

perceive:[英 [pəˈsi:v] 美 [pərˈsi:v] ]


过去式:perceived;   过去分词:perceived;   现在分词:perceiving;

perceive 基本解释

动词理解; 意识到; 察觉,发觉


perceive 相关例句


1. I can't perceive any difference between these coins.


2. He gradually perceived that his parents had been right.


3. I perceived a man enter the house.


perceive 网络解释

1. 感觉:更普遍地说,它符合人们感觉(perceive)事物属性(比如,亮度、音量或者温度)的习惯,即使用与先前比较的相对值,而不是用绝对值来表示. Kahneman和Tversky(1979)还提供了下面这个违背EU理论的案例作为人们将注意力集中于损益的证据.

2. perceive是什么意思

2. 察觉:互相)firm(坚定,确信) 联想:老俞设想(conceive)一个计划阴谋,然后我们察觉(perceive)了,于是他就收到(

3. 觉:例如自己察觉(perceive)到自己做得很好的话,就会获得高的自我效能;但如果自己察觉到自己表现得很糟糕,那麼就会获得低的自我效能. 藉由观察他人完成一项任务、比较自己和他人完成任务的过程,以及思考自己在同样任务上的成功程度而得.

perceive 双语例句

1. Happy to have in order to perceive sadness accompany this is a happy.


2. Price A P1 P2 Initial consumer surplus B D Additional consumer surplus to initial consumers C F Consumer surplus to new consumers E Demand Q1 Q2 Quantity 0 Consumer Surplus and Economic Well-Being Consumer surplus, the amount that buyers are willing to pay for a good minus the amount they actually pay for it, measures the benefit that buyers receive from a good as the buyers themselves perceive it.


3. He wanted to know how we subjectively perceive waiting time.


4. By looking at the Hebraic numbers, we can perceive the revelation we need to decree a new thing.


5. Although activating events often seem to directly cause or contribute to emotional consequences, Ellis argues that people largely bring their beliefs to situations, and subjectively interpret or perceive events in light of their beliefs and expectations.



6. What we directly perceive is the presence of the object, not the mental process.


7. I saw not then what I now clearly perceive, that the acquisition of Ligeia were gigantic, were astounding


8. Signs are external indicators that can be seen or felt; symptoms are internal sensation s, such as pain, that only the patient can perceive.


9. The answer is very simple. It's allin how they perceive their problems.


10. perceive在线翻译

10. It's allin how they perceive their problems.


11. It's all in how they perceive their problems. Yes, every living person has problems.



12. So what I perceive as his feeling for me may only be proj


13. They force you to perceive action in certain terms, but this is not the nature of action.


14. perceive的翻译

14. T hey force you to perceive action in certain terms, but this is not the nature of action.


15. perceive的近义词

15. I enable myself to perceive reality through both perspectives at once.


16. I perceive now, after these many years of asceticism, discipline and self-mortification, that my mind is held in the prison of its own making, and that the walls of this prison must be broken down.


17. Interviewer: How do you think people perceive you?


18. The answer is very simple. It is all in how they perceive their problems.


19. An amazing thing can happen on development projects; everyone is busily working away on whatever it is that they individually perceive as his or her's most important tasks.


20. perceive在线翻译

20. An amazing thing can happen on development projects; everyone is busily working away on whatever it is that they individually perceive as his or her?


perceive 词典解释

1. 注意到,察觉,意识到(尤指不明显之物)

If you perceive something, you see, notice, or realize it, especially when it is not obvious.

e.g. A key task is to get pupils to perceive for themselves the relationship between success and effort...


e.g. 'Precisely what other problems do you perceive?' she asked.


2. 看作;视为;认为

If you perceive someone or something as doing or being a particular thing, it is your opinion that they do this thing or that they are that thing.

e.g. Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease...


e.g. They strangely perceive television as entertainment.


perceive 单语例句

1. One way we might regularly perceive calcium is when it comes to minute levels found in drinking water.

2. Chinese consumers generally perceive TCM as more effective for disease and chronic illness prevention, and they view Western medicine as being more effective for acute and serious illnesses.

3. International advertising agency Leo Burnett released a global online survey yesterday on how citizens in 10 countries perceive the role of money in their lives.

4. While it is tough to dispute the benefits of a healthy diet, some naysayers perceive efforts to encourage wholesome eating as an infringement on personal rights.

5. The survey found a significant disconnect between what senior leaders say and what employees perceive they are actually doing.

6. If evolution has not programmed us to perceive the throw away problem globally, statistical methods should be deployed to improve our global perception not to make it worse.

7. The study also reveals that positively inclined people are more willing to work longer hours but only if they perceive their wages as being fair.

8. " Urban villages " as migrant enclaves serve as a more human environment than the outsider might perceive.

9. If what they may perceive differs from what we want to project, the symbol would have failed on at least one of these counts.

10. The young may perceive these values as " anachronistic " and irrelevant to their generation.

perceive 英英释义



1. become conscious of

e.g. She finally perceived the futility of her protest

2. to become aware of through the senses

e.g. I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon

Synonym: comprehend