

favourable:[英 [ˈfeɪvərəbl] 美 [ˈfeɪvərəbl] ]


favourable 基本解释


形容词有利的; 顺利的,良好的; 赞许的; 给人好印象的

favourable 网络解释

1. 令人满意的:proposal建议; | favourable 令人满意的; | distinctive 有特色的;

2. 赞成的,称赞的:favourite: 受到优惠的,优待的 | favourable:赞成的,称赞的 | ■gesticulate v. (讲话时)打手势

3. favourable在线翻译

3. 赞成的:favour 亲切 | favourable 赞成的 | favourably 顺利地

4. 有利的;赞成的:favour 好感;赞同;恩惠 | favourable 有利的;赞成的 | favourite 特别受喜爱的

favourable 双语例句

1. The many hours of each day in which he was left entirely alone were but too favourable for the admission of every melancholy idea.



2. Theoretical analysis and experimental results indicate that reaction of zinc with selenide as fully as possible under H2-O2 flame at about 1500℃ is the key step in the synthesis process and prolonging holding time at high temperature, which makes the diffuse reaction adequately take place, is favourable to obtain stoichiometry ZnSe polycrystalline.



3. What info do you have that will make my presentation to the Bureau of Standards favourable?



4. Joint Committee on Taxation. If passed, the so-called Technical Corrections Act of 2007 would remove the financially favourable tonnage tax option for US flag ocean carriers moving cargoes between the US mainland and Puerto Rico.

一旦这项被称作2007年技术修正法(Technical Corrections Act of 2007)的议案获得通过,将改变利用悬挂美国旗船舶从事美国大陆和波多黎各之间货物运输的承运人财政上可进行吨税选择的有利地位。

5. Price of pants of a render just 16 yuan, add on 10 yuan of freight, it is 26 yuan, the net buys favourable nothing left.


6. Result: Immersion test with JJ18 broth showed that the active components were extracellular moiety of the broth and that 10% concentration solution could kill nearly 90% snail immersed after 72 h, the salified broth has favourable thermostabily and photostability and showed that JJ18 has stable passage and its active components concentrate in the extract of n-butanol.

结果:JJ18菌株发酵液的活性成分集中在胞外液,当胞外液浓度10%时,72h杀螺率接近90%,且发酵外液成盐后有良好的耐热性,强光照下7 d内活性物质基本不改变,菌株传代稳定,杀螺活性成分集中在正丁醇萃取部位。

7. favourable在线翻译

7. Well, we may need to explore the acquisition of specific Salesforce who in the end the more favourable


8. It is found that, under favourable conditions, a rate of carbon removal ofabout 0.015—0.020%C per minute(that of the normal smelting with ore beingaround 0.005% C per minute only)may be obtained; anddecreasesignificantly and approach to equilibrium withduring the oxidizing period, andthe decrement ofincreases proportionately with the increase of the rate ofcarbon removal.


9. The fact that this policy has had such a favourable result shows that we made a good decision.


10. By insisting that Congo renegotiates its deal on more favourable terms than Beijing is prepared to give, western donors risk leaving Congo with neither.


11. In order to fulfill a favourable interation between the markets and the government, the deepened developments of the reformation of economic system entails a government system of great efficiency, fairness, incorrigibility and openness.


12. We could grant you the favourable terms of payment as D/A 45 days after sight.


13. Religion and art, local rules and family disciplines, wedding and funeral rites and folk customs provided a favourable social atmosphere for Guiyijun literature and prefoundly affected the Guiyijun literature in many aspects.


14. favourable是什么意思

14. I can scarcely expect to hear of any favourable change.


15. favourable

15. The results show:(1) It is easily synthesized based on the simple industry processes with obtainable substances, low cost and low pollution; (2) it is effective against major grass weed species, as well as broadleaf weeds in oilseed rape, its inhibition is 80-100% at rates of 25 to 45 g ai/hm~2 and its dosage is the same level of highly active herbicides. Oilseed rape exhibits excellent tolerance to compound 103-1; (3) compound 103-1 has favourable toxicological and environmental profiles.



16. The real advantage which truth has, consists in this, that when an opinion is true, it may be extinguished once, twice, or many times, but in the course of ages there will generally be found persons to rediscover it, until some one of its reappearances falls on a time when from favourable circumstances it escapes persecution until it has made such head as to withstand all subsequent attempts to suppress it.


17. favourable

17. It hao put forward new reforming ideas, favourable condi tions and major principles, requirements in the reform.


18. While waiting for the Sales and Purchase Agreement, we need a copy of your salary statement and if it could be favourable, the mortage agreement will be drawn up.


19. Some trust laws think the trust of damage of claim being void trust while other trust laws take them being revocable, comparively speaking, the former is more favourable for the protection of creditor.



20. If a man does not know to what port he is sailing, no wind is favourable


favourable 词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用 favorable

1. 赞成的;赞同的

If your opinion or your reaction is favourable to something, you agree with it and approve of it.


e.g. His recently completed chapel for Fitzwilliam is attracting favourable comment...


e.g. The commission is cautiously favourable to Austrian membership, foreseeing few economic problems.



He listened intently, and responded favourably to both my suggestions...


He was quite favourably impressed with the new French commander.


2. 良好的;肯定的;讨人喜欢的

If something makes a favourable impression on you or is favourable to you, you like it and approve of it.

e.g. His ability to talk tough while eating fast made a favourable impression on his dining companions...


3. (条件)有利的,适宜的

Favourable conditions make something more likely to succeed or seem more attractive.


e.g. It's believed the conditions in which the elections are being held are too favourable to the government.


e.g. ...favourable weather conditions.



Japan is thus favourably placed to maintain its lead as the most successful manufacturing nation.


4. 优于…的;不逊于…的

If you make a favourable comparison between two things, you say that the first is better than or as good as the second.


e.g. The film bears favourable technical comparison with Hollywood productions costing 10 times as much.

该片与耗资为其 10 倍的好莱坞制作相比在技术上毫不逊色。


Britain's overall road safety record compares favourably with that of other European countries.

英国整体的道路安全状况同其他欧洲国家相比毫不逊色。favourable 单语例句

1. It has also designated the year as a Business Promotion Year and has been active behind the creation of a favourable investment environment.

2. Sun expects more favourable film policies to be introduced during 2005 to further activate the potential of the Chinese film industry.

3. Individual investors would continue to enjoy favourable tax policies for capital gains in the stock market.

4. In addition to catching a ride on this favourable wave, the threat of competition is another factor motivating companies to seek listings.

5. Experts predicted that the landing of spacecraft will go on in favourable climatic conditions early today.

6. China as a whole should also consolidate relevant legislation and simplify administrative procedures to create a more favourable environment for both inbound and outbound investments.

7. The government document also noted that operating system software producers should provide a favourable price to computer companies.

8. Some in the United States harp on the condescending note that it is the United States that makes China's favourable balance possible.

9. The macroeconomic environment will be favourable for the further development of China's consumer goods market this year.

10. At the other end of the spectrum, banks usually offer more favourable terms to borrowers with credit scores of 740 or above.

favourable 英英释义


1. presaging or likely to bring good luck

e.g. a favorable time to ask for a raise

lucky stars

a prosperous moment to make a decision

Synonym: goldenfavorableluckyprosperous

2. occurring at a convenient or suitable time

e.g. an opportune time to receive guests

Synonym: favorable

3. (of winds or weather) tending to promote or facilitate

e.g. the days were fair and the winds were favorable

Synonym: favorable

4. encouraging or approving or pleasing

e.g. a favorable reply

he received a favorable rating

listened with a favorable ear

made a favorable impression

Synonym: favorable