

dossier:[英 [ˈdɒsieɪ] 美 [ˈdɔ:sieɪ] ]



dossier 基本解释

名词(有关某人或某事等的)档案材料; 材料汇编,卷宗; 病历表册


dossier 网络解释

1. 档案:学校筛选学生的方式有:会考(CONCOURS)、面试 (ENTRETIEN)、档案(DOSSIER)几种. 其中会考的淘汰率最高,递交档案材料的方式对法语不好的外国学生最为有利. 但是,无论筛选录取是哪种方式,每个学校都会在报名的人中选择最优秀的学生.

2. 资料:北京美迪威(Medwell) 翻译是国家正式注册成立的多语种翻译公司, 汇聚全国知名大学研究院所(包括协和,北医和中科院) 的研究博士生, 为您提供论文(paper) , 摘要(abstract) 和注册(registration) 资料(dossier) 翻译服务.

3. 病历夹,病历表册:dosing pump 计量泵,定量泵 | dossier 病历夹,病历表册 | dot 小点,圆点

4. dossier的意思

4. 病历表册:dosage 剂量 | dossier 病历表册 | DOT 职业分类典

dossier 双语例句

1. And processings like safe handling, material control area control, process control, stability studies, storage at quarantine stage and finished state, packing should be highlighted in the product dossier.


2. Another dossier by the Homoiousian Sabinus, Bishop of Heraclea, was known to Socrates, and we can trace its use by him.


3. Readers can chart a route on an early map of Everest, hold a Tibetan prayer flag like the ones generations of mountaineers have left at Everest's summit, and examine a dossier for commercial clients attempting to climb the mountain.


4. dossier什么意思

4. It was a week before Zen-Ruffinen produced his explosive dossier.


5. Some of the outraged hawks who want America to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities accuse the spies of sexing down their latest Iran dossier in order to make amends for having sexed up the one that led America into a war in Iraq.


6. I knew that my dossier increased more bad materials from Xia-hetou party branch.


7. Furthermore, the British dossier also indicated that Iraq could deploy chemical and biological weapons within 45 minutes


8. This does not by itself mean that the dossier is in compliance with the legislation nor does it mean all the properties of the registered substance have been identified.


9. dossier

9. The report also noted that the 2002 dossier on intelligence should not have included the claim that Iraq could use weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes, without any detail.


10. dossier的反义词

10. Within 3 weeks of the registration date, the Agency performs an automated completeness check of the dossier to ascertain that all elements required for the registration are included.


11. dossier的反义词

11. The dossier that was given to us included so many infractions made by Luciano Moggi and Antonio Giraudo, who were representing the club at the time.


12. dossier的近义词

12. My father had bureaucracy-capitalist parentage and my mother had big landholder background. If you had right to see my dossier, you could find it.


13. dossier的近义词

13. Dossier evaluation is conducted by authorities to examine proposals for testing to ensure that unnecessary animal tests and costs are avoided, and to check the compliance of registration dossier with the registration requirements.


14. Therefore it is of great significance to strengthen the improvement and realization of the dossier management, collection and improve of the archives.


15. We have a hefty dossier on his exploits in the war.


16. dossier的反义词

16. The right to looking up dossier is a kind important right to participating in administrative process of private party in administrative process.


17. I have a dossier|on every man in this room.


18. These individuals will represent various interests here in Caladon, and will attempt to sway your position on any number of the points detailed in the dossier you've received...


19. dossier什么意思

19. These individuals will represent various interests here in Caladon, and will attempt to sway your position on any number of the points detailed in the dossier you've received...}{Some personal advice?


20. We have a dossier on him.


dossier 词典解释

1. 档案;卷宗;资料汇编

A dossier is a collection of papers containing information on a particular event, or on a person such as a criminal or a spy.

e.g. The company is compiling a dossier of evidence to back its allegations...


e.g. The government kept dossiers on thousands of its citizens.


dossier 单语例句dossier在线翻译

1. Another topic is a dossier on the consolidation of Regional Customs Union.

2. " For the moment Juventus is the only club to have lodged a dossier with us, " a CONI spokesman told AFP.

3. Residents feedback will be recorded in a police dossier, said Yu Hongyuan.

4. Middleton's lawyers issued a request to newspaper editors, saying they have prepared a dossier of video footage ahead of any possible harassment claims.

5. Their dossier claims that 11 more deaths are deemed suspicious and that between eight and 12 prisoners were tortured to death.

6. The government highlighted the danger in a September 2002 dossier as it tried to persuade a skeptical public of the need for war.

7. The report did say the dossier should have reflected that intelligence chiefs were unsure of the size of Saddam's chemical and biological stockpile.

8. It said the decision followed receipt of a dossier of new evidence submitted by all teams with the exception of Red Bull.

9. He found that vital qualifying information on the limits of available intelligence were left out of the September 2002 dossier.

10. The European football's governing body UEFA also said it had forwarded a dossier containing information on 15 matches to European police.

dossier是什么意思dossier 英英释义


1. a collection of papers containing detailed information about a particular person or subject (usually a person's record)