

cumulus:[英 [ˈkju:mjələs] 美 [ˈkjumjələs] ]



cumulus 基本解释



cumulus 网络解释

1. 积云:数学:常数(constant) 的符号;与 Z 轴平行的单位矢量;气象学:积云 (cumulus) 的符号;K是拳皇年度比较受欢迎的人物,从剧情方面看,从KOF99出场以来已经成为焦点-一出场便一举挫败所有格斗者.

2. 积云, 堆积:calculus 微积分学, 结石 | cumulus 积云, 堆积 | igneous 火的, 似火的, [地]火成的

3. cumulus是什么意思

3. 积云, 堆积 (名):cumulonimbus 积雨云 (名) | cumulus 积云, 堆积 (名) | cuneate 楔形的 (形)

cumulus 双语例句

1. With three different cumulus parameterization schemes in GRAPES-Meso model, a rain process lasting from June 17, 2005 to June 24 in south China is simulated, with the focus on temporal and spatial feature of convection provocation and the relation between rain forecast and the status of convection provocation. The reason why forecasted rain is less than observation is discussed. In the 24-hour rain simulation of June 21, the rain belt is very close to observation, but the simulated meso-scale torrential centre differs a lot from each of the parameterization schemes.


2. cumulus的解释

2. Ennis, weather-eyed, looked west for the heated cumulus that might come up on such a day but the boneless blue was so deep, said Jack, that he might drown looking up.


3. High wispy clouds are called cirrus (from the Latin word for curl of hair sheet like clouds are called stratus; billowing, puffy clouds are called cumulus; and rain-producing clouds are called nimbus.

很高的很薄的云叫卷云(拉丁词cirrus,表示curl of hair卷的头发的意思;片状的云叫层云(拉丁词stratus,表示layer层的意思;翻滚的大片的云叫积云(拉丁词cumulus,表示heap堆的意思);产生雨的云叫雨云(nimbus,表示rain雨的意思)。

4. cumulus

4. Rate of oocyteswith Pb I from dissection was higher significantly than that from mechanical(41.6% vs. 16.3%, P.05). And the rate of oocytes with cumulus expended fromdissection was higher than that of aspiration88.9% vs.

切剖法所获A级卵母细胞比例显著高于抽吸法和机械破碎法(41.7%、27.5%、20.3%,P.05);切剖法所获卵母细胞的Pb Ⅰ排出率显著高于机械破碎法(41.6%、16.3%,P.05),而且其卵丘扩散率显著高于抽吸法(88.9%、75.8%,P.05)。

5. cumulus在线翻译

5. It showed that the cumulus cells did play significant role in the stimulation of nuclear maturation of porcine oocytes and subsequent development.


6. Besides, from one pair of cumulus, it was found that the time of seeding was rather important for convective cloud. If the convective cloud is situated in its weakening phase, seeding could not increase the water content and couldn't prolong its life as well.


7. The expression of BMP15 in rabbit cumulus-oocyte complexs during oocytes in vitro maturation was measured by fluorescent quantitative RT-PCR method. BMP15 was expressed at low levels in immature oocytes and increased to the highest level at 16 h of IVM, which coincides with the time of cumulus cell expansion, then declined slowly under IVM cultivation. The expression pattern of BMP15 suggested that it might be important in cumulus expansion in rabbits.

同时,利用实时荧光定量RT-PCR方法检测了BMP15 mRNA在卵母细胞体外成熟培养过程中的表达变化情况,结果表明:在兔卵母细胞体外成熟过程中,该基因在未成熟卵母细胞中表达水平较低,在培养16h其表达丰度达到峰值,并与卵丘扩展时间相一致,随后下降,推测BMP15可能在兔卵丘细胞扩展中发挥重要作用。

8. It was suggested that different types and species of cumulus cell monolayers could well supported in vitro developmemt of cattle parthenogenetic embryos. To renew cell monolayers could elevate the blastocyst and hatched rate obviously, and renewed cell monolayers at day 4 after co-culture with cattle parthenogenetic embryos was the best choice.


9. cumulus

9. Staining analysis for porcine oocytes was conducted by using 0.1% Orcein solution in order to investigate the role of cumulus cells in nuclear maturation of porcine oocytes.



10. Objective To investigate CD_(44) and interα-trypsin inhibitor expression in the cumulus-oocyte complex of mice.


11. Stripption degree of cumulus cells of matured oocytes with normal cumulus cells before insemination had no significant effect on FVF of oocytes and development of embryos in vitro.

甘肃农业大学硕士论文哺乳动物胚胎体外培养和玻璃化冷冻保存的研究中文摘要绵羊体外受精胚胎的发育阻滞发生在8I 细胞期。

12. cumulus的反义词

12. Methods Male mice were killed by cervical vertebrae dislocation, the caudae epididymides were removed and squeezed to HTF medium, then add oocyte-cumulus complexes, after IVF 22~24 h, wash the embryos and selected the two-cell embryos to 0.5 d pseudopregnant ICR mice.

对于需要净化的小鼠的雄鼠,采集附睾的精子,放入HTF溶液中获能,然后加入经过超排的卵团,体外受精。20~22 h后,挑选形态正常的二细胞胚胎,在净化实验室,移植给假孕的SPF级ICR母鼠,待产仔。

13. cumulus

13. It has a big skyline and you see these huge Cumulus clouds drifting across very slowly.


14. cumulus是什么意思

14. Compared to the initial perturbation, the cumulus cloud convection process played a more vital role in the flood season precipitation, thus the ensemble prediction effect of physical parameterization scheme perturbation was better than that of initial perturbation.


15. cumulus的近义词

15. Cumulus convective parameterization is one of the most important physical processes in numerical model.



16. The interaction between cumulus convection and large-scale environment has been a more important topic of research in recent years.


17. In addition, the interaction between the cumulus and the environment is described by one-dimensional bulk model.


18. The interaction between cumulus convection and large-scale environment has been a more important to...


19. Among of them, developing and modifying cumulus parameterization scheme is one of the most important goals of GATE.


20. Hence it is one of the important aspects for improving the effects of cumulus convective parameterization to select appropriate parameter.


cumulus 词典解释

1. 积云

Cumulus is a type of thick white cloud formed when hot air rises very quickly.


e.g. ...huge cumulus clouds.


cumulus 单语例句

1. But it was only in 2002 that French scientists produced the world's first cloned rabbit using ovum cumulus cells from an adult female rabbit.

cumulus 英英释义


1. a collection of objects laid on top of each other

Synonym: pileheapmoundagglomeratecumulation

2. a globular cloud

Synonym: cumulus cloud