

counterproductive:[英 [ˌkaʊntəprəˈdʌktɪv] 美 [ˌkaʊntərprəˈdʌktɪv] ]


counterproductive 基本解释



counterproductive 网络解释

1. 反生产的:counterpressure 反压力 | counterproductive 反生产的 | counterpropaganda 反宣传

2. 起反作用的:counter对抗 | counterproductive 起反作用的 | embed 使融进

3. 起反作用的;反效果的:counterpart 相应的、对等的人或物 | counterproductive 起反作用的;反效果的 | courtesy 礼貌

counterproductive 双语例句

1. With the managerialist studying of counterproductive work behaviors, the public is also paying increasing attention to ineffective leadership behavior. So, in 2000, Tepper arise the concept of abusive supervision. It refers to the long-term performance of hostile acts the subordinates feel from the managers. This performance includes verbal attacks, non-verbal behavior, but does not include physical attacks.

伴随管理学家对反生产行为(Counterproductive Work Behaviors,简称CWB)的关注,人们对于领导的无效能行为研究越来越多,在此背景下,Tepper在2000年提出了领导不当的概念,它是指下属知觉到的管理者长期表现出的敌意行为,既包括口头上的攻击也包含一些非言语的行为,但不包括身体攻击。

2. counterproductive

2. When building infrastructure, governments walk a tricky line between counterproductive tight-fistedness and unnecessary gold-plating.


3. I'm counterproductive when it comes to Kobe.


4. But the WWF Earth Hour campaign has to be one of the most misguided and counterproductive actions I have ever seen.


5. I realized it would be counterproductive to force her to continue there, but what option did we have?


6. If you are feeling emotional, try to say very little because you could end up doing something counterproductive


7. counterproductive的近义词

7. This can be counterproductive in two ways.


8. In his view, the United States real estate market can also be counterproductive in the bond market returns.


9. This may seem counterproductive, but it really works!


10. But a lot of things, but often counterproductive.


11. You may think it`s off topic, not your concern, or counterproductive to good design.


12. Smoking is just plain counterproductive to my work.


13. counterproductive

13. Counterproductive, as it dilutes the core purpose of the coverletter.


14. As I've outlined above, it is highly counterproductive to gaining proficiency at higher speeds.


15. The financial cutoff is certainly one option, but what we've heard it would have to be so modest, you run the very high likelihood of it being offensive and counterproductive.



16. In fact, any more weight/resistance training than 2 to 3 hours a week may be counterproductive.


17. That was useful for outrunning mastodons -- but counterproductive for sitting at the computer.


18. Strong authoritarian regimes may pursue other goals besides development, and even developmentalist states may devise counterproductive strategies.


19. counterproductive的翻译

19. Make sure that you HAVE CONTINIOUS TENSION or else this will be counterproductive.


20. counterproductive是什么意思

20. Moisture and temperature on water-soluble film, Business card printing and membership card-making workshop to constant temperature and humidity, or because of the role of water, letoff business card printing and membership card making film easy counterproductive sticky stretch phenomenon, resulting in a large amount of waste film; business card printing and membership card making, oven temperature does not allow more than 50 degrees, or arise as a result the stretch film malcacia misregister.


counterproductive 单语例句counterproductive的近义词

1. Premier Wen on March 14 dismissed US complaints about China's exchange rate, calling them counterproductive and saying he did not believe the yuan was undervalued.

2. " To look at China through lens of an adversary would be counterproductive, " he said.

3. Bush has argued that setting a firm date for withdrawal would be counterproductive because it would embolden terrorists and others creating havoc in Iraq.

4. And as for getting China to adopt a more flexible exchange rate, anything Congress does will probably be counterproductive.

5. And the incarceration without trial of Al Qaeda suspects at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba is seen in European capitals as undemocratic and counterproductive.

6. Associate Dean of the Social Sciences Faculty at City University Joshua Mok said playing the national anthem daily might be a counterproductive measure.

7. They also said it was unfair and counterproductive to isolate one member state.

8. However, the excessive military might displayed in the exercises could be counterproductive.

9. So it will be counterproductive to place the onus for wage rises solely on enterprises.

10. That has created situations that not only run against public acceptance, but are counterproductive in themselves.

counterproductive的意思counterproductive 英英释义


1. tending to hinder the achievement of a goal