

militant:[英 [ˈmɪlɪtənt] 美 [ˈmɪlɪtənt] ]



militant 基本解释

形容词斗志昂扬的,富于战斗性的; 激进的,好战的; 战斗中的,交战中的; 好斗者

名词激进分子,好斗分子; 富有战斗精神的人,斗士

militant 相关例句


1. A few militant members of the crowd attacked the vendor.


militant 网络解释

1. 好战的:到NUT 以罢教等激进 动方式进 磋商,或施展其压 的作法,虽在相当程 上,达成其左右教育政策的目标,但这种好战的(militant)作风,也为NUT 的未 发展,埋下一些隐教师组织也常 用司法途径, 影响教育政策的走向.

2. 好战的,尚武的:metallic 金属的 | militant? 好战的,尚武的 | merciful 仁慈的,宽大的

militant 双语例句

1. I'm for a more militant religion!


2. Although it`s still early, one possible outcome is a more militant, pumped-up labor movement.


3. Minorities get even more militant; why remain part of some average country when you can go it alone?


4. It isn't much more powerful than a Militant Squad, and you can find better anti-infantry support in most anything else.


5. At least one more militant has been arrested.


6. However at the same time, they say this could prompt western governments to offer them more aid to keep the militant group at bay.


7. The Romans, being a society founded by a strong militant arm, decided that the theater existing at the time was missing technical elements; something more mechanical.


8. militant

8. The boys were victims of US air strikes late 25 September 2004 on suspected hideouts of a militant group in Fallujah. At least 15 people were killed and 33 were wounded in the raids.


9. militant

9. Militant groups in the Argentinian border town of Gualeguaychú took to the streets repeatedly to cut traffic on the San Martín bridge connecting Uruguay and Argentina.

阿根廷边境城镇瓜列哇伊丘(Gualeguaychú)的激进团体多次涌上街道切断连接阿乌两国的的圣马丁大桥(San Martín bridge)的交通。

10. Islamist militants in Somalia's capital have amputated a hand and a foot from each of four young men convicted of robbery. A court set up by the militant group Al-Shabab had found the men guilty of stealing cell phones and pistols from residents of Mogadishu.



11. With public education in a shambles, Pakistan`s poorest families have turned to madrasas, or Islamic schools, that feed and house the children while pushing a more militant brand of Islam than was traditional here.


12. militant的解释

12. Militant fundamentalist Hindu organizations such as the Society for the Self-Service of the Nation (Rashtriya Svayamsevak Sangh; RSS) are steadily growing.

好战的原教旨印度教组织,例如国民志愿服务者联盟(Rashtriya Svayamsevak Sangh; RSS)在稳固增长。

13. militant的翻译

13. A global technology group president Gaiermasi, in order to secure a place in the childrens toy market, so the commands top toy designers to create a group of combat soldiers, they are peace-loving Gaogan Corps, as well as Cheng Yong militant The devil Corps, they were implanted computer chips used in military, quiet town into a battlefield of their true.


14. militant的解释

14. The CIA assessment specifically points to links between members of the spy service, the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, and the militant network led by Maulavi Jalaluddin Haqqani, which American officials believe maintains close ties to senior figures of Al Qaeda in Pakistan's tribal areas.


15. For all this sudden militant posturing, they do seem to have our safety in mind.


16. Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu militant from an organization called Mahasabha. The Marshall Plan began. The state of Israel was born.


17. Aziz says as soon as militant leaders sense the Pakistani government is willing to impose its authority in region like Waziristan, their self interests are immediately threatened and all peace deals are off.


18. The violence began on Thursday, when Indian troops attacked suspected militant hideouts in a mountainous forest area near Mendhar in Poonch district of Indian administered Kashmir.


19. He was indoctrinated in the principles of militant Islam.


20. militant的翻译

20. The challenge of militant Islam is focusing new attention on religion.


militant 词典解释

1. 激进的;好战的

You use militant to describe people who believe in something very strongly and are active in trying to bring about political or social change, often in extreme ways that other people find unacceptable.

e.g. Militant mineworkers in the Ukraine have voted for a one-day stoppage next month.


e.g. ...one of the most active militant groups.



...the rise of trade union militancy.


Their army is militantly nationalist.

他们的军队信奉激进的民族主义。militant 单语例句

1. The militant group says it will not go out of its way to act as a negotiator now.

2. It was the first aid delivered under internationally backed funding restrictions that bypass the Palestinian government led by the militant group Hamas since March.

3. Abbas opened talks in Cairo on Tuesday with about a dozen Palestinian militant groups, hoping to persuade them to extend their de facto truce with Israel.

4. Hezbollah is an active participant in the political life and processes of Lebanon, and its scope of operation is far beyond its initial militant one.

5. But critics warned that the deal's heavy price for Israel could offer militant groups an even greater incentive to kill captive soldiers.

6. Many kidnappings are motivated by cash, with abductors often selling captives with political value to militant groups.

7. The latest rocket fire from Gaza caused no casualty or damage, and no militant group in the Palestinian enclave has claimed responsibility for the attack.

8. Saudi police killed a suspect Islamic militant and arrested three others in a shootout Sunday on a suspected terror cell hideout in the city.

9. The Hamas militant group poses a serious challenge to Abbas'ruling Fatah movement in the vote.

10. Sarkozy said raids by police probing the killing had turned up documents supporting a Palestinian aid group and others with a militant Islamic character.

militant的近义词militant 英英释义


1. a militant reformer

Synonym: activist


1. showing a fighting disposition

e.g. highly competitive sales representative

militant in fighting for better wages for workers

his self-assertive and ubiquitous energy

Synonym: competitive

2. engaged in war

e.g. belligerent (or warring) nations

Synonym: belligerentwar-riddenwarring

3. disposed to warfare or hard-line policies

e.g. militant nations

hawkish congressman

warlike policies

Synonym: hawkishwarlike