

depreciation:[英 [dɪˌpri:ʃɪ'eɪʃn] 美 [dɪˌpriʃiˈeʃən] ]



depreciation 基本解释

名词(资产等)折旧; 货币贬值; 跌价

depreciation 网络解释

1. depreciation

1. 货币贬值:不要与货币贬值(depreciation)相混淆. 的情况下,如何走出紧缩才是央行货币政策重要的着眼点. 通胀预期的温和上升是我国尽快走出通缩的关键,而且温和通胀对经济具有润滑剂作用,是促进消费增长的重要因素. 如果物价水平温和上升,

2. 折旧,贬值:deposition 作证;作证书;证人陈述;笔录供词;口供;罢官;免 | depreciation 折旧;贬值 | depression 不景气;萧条;沮丧;抑郁;消沉;凹陷

depreciation 双语例句

1. Depreciation charge of $95 million. Those who believe that


2. depreciation的意思

2. The only catch was a depreciation charge of $100, since we couldn't sell the car as new.



3. Depreciation is a charge designed to recognize the loss of services that an asset has suffered in any year.


4. The annual depreciation charge under this method is calculated by applying a percentage to the net book value of the asset as at the end of the previous year.


5. So, if a reasonably constant total charge for an asset`s services is to be put to the profit and loss account, a declining depreciation charge may be appropriate.


6. depreciation的近义词

6. The yearly depreciation allowance fixed by all these ways are depend on first cost of assets、tenure of use and final net profit and loss section.


7. depreciation的意思

7. Explain opinion that depreciation of fixed assets choose rationally in detail, analyze enterprise should receive resulting difference of the amount of tax to be paiding under adopting different depreciation method for example.


8. The enterprise uses the different depreciation method to be possible to cause the booth sales volume which each time the fixed asset amortizes to be different, thus influence enterprise's dutiable obtained, then influence assessed income tax.


9. An allowance for loss due to depreciation.


10. Overall, the government coffer could absorb one third of the GDP or 40 percent of net national product, which is GDP minus capital depreciation.


11. E- It quals to gross national product minus the depreciation of fixed assets of total resident units.


12. Depreciable assets are normally shown at their original cost. The accumulated portion of the cost taken as depreciation to date is subtracted from its original cost to obtain the book value of the asset.


13. Depreciation expenses, accumulated depreciation: original cost, residual value, useful/estimated life



14. Depreciation on the fixed assets shall be accounted on the basis of the original cost, estimated residual value, estimated useful life and working capacity, according to the straight line method or the working capacity method.


15. Depreciation on the fixed assets shall be accounted on the basis of the original cost, estimated residual value, the useful life of the fixed assets or estimated working capacity, for on th straight line method or the working capacity or output method.


16. Therefore, when it comes to analyzing the impact on import and export of currency appreciation or depreciation, we shouldn`t merely take the nominal exchange rate into account.


17. depreciation的意思

17. It failed only because the sharp rise in the dollar that followed the Federal Reserve's monetary tightening of 1979–80 obviated much of its rationale and over disagreement between Europe and the United States on how to make up for any nominal losses that the account might suffer as a result of further depreciation of dollars that had been consolidated.


18. Some expenses such as depreciation expense, amortization expense and depletion expense are non-cash expenses.


19. Some expense s such as depreciation expense, amortization expense and depletion expense are non-cash expense s.


20. Land for land exchange is the priority option and it can be replaced by cash under the following preconditions: there is no adequate land nearby; the people is willingly to take cash instead of land and the compensation is without any depreciation and or deduction; to provide help to the people to keep their living condition and income without down-going


depreciation 单语例句depreciation的解释

1. But as the possibility of a yuan depreciation diminished, capital outflow also eased.

2. A continuing depreciation of the dollar will compromise its credit and status as the world's leading currency and ultimately undermine these aims.

3. The second quantitative easing measure has contributed to the depreciation of the dollar, and the continuation and deepening of the credit crisis in the US.

4. Besides upward pressure on commodity prices caused by natural disasters, imported inflation led by depreciation of the US dollar is also pushing up the CPI.

5. The developed countries are trying to walk out from the gloom of deflation by transporting inflationary pressure on others through currency depreciation.

6. The country maintained the stable value of renminbi against the currency depreciation in neighboring nations.

7. They even tried to export the crisis by tolerating currency depreciation and injecting massive liquidity.

8. South Korea's export was the best in Asia in the first quarter, probably helped by its currency depreciation.

9. Many future participants used to face with such challenges as crisis effect, currency depreciation and budget slash during their preparation for the Expo.

10. It is true that all currencies don't all go down together and one currency's depreciation is another's appreciation.

depreciation 英英释义



1. a decrease in price or value

e.g. depreciation of the dollar against the yen

2. a communication that belittles somebody or something

Synonym: disparagementderogation

3. decrease in value of an asset due to obsolescence or use

Synonym: wear and tear