

skillful:[英 ['skɪlfʊl] 美 [ˈskɪlfəl] ]


skillful 基本解释

形容词灵巧的,熟练的; 制作精巧的; 圆熟

skillful 同义词



skillful 反义词



skillful 相关例句


1. He is a skilful and effortless mechanic.


skillful 网络解释


1. 熟练的:刘中锋在这方面的天赋(genius)丝毫不弱于他在枪械方面的能力,对女人身体的越发迷恋与熟悉,使其在与维多利亚进行鱼水之欢时,熟练的(skillful)手法与技巧让维多利亚欲仙欲死,欲罢不能.

2. 熟练技巧:认识舒适堡:专业精神(Professional)、诚恳态度(Hearty)、青春心境(Youthful)、熟练技巧(Skillful)、工作理想(Ideal)、关心会员(Care)、积极主动(Active)、忠诚服务(Loyal)组成了舒适堡对会员的健康保证,也是舒适堡(Physical)得名的由来.

3. 巧:企划人员的巧,就是有技巧(skillful)与敏感地(sensitive)诠释调查的结果,找出有可能发展之处. 企划人员的原始概念是於1965年由现已过世的Stanley Pollitt所创. 他认为,虽然广告公司能够取得的资料越来越多,

4. 熟的:(b) 他觉得自己 (find himself) 拥有一信念B,而且他「证成情境下这是一个合情合理的假设在这两重基础 (i) 与 (ii) 之上,推得结论 (iii)性;我们说她的某个发球不只是致胜发球,而且是技术纯熟的 (skillful) 发球,清楚;并没

skillful 双语例句

1. skillful

1. Even to fashion skillful designs, to work in gold and in silver and in bronze

35:32 能设计巧工,用金、银、铜制造各物

2. skillful的近义词

2. To prevent vesicoureteral injury or necrosis, interventional performers should be familiar with image express, be skillful with catheter technique, select the proper catheter and emboli material, superselect artery of target organ.


3. I can use the Computer skillful, proficiency in the application of software: a variety of office software Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other professional data entry, analysis, and various types of computer software, can get down something fluquently, learning and practicel ability is good.


4. Tao holds Heaven and Earth and created various and rare creatures but it doesn`t think itself skillful.


5. As well as being skillful in getting worked up and thinking hard; particepate-complemental method is that recreating the works image through one抯 own life experience; emotional experience means that percept and accept the affection of the works, eventually come up to the sympathetic response on feeling with the author.


6. They differ from the written mode in that the latter does not have to and cannot adapt to readers` immediate feedback or rely on skillful vocal delivery. The author makes it clear that language is a meaning potential and the use of language is to make choices from this potential. The choice is made according to the situation type in which language is used.


7. The deparment of manufacturing has advanced sewing equipments and a group of technical, skillful personnel and quality-inspection staffs who love the manufacture of leather clothing.


8. Having been worked for more than 3 years as a supervisor of engineering department of AECL Chinese project I believe that I am skillful in both English and technical. Plus I am on the internet more than 10 hours every day.


9. There are some requirements: 1, You Yi is not, of course, is a regular; If you really feel and understand the skillful, so that a better recommendation.


10. skillful在线翻译

10. A few years after the opening of the war, the brave Ziska died; but his place was filled by Procopius, who was an equally brave and skillful general, and in some respects a more able leader.


11. That will not heed the tune of the charmer, however skillful the enchanter may be.


12. This is an intoxicating world of art, skillful watercolor techniques attractive - pleasing colors are transparent; moisture control, with plenty of clever arrangements between deliberately and arbitrarily; color thin, thick, stacked, woven generate the rhythm of sound choir; Dianran hook brush pen, compact quasi-steady, vacuousness of Health to produce a very strong expression; images a sense of sunlight, air and create a sense of even more skill.


13. To be a good accountant, one needs not only good theory of an accountant, but also skillful operation ability, problem-solving ability and team work ability.


14. skillful

14. How to operate equipment skillful and manage equip-ment with scientific way for taking the advantage of the advanced equipment in the field is much important too.


15. The key to successful operation is correct diagnosis and skillful manipulation.


16. Breath-control skills play a significant role in the art of singing; therefore, skillful vocalists rely on natural and proper breathing techniques and effective voicing methods to make beautiful and affecting vocal sounds.


17. Saul then told his servants, " Find me a skillful harpist and bring him to me.


18. skillful什么意思

18. Every year, skillful craftsman people create narcissuses miniascape, and can according to the art of engraving of the people, in the period ShouDan, open, give holiday, marriage celebration, and ushers add luster.


19. In contrast, Thompson was shorter, flamboyantly skillful and would adapt or change his techniques when necessary.


20. skillful什么意思

20. Hilfiger now than he was once infatuated with the superb tailoring techniques idols who have a more skillful hands, this may also not rocket science thing, but the camel sailors duffle coat and faded jeans with texture is a clever mashup.


skillful 词典解释

1. -> see skilful

skillful 单语例句

1. Only a skillful master knows how to use fire of different temperatures on the calcination of different parts of the sculpture.

2. Other exterior walls that are covered in printed fabrics showing the landscape of Iceland will come to life with skillful lighting in the evening.

3. The Russian conductor and virtuoso pianist uses skillful fingers to tickle the keyboard with perfect rhythm.

4. As private investigator for nearly seven years, he has already had many successful cases using daring and skillful investigation techniques.

5. Chicago has built a skillful workforce, a lead Chongqing would do well to follow.

6. I wasn't upset because the boy's display was so skillful he easily earned every fen of the few yuan I gave him.

7. After five years, he became employable again but never recovered his knack for skillful melodrama.

8. But Moody's says the companies are well positioned to respond to these challenges, though they do require continued skillful management and prudence in executing their growth strategies.

9. The air force officer held that Israel's intensive air and ground operations in Lebanon proved that skillful manpower played a determining role on the battlefields.

10. The puppeteer captures their attention with his skillful revealing of the story and his expertise in manipulating the puppet against the light screen.

skillful 英英释义



1. done with delicacy and skill

e.g. a nice bit of craft

a job requiring nice measurements with a micrometer

a nice shot

Synonym: nice

2. having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

e.g. adept in handicrafts

an adept juggler

an expert job

a good mechanic

a practiced marksman

a proficient engineer

a lesser-known but no less skillful composer

the effect was achieved by skillful retouching

Synonym: adeptexpertgoodpracticedproficientskilful