

aphasia:[英 [əˈfeɪziə] 美 [əˈfeʒə] ]


aphasia 基本解释




aphasia 网络解释

1. 语言不能:aphakia 无晶状体 | aphasia 语言不能 | aphonia 发声不能

2. 语言不能,失语(症):corpus callosum 胼胝体 | aphasia 语言不能,失语(症) | tibial 胫骨的,胫节的

aphasia 双语例句

1. Results Sixty of 68 (88.24%) patients had the other sites infection prior to the occurrence of VE. The clinical manifestations were as follows: fever (60 cases, 100%), vomitting (48, 70.59%), headache (41, 60.29%), headache associated with abdominal pain (20, 29.41%), convulsion (23, 33.82%), continuous twitch (5, 7.35%), coma (3, 4.41%), mental symptoms (40, 58.82%), disturbance of consciousness (19, 27.94%), meningeal irritation syndromes associated with morbid indication (32, 47.06%), acroparalysis (3, 4.41%), aphasia (1, 1.47% 48 patients (70.59%) had abnormal CSF, 50 (73.53%) had abnormal electroencephalogram and 8 of 36 had abnormal CT scanning.

结果 68例患儿中有60例(88.24%)病前有其他部位感染;其临床表现:均有发热,呕吐48例(70.59%),头痛41例(60.29%),头痛伴腹痛20例(29.41%),惊厥23例(33.82%),抽搐持续状态5例(7.35%),昏迷3例(4.41%),精神症状40例(58.82%),意识障碍19例(27.94%),合并脑膜刺激征和病理征32例(47.06%),肢体瘫痪3例(4.41%),失语1例(1.47%);脑脊液检查异常48例(70.59%),脑电图异常50例(73.53%),36例头颅CT平扫异常8例。


2. Wernicke`s areas of Wernicke`s aphasia patients are hypoperfusion and hypometabolism which may be the mechanisms of Wernicke`s aphasia.


3. aphasia

3. Cases of good therapeutic efficacy. 1 case of temporary motility aphasia after operation. 6 cases with hemianopsia before operation were same as before.


4. Objective To observe the speech outcome of global aphasia after treatment.

目的 探讨完全性失语症的语言转归。

5. The features of global aphasia can become as something of motor aphasia after speech training for several months or years.



6. Initial examination showed global aphasia, right homonymous hemianopia, right hemiplegia, and hemisensory loss.


7. Methods 2 cases with global aphasia were trained using the Schuell aphasic stimulation approach, promoting aphasics communication effectiveness and functional communication therapy, and assessed with the Standard Aphasia Examination of Chinese.


8. There was no significant difference in the types of aphasia between males and females, and the global aphasia and motor aphasia were the most common types of acute PSA for both sex.


9. aphasia的意思

9. Male patient was prevalent in aphasic groups, but mean age of both gender groups was no difference. The possible explanations may be adduced for our findings; one is related to the cerebrovascular changes of aging- The decrease of cerebral circulation is prominant and disseminated in increasing age. There may be changes in the cerebral blood flow associated with aging, predisposing different brain areas to stroke. The second is possible that changes in cognition, deterioration of memroy and comprehension disturbance may predispose the perception dysfunction of language or advanced language dysfunction like global aphasia in aging group.


10. Manifestation and location of Broca aphasia, Wernicke aphasia, conduction aphasia, global aphasia, anomic aphasia.


11. Methods Results of repetition and reading aloud in 13 patients with conduction aphasia were analyzed.


12. Objective To investigate the characteristics of repetition and reading aloud disturbances of the patients with conduction aphasia.

目的 探讨传导性失语患者复述和朗读障碍特点。

13. The speech sounds of repetition and reading aloud of the patients with conduction aphasia were activated by two different routes and different mechanisms.


14. Normally associated with conduction aphasia.


15. Conduction aphasia is characterized by good auditory comprehension and fluent speech production, relative- ly poor speech repetition, frequent phonemic errors in production, and naming difficulties.


16. The hemispheres of the brain display clear functional differences. Language and speech, brief duration stimuli, and detailed information are processed in the left hemisphere in most individuals. The right hemisphere appears to process information in a more holistic fashion, preferring spatial and tonal information. Lesions to Wernicke`s area in the dominant hemisphere result in a receptive language deficit with relatively intact speech fluency, whereas damage to Broca`s area results in loss of speech fluency. Damage to the arcuate fasciculus connecting these two regions will result in conduction aphasia, and damage to all of these regions will produce global deficit.


17. Key words Sensory aphasia; Paraphasia; Language treatment


18. Sensitive Emergency: How Government Avoids Aphasia and Gibberish.


19. Aphasia; transcortical motor; Stroke; Acupuncture; Jin's tongue three needles


20. Results in 18 cases(39.13%), cwi appeared as wedge-shaped areas on ct scan or mri, the infarcts located at marginal zones between the anterior and middle cerebral arteries and were usually associated clinical with hemiparesis, transcortical motor aphasia and dementia.

脑分水岭梗死(cerebral watershed infarcts,cwi)多发生在脑内大血管供血的交界区或边缘带,或大脑中动脉的皮层支与深穿支供血的交界区,偶见于小脑的两条动脉供血交界区的脑组织。

aphasia 词典解释

1. 失语(症)

Aphasia is a mental condition in which people are often unable to remember simple words or communicate.

aphasia 英英释义


1. inability to use or understand language (spoken or written) because of a brain lesion