

frog:[英 [frɒg] 美 [frɔ:g] ]



frog 基本解释


名词青蛙; 〈侮辱〉青蛙佬,对法国人的蔑称; [交]铁路辙叉; 饰扣,挂环

frog 网络解释

1. 地奇星青蛙:1947年03月03日 冥斗士 地奇星 青蛙(Frog)吉洛斯(Zeros)出生. 1948年10月02日 冥斗士 天间星 阿格龙(Acheron)卡隆(Charon)出生. 1954年05月05日 城户光政财团大管家辰巳德丸(Tokumaru Tatsumi)出生.

2. 蛙绿:714 Apple 苹果绿 | 716 Frog 蛙绿 | 720 Amazone 刚果绿

frog 双语例句

1. frog在线翻译

1. Wash the frog legs and place them in a wide cooking pan.


2. Delight your baby boy or girl with embroidered leap frog crib bedding.


3. Ha ha... the new frog was completed, look....



4. We're here, so you can compare your resourcefulness to that of a water- holding frog.


5. One day, while walking through the woods, and they came across a golden frog.


6. I see you've captured a poison dart frog.


7. Major raw materials: Chinese wood frog s oviduct, corn salad oil, palm oil



8. This is Doyle. I'm sittin'on Frog One.



9. Franklin was not the only scientist inspired to conduct experiments with electricity. In the 1780s, the Italian scientist Luigi Galvani made a dead frog`s leg move by by means of an electric current.

Franklin 并不是唯一的在电力实验方面灵光突现的科学家。18世纪80年代,意大利的科学家 Luigi Galvani 用电流让一只切断的青蛙的腿移动。

10. According to Bell, his was inspired by 18th century Italian physician and physicist Luigi Galvani, who got a severed frog's leg to hop again after introducing its exposed muscle to an electrical charge.



11. The computations show that the changes of vehicle velocity have greater influence on the track vertical acceleration, the changes of track stiffness of frog system have also greater influence on track vertical acceleration and on vertical displacement of the cross tie.


12. frog的意思

12. The computations show that the change of vehicle velocity has greater influences on track vertical acceleration. Also, the change of track stiffness of frog system has greater influences on track vertical acceleration and the vertical displacement of cross tie.


13. The danger is that sentiment has flickered higher rather as a dissected frog`s leg will twitch when an electric current is applied.


14. Heart-track activities is the most important characteristics of heart frog plate tracks can be fixed.


15. We think too small, like the frog at the bottom of the well.


16. But this is the same as in the case of frog in the well, significantly his eyes.


17. frog的反义词

17. That, was me, in past, still being as a frog in the well.


18. The frog pops up all over the place in fables and legends.


19. frog

19. Can you tell the difference between a frog and a toad?


20. Lately husband unit organization football game, husband battle oneself in the school of graduate student brigade the resume of the wooden bench be the coach of unit and main force, they a line 11 people bought to pull the sports clothes of breeze to go to battle very, I am present at that time bottom, the mouth-muffle add sunglasses, because of true throw a person:Don't of unit young and small, shape also I am very enjoy to please the eye, can the husband's organization brigade, average 31 years old, present top on sign, whole is a frog, big belly frog.


frog 词典解释

1. 蛙;蛙类动物

A frog is a small creature with smooth skin, big eyes, and long back legs which it uses for jumping. Frogs usually live near water.

2. 法国佬(可能具冒犯意味)

Frogs is sometimes used to refer to French people. This use could cause offence.

frog 单语例句

1. This piece was inspired by the story of The Princess and the Frog.

2. A Dutch newspaper says the customer found the frog halfway through her meal at the Burger King restaurant at The Hague's central train station.

3. " Frog does not mean ugly and dinosaur is not an adjective, " according to the song.

4. He said in his composition that somebody'looks like a big frog escaped from the museum'.

5. The Corroboree Frog is one of Australia's most endangered species, with fewer than 200 of the frogs existing in the wild.

6. Japan reported its first cases of frog deaths from the fungus in January 2007, prompting research groups to declare an emergency in the country.

7. Zhao helped create demos of the music Newman was writing for Toy Story 3 and The Princess and the Frog.

8. Like the fabled frog who drowsily fails to jump from the warming saucepan, we accept this scandal as a fact of life.

9. " We had frog legs and fillet mignon, " he remembers.

10. The second day is Tiger Aunt, given by the Little Frog Theater from Taiwan.

frog 英英释义


1. any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping

semiaquatic and terrestrial species

Synonym: toadtoad froganuranbatrachiansalientian

2. a decorative loop of braid or cord

3. a person of French descent

Synonym: Gaul


1. hunt frogs for food