

motif:[英 [məʊˈti:f] 美 [moʊˈti:f] ]



motif 基本解释

名词(文艺作品等的)主题; (音乐的)乐旨,动机; 基本图案

motif 相关例句


1. This opera contains a love motif.


motif 网络解释

1. motif的解释

1. 模体:简介 模体(Motif)是指序列中局部的保守区域,或者是一组序列中共有的一小段序列模式. 更多的时候是指有可能具有分子功能、结构性质或家族成员相关的任何序列模式. 分布 在蛋白质、DNA、RNA序列中都存在.

motif 双语例句

1. BACKGROUND: In recent years, substantial effort has been applied to de novo regulatory motif discovery.

背景:近些年来,大量的工作被应用到de novo调控motif发现上。

2. Four new colors inspired from the nature motif - olive green, coral blue, silver white and cobalt black – have been adopted to highlight the eco-friendly green design.


3. Dragon is the most significant motif on the dragon robes of Qing Dynasty.


4. TS domain has a winged helix-turn-helix structural motif that recognizes and binds to a purine-rich DNA core elements of GGAA/T present in the promoter /enhancer regions of downstream target genes.


5. In primary examination, 164 genes related to cardiac remodeling were found to be candidates for hierarchical analysis, such as leucine-rich PPR-motif containing (interleukin-6 signaling pathway), procollagen type I and III, fibronectin-1, RT1, and TIMP-1, etc.


6. motif的解释

6. Without extrinsic noise, spontaneous transition between states occurs as the consequence of intrinsic noise.



7. On the other hand, intrinsic noise can induce sustained stochastic oscillation when the corresponding deterministic system does not oscillate.


8. motif的近义词

8. Protein sequence, Association rule, Secondary structure prediction, Motif discovery.



9. The X-window and Motif graphic user interface are synthesized to from a computer visualization environment for ABLA.



10. Methods SMARTRACE strategy was applied to clone the full length cDNA. The putative functional motif and protein sequence alignment were demonstrated with bioinformatics software. The basal expression_r_r of this novel gene in tissues and organs of mice were detected with northern blotting.

SMARTRACE技术克隆该新基因全长cDNA;采用生物信息学软件分析其可能的功能结构域和进行序列相似性分析;Northern Blotting分析该基因在小鼠主要组织器官的生理水平的表达。


11. Accordingly, Ballen is not a photographer for whom standard divisions like subject and object, motif and background, make any sense: the drizzle and lilt of a wire, the shuffle of a shoe, the smear of sand on a wall are as important to the reading of the work, to its distinct power, as gestures more humanly communicative like a smile or grimace.


12. By blasting the consensus sequence in GenBank, a few cellular proteins bearing this motif were found.


13. This is first reported conservative binding motif for NF-κB in accordance with the consensus sequence among teleost ISG promoters.


14. Vibrant pierced earrings with the motif of a streak of lightning in Jet Hematite, Montana and clear crystal pavé.


15. motif在线翻译

15. The preludes begin almost invariably with a single motif in one of the voices which is then treated imitatively for a bar or two.


16. A complete piece of Iceland spar was covered with a motif of scales.


17. This con ten is the syzygy motif, and it expresses the fact that a masculine, element is always paired with a feminine one.


18. As analysis by bioinformatics, YggG belongs to Peptidase_M48 family which contains HEXXH motif that forms a metal binding site.

生物信息学的分析提示:YggG可能是一种金属蛋白酶,属于Peptidase M48家族,含有HEXXH基序。

19. Through all four projects, the box form – Kogan`s favourite motif – occurs time and again but in carefully nuanced combinations: precisely planed concrete boxes within boxes (a function of security concerns in S·o Paulo stoned lined boxes on top of boxes; and timber slatted boxes that open outwards towards a slim-lined lap pool perhaps with no doors to mark inside or outside.

通过所有四个项目中,方块形式-根最喜欢的主题-一次又一次地发生,但在认真细致的组合:正是计划内的具体盒盒(一个函数的安全关切的S·o Paulo);用石头内衬盒顶部的框;和木材板式方块向外开启朝着超薄排队圈池也许没有门,标志着境内或境外。


20. Mini-motif and border designs including ducks, fish, swans, and sail boats.


motif 词典解释

1. (作为装饰的)图形,图式

A motif is a design which is used as a decoration or as part of an artistic pattern.

e.g. ...a rose motif.


2. 主题;中心思想

A motif is a theme or idea that is frequently repeated throughout a piece of literature or music.


e.g. The motif of these volumes is that 'solitude is the richness of the soul, loneliness is its poverty.'


motif 单语例句motif

1. Film attempts to distinguish itself with a cinematic motif, though the exterior signage might be the bar's most thematic element.

2. Suddenly the motif seems to shift to a conceptual 1920's design.

3. The new recurring motif - rectangular metal frames overlapping - is also evident in massive lobby wall mirrors.

4. The most popular fish motif found in Chinese art and culture is that of the Carp or Koi fish.

5. Director Chen is very fond of this motif of " paper shackles ".

6. " Knight and Day " plays this motif for laughs, but the added benefit is that it keeps the action moving fluidly.

7. The 50 or so prostitutes have been outfitted with thong bikinis with a soccer ball motif.

8. In other words, the motif of the novel Frog existed in Mo's mind for quite a long time.

9. This year's festival features a giant joss stick with a dragon motif that signifies a bright future and happiness.

10. The Martyr Cemetery Station on Chongqing Subway's No 1 line is covered in doodles, offering a fun motif for weary eyes.

motif 英英释义



1. a design or figure that consists of recurring shapes or colors, as in architecture or decoration

Synonym: motive

2. a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in literary or artistic work

e.g. it was the usual `boy gets girl' theme

Synonym: theme

3. a theme that is repeated or elaborated in a piece of music

Synonym: motive