

propulsion:[英 [prəˈpʌlʃn] 美 [prəˈpʌlʃən] ]



propulsion 基本解释

名词推进; 推进力

propulsion 网络解释


1. 推进:1.推进(Propulsion) 标准模式(Standard Mode):在这种模式下,潜艇左右舷的引擎同时用来做推进工作. 在水面上行进或使用通气管时,柴油机引擎将提供推进力. 而当潜艇下潜时,将自动切换到电动引擎.

2. 进:1.推进(Propulsion) 标准模式(Standard Mode):在这种模式下,潜艇左右舷的引擎同时用来做推进工作. 在水面上行进或使用通气管时,柴油机引擎将提供推进力. 而当潜艇下潜时,将自动切换到电动引擎. (责任编辑: http://www.sdovip.com )

3. propulsion

3. 推进力:奖赏[(BONUS)看不太明白SORRY]超光速飞行:得到推进力(PROPULSION)后照上述方法飞行第一个片段,只要一直按空格飞过那2个检查点,然后按X降落;第二个片段,一路飞就行,必须通过所有的检查点,之后在最后的光环降落;第三个片段,飞到检查点,

4. propulsion什么意思

4. 发动机:赛峰集团(Safran Group)旗下拥有通讯(Communication)、航天设备(Equipment)、国防安全设备(Defense Security)、飞机发动机(Propulsion)四大部门,是一个集高科技、国际化、多元化发展的跨国集团公司,集团在全球30多个国家开展业务,

propulsion 双语例句

1. propulsion

1. From the point of view of function approximation, a new nonlinear time series prediction model based on wavelet network and its learning algorithm by conjugate gradient method are developed. This model is applied to predict faults of propulsion system for spacecraft.


2. 2 Class B: AIRSHIP or DIRIGIBLE -An aerostat, equipped with means of propulsion and steering.

B 级:飞船或飞艇—浮升器之一种,配备有推进方法和操纵舵。

3. Large thrust engine is the key to manned lunar rocket propulsion system.


4. propulsion什么意思

4. EPSP provides a flexible environment for defining, modifying and simulating the component-based propulsion models.


5. An example of transient simulation of a twin-spool turbofan engine was provided. It shows that EPSP is effective in extendable and flexible simulation computation for propulsion system.


6. Power propulsion system of warship has been applicated for over 100 years, it has been developing with the technology.


7. Aerospace propulsion system; solar energy dynamic system; advanced heat receiver; heat pipe; thermal storage


8. This paper introduces basic theory of the bond graph, and by using the theory, fault diagnosis for space propulsion system is studied.


9. Propulsion and pressure are two important parameters of running process of engine and one of the main test contents.


10. It is, furthermore, independent of the type of propulsion.


11. If you`re not getting propulsion, it can be helpful to use a pair of fins.


12. Only in recent years, the research about pod propulsion is developed in China.



13. He said China has the potential to become the market leader in the adoption of alternative propulsion systems.


14. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the possible application of bio-inspired propulsion in ships.



15. This is the basic principle behind electromagnetic propulsion.


16. propulsion的解释

16. N A rocket is a jet propulsion device which burns fuel and produces gases.


17. War of country of 10 thousand people, daily the kingly throne with held dark battle, sovereign underworld society, original creation sits ride play gut of law, mysterious history, as the propulsion that measures time already was explored ceaselessly in game and challenge!


18. propulsion在线翻译

18. Arcjet is one of the highlight of electric propulsion investigation and application because of its high thrust density, high ratio of thrust and power, preferable specific impulse, better system successiveness and reliability.


19. propulsion在线翻译

19. However, there are few studies to investigate the effect of rigid backrest on trunk stability during wheelchair propulsion.


20. He was hired by Alkherrodyne Propulsion, where he was appalled by the corners cut by the profit-hungry corporation.


propulsion 词典解释

1. 推进力

Propulsion is the power that moves something, especially a vehicle, in a forward direction.

e.g. Interest in jet propulsion was now growing at the Air Ministry.


e.g. ...the submarine's propulsion system.


propulsion 单语例句propulsion的反义词

1. Workers in the mission control room at the jet propulsion laboratory erupted in applause shortly after the separation.

2. The scientists behind Cosmos 1 had hoped to prove that rays of light could provide a limitless energy propulsion source for space voyages.

3. The offer hinges on GM's agreement to share crucial propulsion technology such as fuel cells and hybrids that cut pollutants sharply.

4. A space station is distinguished from other spacecraft used for human spaceflight by its lack of major propulsion or landing facilities.

5. But at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, there's exhilaration as the Mars Science Laboratory rover enters its final testing stages.

6. The car features hydrogen fuel cell propulsion and other technology that GM hopes will represent the future of the automobile.

7. " The expectation is that Opportunity will keep on going and going and going, " said project manager John Callas of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

8. " A successful missile launch was carried out within the framework of examining rocket propulsion, " the Defense Ministry later said in a brief statement to the media.

9. This artist's concept released by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory shows NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter over the red planet.

10. A direct hit was a challenge because NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory no longer controlled the probe once it was released from the spacecraft.

propulsionpropulsion 英英释义


1. the act of propelling

Synonym: actuation

2. a propelling force