

contend:[英 [kənˈtend] 美 [kənˈtɛnd] ]


过去式:contended;   过去分词:contended;   现在分词:contending;

contend 基本解释

不及物动词争夺; 竞争; 奋斗; 争斗

及物动词声称,主张; 争论,争辩; 斗争,战斗

contend 相关例句



1. The police contended that the difficulties they faced were too severe.


2. contend

2. The boy contended that I took the book.



1. The man contend that it was not his fault.


2. contend什么意思

2. Three students contended for the prize.


3. There were too many problems to contend with.


contend 网络解释

1. 竞争:社会团体能够成为成员汲取利益的载体,也可以成为消除社会抱怨气氛激进转化的安全阀--过滤成员的过激和非理性行为会团体间的竞争应该是相互良性竞争,不能妨碍其他主体前行,其目标是共同体发展;而非排他性、内讧性的竞争(Contend).

2. 主张:现在我希望主张(contend)的东西是[尽管一切相对价值判断能够被显示为仅仅是事实陈述]没有任何一个事实陈述会永远地成为,或包含,一个绝对的价值判断. 让我解释一下这种情况:假定你们中的一个人是一个无所不知的人,

3. contend的意思

3. 争辩:confess 供认;承认 | contend 争辩 | continue 接着说

contend 双语例句

1. contend的近义词

1. The best evidence for the layered-mantle thesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands, islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle, are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the midocean ridge system, whose source, most geologists contend, is the upper mantle.


2. The best evidence for the layered mantlethesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands, islands believed to result from mantle plumesarising from the lower mantle, are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the midocean ridge system, whose source, most geologists contend, is the upper mantle.


3. The best evidence for the layered-mantle thesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands, islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle, are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the midocean ridge system, whose source, mostgeologists contend, is the upper mantle.


4. Athletes still have had to contend with plenty of heat and humidity, but air quality has ranged from at worst 94 to at best 32, out of a scale of 500, where 500 is the worst.



5. Can find paths solitary walk slowly, Cecil's physique from the end of diarrhea of various shapes of trees, let Ruoliu Fufeng in the face of the occasion, would not Yoshiya; can take the boats and wearing a bridge drama waves, Wet your mist from the willow smoke dispersion, all the way tower Ying Bibo really contend.



6. Awake, and rise to my defense! Contend for me, my God and Lord.



7. Contend for me, my God and Lord.


8. contend在线翻译

8. He must contend with the will of the mage who conjured the ectoplasm or the ghost who manifests through it.


9. However, the experiences of political contend made him unique for his political observation and the ability of dealing with concrete matters relating to work. Laws is the most important composing when we talk about law. All these make the book extra charm and unique position of Western development history for law.


10. Hungry don't choose food of we point comprehensive chafing dish, make bosom not disorderly of father give sharp advice preemptive, claim help a villain do evil to take a knife foolish display of skill before expert waitress, hurry Jiao rabbit dead the henchman boil, because corpse vegetable meal of we a son early add oil to add vinegar to complete, wait for chafing dish hurry up Chen2 Yu2 La4's wild goose good contend for Central plains, regrettable the pot cover be too small, have a little desire cover Mi soup after anticipate seethe, hot get so happy as to forget home and duty of we hurriedly take off clothing to push food very big righteousness to put out close top and bottom its hand, round up all at one fell swoop to get a water rockslide.


11. If I am married, is you, we are met one case the New Year concert of listen respectfully Vienna, listen to the ostentation of my decadent, those who see you have only vague idea is foolish, if I am married, is you, we buy one pile delicious, sit together, you contend for me to grab, durian is crisp, potato piece, almond chocolate


12. The study show that the frozen earth in this area is mainly silty clay. The content of the dissolvable solt is relative high, which is 12.01%, and the main salinity is NaCL and KCL. The research also revealed that frozen intensity would ascend jumpily when the water contend in the soil reached its optimization(10.61%) and kept rising, and this phenomena got more obvious with the decrease of the temperature. Between 0C and 10C, the frozen intensity vared very obviously, when the temperature is under -10C, the variety of frozen intensity got gently, and the change is not obvious. The frozen strength was influenced by the solution thickness in the soil hole. when the thickness increased, the frozen intensity decreased.



13. 00 The Terran army attempts to push the Zerg even further back, but even with the assistance of auto turrets from the nighthawks, there are simply too many hydralisks and roaches to contend with.

20:00 人类戎行试验将虫族推回更远的位置,但就算有夜鹰工程机成立的主动炮塔的救助,还是有太无数不尽的刺螅蛇和蟑螂必要对抗。

14. Article 24 Anyone who has in his possession the property of the decedent shall take good care of such property and no one is allowed to misappropriate it or contend for it.


15. Anyone who has in his possession the property of the decedent shall take good care of such property and no one is allowed to misappropriate it or contend for it.


16. contend

16. Wanting the 么 is the choice is academic, the unpopular professional specific heat door's profession acquires achievement more easily:Wanting the 么 acrosses profession, 么 with lent real strenght it to contend for to test to grind to test field and talented person's market


17. However you choose to sail, you'll have to contend with the wind.


18. contend的意思

18. If their first cargo contend us, they will be reserved more later.


19. With Katharine Hepburn, Sidney Poitier and Spencer Tracy, about ayoung white woman and ayoung black man who fall in love, hope to marry and must contend with disapproving parents on both sides. It`s held up well, and parts of it seemed moving in away Ididn`t remember, and pertinent.


20. contend的翻译

20. I it is sweet to emit a life time not 韪, 竭 with all strength with contend for, beg to don't need not only fierce miserably it pain and sufferings, beg conscience actually it settle down, asking others for help the establishment of the space, begging soul it save one degree ear …… me will in visit me in the boundless huge unique of soul companion; get it, my 幸; can not, my life.


contend 词典解释

1. 处理;对付;解决

If you have to contend with a problem or difficulty, you have to deal with it or overcome it.

e.g. It is time, once again, to contend with racism...


e.g. American businesses could soon have a new kind of lawsuit to contend with.


2. 声称;争辩;主张

If you contend that something is true, you state or argue that it is true.

e.g. The government contends that he is fundamentalist...


e.g. 'You were just looking,' contends Samantha. 'I was the one doing all the work.'


3. 竞争;争夺

If you contend with someone for something such as power, you compete with them to try to get it.


e.g. ...the two main groups contending for power.


e.g. ...with 10 UK construction yards contending with rivals from Norway, Holland, Italy and Spain.


contend 单语例句

1. They will have to contend with lack of capital, tight credit conditions and uncertainty around company and asset valuations.

2. It also said more than 23 percent of private investors who want to invest overseas must contend with capital shortages and high financing costs.

3. Democrats contend the administration should do more to secure ports, chemical plants and other potential sites of homeland terrorism.

4. CIA interrogators taking on Saddam Hussein must contend with the likelihood that some of their questioning could become public during his eventual trial.

5. Libyan officials contend that with the medics'release, the country's slate with the outside world is clean.

6. Although the orphanage must contend with impoverished circumstances, the nuns provide adequate care for the children.

7. Others contend that the market has many blind spots and public policy should come into play here.

8. Some headhunters contend that Wall Street firms have been restrained with their cuts, concentrating on mortgage and corporate lending or trimming at edges.

9. On the subjective side, the parties conspire rather than contend with each other.

10. In Five Officers Contend for Fame, he was joined by several other comedians.

contend 英英释义


1. maintain or assert

e.g. He contended that Communism had no future

Synonym: postulate

2. have an argument about something

Synonym: arguedebatefence

3. to make the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation

e.g. They contested the outcome of the race

Synonym: contestrepugn

4. compete for something

engage in a contest

measure oneself against others

Synonym: competevie

5. be engaged in a fight

carry on a fight

e.g. the tribesmen fought each other

Siblings are always fighting

Militant groups are contending for control of the country

Synonym: fightstruggle

6. come to terms with

e.g. We got by on just a gallon of gas

They made do on half a loaf of bread every day

Synonym: copeget bymake outmake dograppledealmanage