

coincide:[英 [ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd] 美 [ˌkoʊɪnˈsaɪd] ]


过去式:coincided;   过去分词:coincided;   现在分词:coinciding;

coincide 基本解释

不及物动词相符; 与…一致; 想法、意见等相同; 极为类似

coincide 相关例句


1. These two lines coincide with each other.


2. My ideas coincide with his.


3. My holiday coincides with John's.



4. This story coincides with the facts.


5. His tastes and habits coincide with those of his wife.


coincide 网络解释

1. 重合:准确地说,民族国家(nation-state)指民族和国家在地理上的重合(coincide),暗示其公民(citizens)具有共同语言、文化和价值观(values). 日本(Japan)通常被认为是符合该定义的民族国家.

2. 符合、一致:前面,我们刻意区分民族(nation)和种族(ethnicity)二个概念,其实二个名词都是指一群具有同历史、文化、血缘、地理、或宗教、风俗习惯的人,只是前者指的是和国家相符合、一致(coincide)的团体,后者指的是次国家的团体.

3. coincide的反义词

3. 符合,一致:coherent 连贯,一致的 | coincide 符合,一致 | collaborate 合作

coincide 双语例句

1. Nevertheless, all theologians, also casuists, consider a correct conscience a great boon and hence endeavour, by their casuistic discussions, to contribute towards the formation of correct consciences, so that the subjective estimate of the morality of certain actions may coincide, as far as possible, with the objective norm of morality.

虽然如此,所有的神学家,也casuists ,考虑一个正确的良知带来极大的好处,从而努力,对他们诡辩的讨论,有助于形成正确的良心,使主观估计有关道德的某些行动可能不谋而合,据可能的,目的是规范道德。

2. In regard to those thin-walled beams with sections whose centroid and shear center don't coincide, there would be additional torsion following flexure, namely coupling of flexure and torsion.


3. coincide

3. The resource reuse of sludge has become an important development direction in and outside of country, using sludge aerobic digestion technology can make sludge coincide with the standard of resource reuse.


4. coincide的近义词

4. I rather think his appearance there was distasteful to catherine: she was not artful, never played the coquette, and had evidently an objection to her two friends meeting at all; for when heathcliff expressed contempt of linton in his presence, she could not half coincide, as she did in his absence; and when linton evinced disgust and antipathy to heathcliff, she dared not treat his sentiments with indifference, as if depreciation of her playmate were of scarcely any consequence to her


5. coincide

5. At the same time, the computational results of both formulas coincide with the experimental result very well.


6. I N THIS STUDYThis IDC study provides an update of the fixed-line voice services market in the APEJregion.马克et sizing is provided for 2007 while forecast data is provided for 2008 to2012. The research for market sizing and forecasting was finalized in March 2008.The countries included in this study are Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, China, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. M e t h o d o l o g y IDC used primary research to determine the market sizing of the voice servicesmarket. To derive total market sizing and deduce competitive assessment, selectedkey local and global players were interviewed face-to-face. Industry and populationstatistics were also collated to ensure consistency in the data collection. Informationabout public 小灵通 operators, carriers, and other SPs was thereforegained primarily through direct interviews, and the data obtained was supported andcross-checked in order to validate the total market size and shares. IDC`s extensive vendor/SP research, coupled with our end-user research base, provides a strong basis for sizing and forecasting the market developments andallows the validation of information supplied by the carriers or PTOs vis-à-vis thosegiven by businesses and consumers. Additional information was gained from deskresearch, annual reports, and other sources such as the Asia/Pacific CommunicationsSurvey in APEJ. Finally, it should be noted that all revenues included in this study coincide with IDC`sAsia/Pacific Semiannual Fixed-Line Services Tracker, 1H07. For an in-depthexamination of market shares and revenues by product and carrier, this tracker is thedefinitive source of quantitative information for any player in the Asia telecom market. Notes on revenues in this document:!

在这项研究中这项IDC研究在APEJ区域提供固定线语音办事市场的更新当瞻望数据提供在2008年到2012年时,市场漆片为2007提供市场漆片和预先推测的研究在2008年3月被完成了在这项研究包括的国家中国电信idc机房是澳洲、香港、印度、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、中国、新加坡、南韩、台湾和泰国 M e t h o d o l o g y IDC施用首要研究确定语音办事的市场漆片市场要获患上总市场漆片和推论竞争评估,选择的要弊害所和全球性球员是被采访的面临面的财产和人口计数也被校对包管在搜集数据的一贯性关于公用电话操作员是以,载体和其它SPs的信息是获取首要路程经过过程直接采访和患上到的数据撑持并且再明确承认为了明确承认总市场尺寸和份额 IDC的广泛的vendor/SP研究,加上咱们的终端用户研究基地,为漆片和预先推测提供一个强的依据市场发展和许可载体或PTOs力à力供应的信息的查验企业和消费者给的那一些其它信息从书桌被获取了研究、年关陈诉和其它来历例如在APEJ的亚太通信调查终于,值患上注重的是,在这项研究包括的所有收支与IDC的亚太每半年固定线办事跟踪仪,1H07相符为详细市中国idc排名网场份额和收支副产品和载体的考试,这台跟踪仪是定量信息的明确的来历所有球员的在亚洲电信市场上关于收支的笔记在本文:!

7. The spindle of precision centrifuge is unbalanced if its axis of rotation fails to coincide with its central inertia principal shaft. Such unbalance will impose cyclic force on bearings, causing vibration, even damaging the machinery facilities. It`s necessary to design a dependable data acquisition system and theory of dynamic balance to solve this problem.


8. Relief valve used with the hemispherical cylinder connected by nuts tightened up so that they fully coincide.


9. When God''s will and His time coincide, He brings about His plans for us.



10. It is being produced to coincide with MAD's first international exhibition, opening in November 2007 at the Dansk Arkitektur Center in Copenhagen.


11. The coexistence curve and critical point of R152a produced in China was measured by this apparatus, results coincide with the world newest data well.


12. Therefore, it is necessary urgently to improve the qualification system of investedobjective of shareholder--a series of regulation systems which regulate differentkinds of property and property rights as the invested objective by the stockholders in according with law and how to coincide with the natures, important conditions as well as other qualified terms of the law.


13. coincide的解释

13. To a degree, the course of social technicalization and the process of improvement of technology world coincide.


14. The book was made available at JavaONE. Did you do any technical sessions to coincide with the release?


15. coincide什么意思

15. Where the periods of application of restraints of these products do not coincide with each other, this provision shall be applied to any overlapping period on a pro rata basis.


16. coincide的反义词

16. Where the periods of application of restraints of these products do not coincide with each other, this provision shall be applied to any overlap ping period on a pro rata basis.


17. For adolescents and young adults the reminiscence bump and the recency effect coincide.


18. coincide的意思

18. But the teaching of Christ did not coincide with their ideas.


19. In the experiment, the channel isolation is more than 34 dB and its tunable range is over 26 nm, which coincide with the results of theoretical calculation.

实验中得到的上下路信道隔离度大于34 dB,可调谐范围大于26 nm,与理论计算结构相符。


20. Two, your articles, and others interested in the price will coincide be taken directly online.


coincide 词典解释

1. 巧合;同时发生

If one event coincides with another, they happen at the same time.

e.g. The exhibition coincides with the 50th anniversary of his death...


e.g. Although his mental illness had coincided with his war service it had not been caused by it...


2. (想法、利益等)一致,相符

If the ideas or interests of two or more people coincide, they are the same.

e.g. The kids' views on life don't always coincide, but they're not afraid of voicing their opinions...


e.g. ...a case in which public and private interests coincide...


coincide 单语例句

1. The Iranian military drills coincide with the ongoing joint military drill of the United States and Israel by the Mediterranean Sea.

2. Iranian opposition groups have called for street protests to coincide with today's inauguration ceremony for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

3. This triggered a date change from September to one month later to coincide with a national holiday.

4. Crosier had timed another cheetah pregnancy to coincide with that of Nick's mother.

5. It was released to Wednesday to coincide with World Environment Day today.

6. It is shallow duplicity to organize street disturbances to coincide with a few disgruntled and corrupt commercial interests inimical to the Beijing Games.

7. In a report released today to coincide with an annual water conference in Sweden, it found 80 percent were using untreated or partially treated wastewater.

8. Their stories of growing from inexperienced young diplomatic officials to senior ambassadors coincide with China's development from poverty to prosperity.

9. A report on the study's findings - released to coincide with a health forum - shows almost 3 percent had severe symptoms of psychology distress.

10. It's better to make your trip coincide with the rainy season - boats can get stranded when the water level is too low.

coincide 英英释义



1. happen simultaneously

e.g. The two events coincided

Synonym: concur

2. be the same

e.g. our views on this matter coincided

3. go with, fall together

Synonym: co-occurcooccur