

revile:[英 [rɪˈvaɪl] 美 [rɪˈvaɪl] ]


过去式:reviled;   过去分词:reviled;   现在分词:reviling;

revile 基本解释



revile 反义词



revile 相关例句


1. The tramp reviled the man who drove him off.


revile 网络解释

1. 斥责:reviewer 批评家 | revile 斥责 | revilement 辱骂

2. revile

2. 辱骂:reverberate#回音 | revile#辱骂 | riddle#解谜;穿孔

3. 辱骂;谩骂;痛斥:reverse 收回(决定倒转 | revile 辱骂;谩骂;痛斥 | revoke 撤回;废除;宣告无效


4. 辱骂,斥责:imbed: 嵌入 | revile: 辱骂,斥责 | release: 发布,发表

revile 双语例句

1. In my opinion, adding advertisements to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala should not be revile, advertisements make the programmes more lively and closer to people's life.


2. And surely not bad men, whether cowards or any others, who do the reverse of what we have just been prescribing, who scold or mock or revile one another in drink or out of in drink, or who in any other manner sin against themselves and their neighbours in word or deed, as the manner of such is.


3. I could listen to her revile me for hours.


4. You suffer him to revile her who is your wife!



5. Immediately he began to revile and attack his enemy.


6. Our statesmen used to revile Hitler, Mussolini-large and sinister enemies, who wanted to take over the world.



7. Love is extended even to one's enemies, and we are bidden to pray for, and to do good to them who revile and persecute us.


8. Some people for their own interests, regardless of friends and family, nation, the common interests of the country sell their own personality, such a person that is lighter than a feather, is the people's enemy, is a national disgrace, people will revile him.


9. Synonyms: accuse, adjudicate, arraign, blacklist, blame, boycott, brand, castigate, censure, charge, charge with, criticize, damn, declaim, decry, denunciate, derogate, dress down, excoriate, expose, finger*, hang something on, impeach, implicate, impugn, incriminate, indict, inveigh against, knock, ostracize, proscribe, prosecute, rap, rat, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprobate, reprove, revile, scold, show up, skin*, smear, stigmatize, take to task, threaten, upbraid, vilify, vituperate

Notes:denounce 着重公开谴责,指责。condemn 正式用词,与 condemn 意义最接近,有较强的司法意味,侧重从道义或原则上进行坚决、毫不留情的谴责。accuse 语气比 blame 强,本义为归罪,可用作指非难或谴责之义。blame 普通用词,语气较弱,仅是一般的责难,强调对过错等应负责任。rebuke 多指上级对下级进行的公开、强烈、严正而不宽容的责备。reproach 指因他人粗心,自私等引起不满而去指责,找岔。scold 普通用词,多指上级对下级,长辈对晚辈或雇主对雇员的态度粗暴,言词激烈的数落。

10. It is not you who revile me, but the place on which you are standing.


11. More than likely, Taelan would only revile me for what I've done.


12. revile的解释

12. And they that stood by said, Revile you God's high priest?

004 站在旁边的人说:你辱骂神的大祭司吗?

13. And those standing by said, Do you revile the high priest of God?

23:4 站在旁边的人说,你辱骂神的大祭司麼?

14. revile什么意思

14. Would like more money or how the emergence of cooperation itself quite a pleasant feeling of Kazakhstan and how it is acting, you do not do so Xianlei back to find that as you saying that you really have problems understanding, if not done anything wrong, then it would have been million people revile do laughable were the reason we are talking about the people kind enough to have sharp eyes you from mistakes, then we will be given to understand forgiveness, but evidently looks like I want to be too naive to even admit that you like?


15. revile

15. Every time you revile or slander others, you will feel empty, bored, and vacuous afterwards. To fill the boredom and emptiness, you have to revile and slander with even more stridency. Once those strident words leave your mouth, your feeling of boredome and emptiness will increase.


16. For they are wont to revile the English, with a want of Familiarity; with a melancholy Dumpishness; with Slowness, Silence, and with the unrefin'd Sullenness of their Behaviour.


17. I'm not sure whether I should bow before you or revile you for committing sacrilege.


18. revile

18. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake; Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven...


19. But these revile the things that they do not know; and the things that they understand naturally, like animals without reason, in these they are being corrupted.

1:10 但这些人毁谤他们所不认识的;他们本性所知道的,与那没有理性的畜类一样,在这些事上正被败坏。

20. If we change a train of thought, he is taking all this piece of reporters to be able to refer the photograph that commissioner of general benefit plan meets, decide to sell, so the revile that he can suffer rich guest and Twitter user.


revile 词典解释

1. 憎恨;辱骂;谩骂;痛斥

If someone or something is reviled, people hate them intensely or show their hatred of them.

e.g. He was just as feared and reviled as his tyrannical parents...


e.g. What right had the crowd to revile the England players for something they could not help...?



He is probably the most reviled man in contemporary theatre.

他可能是当代戏剧界骂声最多的人。revile 单语例句revile的翻译

1. Islamic leaders warned that executing Saddam could inflame those who revile the US, undermining President Bush's policy in the Middle East and inspiring terrorists.

2. Islamic leaders warned that executing Saddam could inflame those who revile the US, undermining US President Bush's policy in the Middle East and inspiring terrorists.

revile的意思revile 英英释义



1. spread negative information about

e.g. The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews

Synonym: vilifyvituperaterail