

asteroid:[英 [ˈæstərɔɪd] 美 [ˈæstəˌrɔɪd] ]



asteroid 基本解释


名词[天]小行星; 海盘车; 海星


asteroid 网络解释


1. 星彩宝石:asterism 星彩,星光 | asteroid 星彩宝石 | astralite glass 金星玻璃

2. (火星和木星轨道间)小行星:1. meteorit陨石,陨星 | 2. asteroid(火星和木星轨道间)小行星 | 3. obliterate除去,消减......痕迹

asteroid 双语例句

1. This is the interpretation of a team of scientists who discovered that asteroids in the Asteroid Belt are missing.


2. On July 7, NASA is scheduled to launch the spacecraft on a four-year journey to the asteroid belt.

在7月7日,NASA 计划在到小行星带的一次为期4 年的旅行发射航天器。

3. The best known example of a large population is the asteroid belt.


4. Most are kept at a safe distance from the Earth in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.


5. Since there are some disadvantages, such as magnitudes, reference systems and difficulties in observing an asteroid during its motion in its whole orbit, etc., when the asteroid is observed simply by means of the meridian or photograph methods, a new method for observing asteroids with a lower latitude meridian circle and a CCD measuring device is proposed according to the conditions of the geographic latitude of the Yunnan Observatory which can be used to observe the whole orbit of an asteroid.


6. asteroid的反义词

6. Earth's gravity will then give the asteroid the nudge it needs to leave.


7. As to what happened to the Palaeocene fauna, the evidence points not towards an errant asteroid but to a giant burp from the oceans, which released a huge amount of methane.


8. Stamper - the world's foremost deep core oil driller - and Stamper's roughneck team of drillers to land on the asteroid, drill into its surface, and drop a nuclear device into the core. On this heroic journey, they face the most physically and emotionally challenging conditions ever encountered... to save the world and prevent ARMAGEDDON.


9. On three separate occasions the Tau`n Il`fannor Ur`akym Drimma has been closely pursued by Imperial frigates and on each occasion it has managed to fight them off although during the last encounter its Orcas were lost luring an Imperial Cobra squadron to fight within an asteroid belt.

有三次,Tau`n Il`fannor Ur`akym Drimma被帝国海军护卫舰队紧紧追赶,但每次她都能击退这些护卫舰,在最后一次遭遇战中,她的虎鲨护航舰在引诱一中队帝国Cobra级(貌似是驱逐舰,帝国海军中驱逐舰定级比护卫舰更低)进入小行星带的过程中失踪。

10. asteroid的反义词

10. They are on an asteroid somewhere near Uranium now, and you are to bring the humanoids to the Earth.

他们现在降落到临近 Uranium 的一颗小行星上,你的任务是把他们带到地球。

11. You can see that the rough shape of the asteroid above is nearly spherical.


12. Fortunately, however, for the reputation of Asteroid B612, a Turkish dictator made a law that his subjects, under pain of death, should change to European costume.


13. asteroid的翻译

13. Other legends say that these slugs grew to incredible size in the zero-gravity of the asteroid field.


14. Early in the history of the solar system was a period known as Late Heavy Bombardment, a turbulent time when cataclysmic asteroid impacts were common.


15. The asteroid Cloud Gate represents the first time that Taiwan named an asteroid after an art group, in order to recognize the achievements of Cloud Gate founder, Lin Hwai-min.


16. If there were in fact rocky planets within the inner gap between the star and asteroid belt, the worlds would likely reside within the star's habitable zone where temperatures would be such that life could survive.


17. Asteroid hyalosis is a degenerative condition of the eye involving small white opacities in the vitreous humor.



18. In the latest studies, scientists used an infrared telescope to spectroscopically examine the asteroid`s surface.


19. An Amor asteroid (a type of near-Earth asteroid) that is one of largest objects to appear on NASA/JPL's list of potentially hazardous asteroids; it has a diameter of about 800 meters.


20. In the surrounding asteroid dust, there was a mineral similar to olivine, which is common here on Earth.


asteroid 词典解释

1. 小行星(在火星及木星轨道间围绕太阳运行)

An asteroid is one of the very small planets that move around the sun between Mars and Jupiter.

asteroid 单语例句asteroid的意思

1. Others suggested sending a spacecraft to collide with the asteroid and alter its momentum, or hitting it with nuclear weapons.

2. Both reside in the main asteroid belt, located between Mars and Jupiter.

3. In 1993, the Purple Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences discovered an asteroid.

4. Japanese scientists had been hopeful of success with the Venus probe after the country recently brought a probe back from a trip to an asteroid.

5. Scientists say a large asteroid killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago and a small one flattened a forest in Siberia in 1908.

6. The rock dust closely resembles material from bodies called chondritic meteorites from asteroids in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

7. Russia's space chief says his agency will consider sending a spacecraft to a large asteroid expected to pass close to Earth.

8. Project chief Junichiro Kawaguchi said Wednesday a small number of mostly microscopic particles were found and dust from the asteroid was likely among them.

9. But determining if the dust came from the asteroid or was picked up by the spacecraft on its return trip could take months.

10. It landed on the asteroid twice in 2005 and scientists hope it may have captured a small sample from its surface.

asteroid 英英释义


1. any of numerous small celestial bodies composed of rock and metal that move around the sun (mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter)



1. shaped like a star

Synonym: star-shaped