

league:[英 [li:g] 美 [liɡ] ]


过去式:leagued;   过去分词:leagued;   现在分词:leaguing;   复数形式:leagues;

league 基本解释


名词联盟; 社团; (运动)联合会、联赛; 里格(长度单位,约等于 3 英里)



league 相关例句


1. Our team plays in the football league.


2. The local schools formed a football league.


3. league的近义词

3. Several nations formed a defense league.



4. They are not in the same league.


league 网络解释

1. 联盟:2.45 联盟 (LEAGUE) 订定竞赛规则,安排比赛行程的主办单位. 2.46 联盟主席 (LEAGUE PRESIDENT) 执行本规则,包括解决所有纠纷并处罚违规的球员或教练或裁判,为主办单位最高的负责人. 2.47 正规 (LEGAL OR LEGALLY) 合乎棒球规则的行为.

2. 社团:返回结果:属于特定社团(league)的所有运动员. 和Java字符串类(String)一样,EJB QL的字符串常量使用Unicode字符编码. 判断空值(NULL)表达式网络一开始提供服务,服务供应者们就意识到动态内容的需要. Applets--是最早的用于动态内容的java类,

3. 同盟:同盟(league)原是大学足球逐鹿的分组式样,即国际间颇负盛名的常春藤盟校(Ivy League)即是学校同盟的一种,同盟的学校通常在范畴、形势上都很相仿. 同盟(league)原是大学足球逐鹿的分组式样,即是将范畴、形势相似的学校编为一组每年举行一次比赛.

league 双语例句

1. Tsukiji, more than five times larger, is in a league of its own.



2. Office party: The party in charge of discipline inspection, trade unions, Communist Youth League, women's federations of the day-to-day affairs, the coordination of the Office of the relationship between; responsible for the organization, propaganda, ideological and cultural progress, united front, the Overseas Chinese Affairs (Federation of Returned Overseas), planning, statistics, Letters and visits, labor and personnel, secretarial and administrative services, logistics and so on.



3. He is also one of the most explosive players in the league.


4. league什么意思

4. We cannot be feeling sorry for ourselves because we still have one more game to go and if we win it we will have 86 points, which will be a record for us in the Premier League.


5. If pressed I'd say there does need to be a quota system for overseas players but I wouldn't want it set too low as I love to see a Premier League full of the world's best players and I bet so do the majority of fans.


6. He said:'I understand the players, we have to stick together and prepare for a Europa League game.


7. They are probably the best team in the Europa League, but each round will be difficult.



8. I believe we have the quality to win the Europa League and we will go for it.


9. These things can help for the rest of the games and the Europa League.


10. The Europa League is another competition for us and we want to win it.


11. Also, we are still in the Europa League and will be trying to getas far as possible.


12. The reasons that influence the speed of our team are various, but the main aspects are the following ones: there are few rebound and vie for intercepting; aggression tactics is unitary; the other players too much depend on the centers; outside line cannot assume the offensive decisively; Our players are not as strongly built as the foreigners; they do not have a good grasp of the basic skills; defense concept and tactics are backward; players cannot develop strong attacks, so with the influence of the former league matches, our players are restricted in the high-level matches.


13. league的近义词

13. In short, it is the lifeblood of every Summoner in the League of Legends.


14. It is very important that all League of Legends programs are closed for this, or the files may be in use and unable to be deleted.


15. The community will play a fundamental role in the development of League of Legends.


16. league

16. Thank you for signing up for the League of Legends Beta.


17. Come to the Community section of the League of Legends website to join the discussion on our forums.


18. As we launch League of Legends there will be Dozens of Champions.



19. As a member of the League of Legends community, you will have an unprecedented voice in what new game features are created and implemented.


20. league什么意思

20. Now he's the league MVP and his team is heading to the NBA Finals.


league 词典解释

1. 联盟;同盟

A league is a group of people, clubs, or countries that have joined together for a particular purpose, or because they share a common interest.

e.g. ...the League of Nations.


e.g. ...the World Muslim League.


2. (体育运动队的)联合会,联赛

A league is a group of teams that play the same sport or activity against each other.


e.g. ...the American League series between the Boston Red Sox and World Champion Oakland Athletics...


e.g. The club are on the brink of promotion to the Premier League.


3. 级别;档次;水平

You use the word league to make comparisons between different people or things, especially in terms of their quality.

e.g. Her success has taken her out of my league...


e.g. Their record sales would put them in the same league as The Rolling Stones.


4. 沆瀣一气;勾结

If you say that someone is in league with another person to do something bad, you mean that they are working together to do that thing.

e.g. There is no evidence that the broker was in league with the fraudulent vendor...


e.g. Williams operated the smuggling scheme in league with his brother.


league 单语例句

1. What promises to be a busy week began with loads of trade talk, much of it centered around two of the league's best known superstars.

2. LONDON - Arsene Wenger believes the busy Christmas period will play a major part in deciding if Arsenal can win the Premier League.

3. Serie A president Maurizio Beretta responded by saying that the contract could be signed at the next league assembly Aug 19.

4. A 2002 peace initiative by the Arab League made only indirect reference to the refugees, giving some Israelis hope.

5. Chelsea and Mourinho were charged last month by the Premier League over an illegal approach to Arsenal defender Ashley Cole.

6. The Lakers star requested an immediate appeal hearing but that was denied by the league, forcing Bryant to miss the contest at Madison Square Garden.

7. NBA commissioner David Stern happily embraces the possibilities created by the league's cosmopolitan flavour.

8. NBA commissioner David Stern predicted last week the deal would be approved easily by the league's owners.

9. The league normally decides on disciplinary action on the Tuesday following weekend games but brought the announcement forward this time.

10. When Vick is released from prison, the league could take separate disciplinary action and suspend him.

league 英英释义


1. an association of sports teams that organizes matches for its members

Synonym: conference

2. an association of states or organizations or individuals for common action

3. an obsolete unit of distance of variable length (usually 3 miles)


1. unite to form a league