

slack:[英 [slæk] 美 [slæk] ]


过去式:slacked;   过去分词:slacked;   现在分词:slacking;

slack 基本解释

形容词懈怠的; 松(弛)的; 清淡的; 不活跃的

动词懈怠; 放松; 偷懒; 减速

名词宽松裤; (绳索等)松弛部分; 煤屑; (人员、资金或地方的)富余的部份

slack 同义词




slack 反义词



slack 相关例句


1. slack的近义词

1. She was shocked at the slack discipline in the school.


2. slack

2. Trade is slack this week.


3. He tightened a few slack screws.



1. He slacked his pace as the sun grew hot.



1. slack

1. There's a certain amount of slack in the car industry at the moment.


slack 网络解释

1. slack的近义词

1. 时差:总时差(Total Slack):在不延误项目完成日期的情况下,活动的开始(或结束)时间自其最早开始(或最早结束)时间起可以推迟的时间段. 总时差是一种数学计算,随着项目的进展和项目计划的改变,总时差也会改变. 总时差也称作浮动时间(Float)、时差(Slack)、总浮动时间(Total Float)或路径浮动时间(Path Float).

2. 松:松一松(Slack)条绳扯得太紧,我不好做动作!C:拉紧(Tension)我已经到顶啦,你先收紧绳子,我准备下来!C:多谢(Thank You)––我这条命交给你,真是辛苦你了!但大家不要以为同样标有UIAA的绳索性能相同. 性能差别很大,使用寿命差别也很大.

3. 松弛量:这种模式的检测效果取决于一个故障传输以及最终观测到的路径中的松弛量(slack). 如果微小物理缺陷(small physical defect)与其观测点相距过于松弛的话,就会无法观测到缺陷,因为,松弛量过大就会延长故障时间. 自动生成FTAS测试的方法之一,

slack 双语例句


1. The main work is analysing the test of the cable-hoisting system. The slipping, the tangent point variety of the track cables against the saddles, the slack of the track cables, the loads of the track cables acting on the towers, the horizontal displacement of the towers are analyzed, and some rules are obtained.


2. It is proven that the derived operating point from our method is independent of the slack bus selection.


3. Viewed from the tight control and the slack control, this part analysis the advantages and disadvantages of different mechanisms.


4. To be concrete:when the internal governance of a company is worsened, its internal control become slack; agency conflicts go seriously, causing more agency costs. The auditor will assess the company`s inherent risk and control risk high, and then it will take him more time and energy to finish audit tasks so the auditor will ask for more audit fees.


5. slack的意思

5. The prototype of FRAMP switch is a 4×4 FPGA-based fast switch, which adopts an input-queued distributed-scheduling crossbar as main switching structure. It uses dual-clock synchronized FIFOs as packet buffers, which isolate output clocks from input clocks. FRAMP switch adopts slack flow control based on the status of FIFOs, which improves link availability and increases transmission rate.


6. I`m sorry for my late, but please cut me some slack.


7. Maybe you can cut me some slack. I'm sort of in love.


8. slack

8. I think we should cut him some slack.


9. Examples: I'm sorry for my late, but please cut me some slack.


10. slack的反义词

10. You -- you have got to cut me some slack, okay


11. Man, in a state of revery, is generally prodigal and slack; the unstrung mind cannot hold life within close bounds.


12. slack什么意思

12. At first we thought this might be due to a slack market, but on looking into the matter more closely. We find that the general trend of trade during this period has been upwards.



13. Here she hitched up the slack which had accumulated around her belt.


14. He pulled in the slack of the rope.


15. Whenever I say this to a guy, he will generally stare at me, slack jawed, as if I were speaking some foreign language.


16. Each fall, there is always a slack space, which is kind of a time when broad bean.


17. The past, when women may be slack.


18. Agricultural production is both year-round and highly seasonal; strictly speaking, there is no slack season.


19. slack的意思

19. After long times of economic slack, people began to re-estimate the significance of business activities to society and the whole nation, businessmen also adjusted their activities.



20. Every corner of the world has its own unique sound. From the slide of a Hawaiian slack key guitar to the power and grace of an Italian aria to the laid-back vibe of reggae.

世界的每个角落都有其独特的声音,从夏威夷slack key吉他的滑音到意大利咏叹调的张力与优雅,到牙买加雷盖摇摆乐的悠闲。

slack 词典解释

1. 松弛的;没拉紧的

Something that is slack is loose and not firmly stretched or tightly in position.

e.g. The boy's jaw went slack.


2. 萧条的;清淡的;不景气的

A slack period is one in which there is not much work or activity.


e.g. The workload can be evened out, instead of the shop having busy times and slack periods.


3. 松懈的;懈怠的

Someone who is slack in their work does not do it properly.

e.g. Many publishers have simply become far too slack.



He accused the government of slackness and complacency.


4. 疏忽;懈怠;松劲

If someone is slacking, they are not working as hard as they should.

e.g. He had never let a foreman see him slacking.


5. 接手他人不再做的工作;补位提供

To take up the slack or pick up the slack means to do or provide something that another person or organization is no longer doing or providing.

e.g. As major airlines give up less-traveled routes, smaller planes are picking up the slack.


相关词组:slack off

slack 单语例句slack

1. That c ould spell another tough year for equipment vendors, which have been counting on an investment boom to take up some slack.

2. As urban public schools charged extra or just closed their doors to migrant children, cheap private schools mushroomed to take up the slack.

3. Charlotte built the lead to 17 in the second quarter with Anderson picking up the slack at point guard.

4. The report discounted allegations of forced overtime, noting that a chief complaint among workers was a shortage of overtime during slack periods.

5. Zhao blamed poor management of the coal mine and slack supervision of the local government for the accident.

6. Small coal mines have been a major source of hazards due to poor safety facilities and slack management.

7. During the slack season, villagers will organize varied entertainment events like cockerel racing.

8. Sarkozy attributed France's slack labor market to impacts of the international financial crisis and the country's slowness to adjust to a competitive external environment.

9. The Treasury's softer stance emerged as two senators who have led the congressional attack on China's currency policies also cut Beijing a little slack.

10. Prices have risen strongly since May - a traditionally slack season - mainly because of a cyclical domestic shortage of pigs and surging feed prices.

slack 英英释义


1. a cord or rope or cable that is hanging loosely

e.g. he took up the slack

2. the quality of being loose (not taut)

e.g. he hadn't counted on the slackness of the rope

Synonym: slackness

3. a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot

Synonym: mirequagmirequagmorass

4. a stretch of water without current or movement

e.g. suddenly they were in a slack and the water was motionless

Synonym: slack water

5. a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality

e.g. the team went into a slump

a gradual slack in output

a drop-off in attendance

a falloff in quality

Synonym: slumpdrop-offfallofffalling off

6. dust consisting of a mixture of small coal fragments and coal dust and dirt that sifts out when coal is passed over a sieve


1. cause to heat and crumble by treatment with water

e.g. slack lime

Synonym: slake

2. become less in amount or intensity

e.g. The storm abated

The rain let up after a few hours

Synonym: abatelet upslack offdie away

3. make less active or intense

Synonym: slakeabate

4. become slow or slower

e.g. Production slowed

Synonym: slowslow downslow upslacken

5. make less active or fast

e.g. He slackened his pace as he got tired

Don't relax your efforts now

Synonym: slackenslack uprelax

6. release tension on

e.g. slack the rope

7. be inattentive to, or neglect

e.g. He slacks his attention

8. avoid responsibilities and work, be idle



1. lacking in rigor or strictness

e.g. such lax and slipshod ways are no longer acceptable

lax in attending classes

slack in maintaining discipline

Synonym: lax

2. flowing with little speed as e.g. at the turning of the tide

e.g. slack water

3. not tense or taut

e.g. the old man's skin hung loose and grey

slack and wrinkled skin

slack sails

a slack rope

Synonym: loose