的华盛顿市前任市长Marion Barry,来自普林斯顿大学的新黑豹党人(注2)Malik Zulu Shabazz以及由伊斯兰国家派提供的一队安保人员。

3. panther

3. He surroundedhimself with some of the most divisive figures in black America: Marion Barry, Washington's disgraced former mayor, MalikZulu Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party, Cornel West of PrincetonUniversity and a posse of security guards supplied by the Nation of Islam.

他将自己置身于最有争议几个美国黑人之侧:颜面扫地的前华盛顿市长 MarionBarry ,普林斯顿大学的新黑豹党人(注2) Malik Zulu Shabazz ,以及由伊斯兰国家派提供的一队安保人员。

4. panther是什么意思

4. I then switched the Pink Panther with the replica I had at home.


5. They've made their way to the statue of the naked man that Chandler was leaning against earlier.-Rachel: Wow!哇!-Ross: Hello!你好-Rachel: Hello!你好-Ross and Rachel: Hello!你好They both continue on and Ross meows like a cat.

stick:插于 be all set:准备就绪 position:位置 advantage:优势,有利条件 arrive:到达 slightly:些微地 deposit:存放 The Pink Panther:(1963)【本片描述瑞士达拉公主举办化装舞会,各路人马都来目睹粉红豹巨钻的风采,而钻石盗与反抗军皆觊觎公主豹巨钻。

6. As with the Panther, the King Tiger was to have sloped and interlocked front and side armor.


7. The she-wolf fighting fiecely with the panther to protect her children.



8. On it were many of the familiar species that have since become synonymous in the public's mind with endangerment: the black-footed ferret, the Florida panther, the whooping crane, the bald eagle, and of course, the California condor.


9. He covered his broad back with the skin of a spotted panther, put a casque of bronze upon his head, and took his spear in his brawny hand.


10. By then, helicopters, fighter jets and panther-shaped robots take precedence over La Beouf and his exceptionally photogenic co-star Fox.

此时,直升机、战斗机和机器美洲豹的曝光度超过了 La Beouf和十分上镜的搭档Fox。


11. However, it wasn't long before the signature pink cat that slunk across the screen in the opening credits came to be known as the Pink Panther.


12. The exhaust gas analyzer, sampling smoke meter and opacimeter were integrated into the measurement and control system of the IC engine named Panther following the AK protocol.


13. Others have named it a red tiger, a panther, and a catamount. The cougars cannot roar.


14. His was such an easy, graceful strength, lazy as a panther stretching in the sun, alert as a panther to spring and strike.


15. In the van, on all fours, is Great Big Little Panther, a brave of so many scalps that in his present position they somewhat impede his progress.


16. panther的解释

16. During the afternoon Tarczay took his Panther forward and knocked out 2 tanks and an AT gun to secure the left flank of the Btn. On 22SEP East of Torda the two battle-worthy Panthers outflanked an enemy thrust and destroyed an infantry Btn.


17. On 27OCT 2ArmDiv had 11 battle-worthy Pz. IVs out of 22 plus 3 Panthers. On 30OCT the enemy surrounded his HQ South of Tiszapolgár but led his Coy out and destroyed an infantry Btn. Tarczay`s Panther took a direct hit but was not disabled and smashed the AT-gun under its tracks.


18. Would you happen to know what he paid for the Pink Panther?


19. When you run you're graceful and swift, sleek as a powerful panther.


20. Comic master Steve Martin stars as the clueless detective in The Pink Panther.


panther 词典解释

1. 豹;黑豹

A panther is a large wild animal that belongs to the cat family. Panthers are usually black.

panther 单语例句

1. Real Madrid's British star David Beckham is considering an offer to play a cameo role in the forthcoming Pink Panther movie.

2. I moved like a panther over to the guy handing out contestant numbers.

3. The Pink Panther Strikes Again is a White Elephant sale of slapstick and wordplay that somehow still manages to raise a chuckle.

4. They include the Florida panther, the American crocodile and the West Indian manatee.

5. But too much hunting, loss of panther homelands and vehicle strikes have reduced their population.

6. " The mother panther has killed all her cubs since 1999, " zookeeper Dragan Jovanovic said.

7. Production of " The Birth of the Pink Panther " was set to begin in May ahead of its planned July 2005 release.

8. Black Panther, the mainland's top band will guest at the shows.

9. Black Panther was then China's first rock'n'roll band.

panther是什么意思panther 英英释义



1. large American feline resembling a lion

Synonym: cougarpumacatamountmountain lionpainterFelis concolor

2. a leopard in the black color phase

3. a large spotted feline of tropical America similar to the leopard

in some classifications considered a member of the genus Felis

Synonym: jaguarPanthera oncaFelis onca