

recede:[英 [rɪˈsi:d] 美 [rɪˈsid] ]


过去式:receded;   过去分词:receded;   现在分词:receding;

recede 基本解释

不及物动词后退; 减弱; (价值,品质等)跌落,低落,变坏; 收回意见,退出(某种活动)


recede 同义词

动词withdrawretreatretirefall backregress

recede 反义词



recede 相关例句


1. The mountain peaks recede into the distance as one leaves the shore.


2. The colleges would recede in importance.


3. Memories of childhood recede.


4. recede什么意思

4. His hair is beginning to recede from his forehead.


recede 网络解释

1. 后退:recapitulate 简述要旨 | recede 后退 | receive 接到,接受


2. 后退 rip(撕裂):concede妥协 | recede 后退 rip(撕裂) | grip v. 抓

3. 收回,后退:recall 记起,想起 | recede 收回,后退 | recess 凹槽,凹座,凹进处

4. 后退 撤退:unprecedented 史无前例的 | recede 后退 撤退 | recession 后退 撤退

recede 双语例句

1. recede是什么意思

1. Fall asleep, dope off, flake out, drift off, nod off, doze off, drowse off3. leave or unload, especially of passengers or cargo; 同义词:drop, set down, put down, unload, discharge同义词:fall back, lose, fall behind, recede同义词:slip, drop away, fall away


2. recede的翻译

2. Recently, Ecological restoration is the pop discussion all along, riparian vegetation can prevent slope by corrasion, but others put forward that vegetation will recede the watercourse`s capability of flood discharge.


3. Minutes with a test: a card with the words gradually recede, until the fuzzy, cool head card on the card side, You will find that the cards gradually clear handwriting.



4. When will the novelty of the medium recede and let the basic motivations come to the forefront?


5. Her home was flooded up to two feet on August, 8th and the waters have yet to recede.


6. recede的反义词

6. Its tendency to recede is just balanced by the tendency of the swiftly moving matter of the vortex beyond it.


7. The flooded Red River started to recede by Monday, but rescue workers now face the daunting task of navigating waterlogged streets to send in supplies and assess damages.



8. Finally, he is only a sound: the footsteps that approach, that recede.


9. Residents are waiting for high water to recede, so they can return to their homes.



10. Now that the water is beginning to recede, the question is how do we help with the recovery?


11. Until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life.


12. E ebb fade, diminish, recede n.

退,弱,退潮,衰落 vi。

13. Up till now, The shadow over Qu Qiubai still fails to recede.


14. recede的解释

14. This effect, they say, is raising average temperatures and sea levels as the polar ice caps recede.


15. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being.



16. With an increased trust in the overall banking system, the panic demand for money has begun to and should continue to recede.



17. This is because warm colours seem to come forward and cool colours seem to recede away.


18. My hostage to fortune for 2004 is that this sort of guff has peaked and will recede.


19. The best way to overcome it——so at least it seems to me——is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life.


20. The best way to overcome it-so at least it seems to me-is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life.


recede 词典解释

1. 退回;后退;远离

If something recedes from you, it moves away.

e.g. Luke's footsteps receded into the night...


e.g. As she receded he waved goodbye.


2. (质量)下降;(问题或疾病等)逐渐减弱,好转

When something such as a quality, problem, or illness recedes, it becomes weaker, smaller, or less intense.

e.g. Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede...


e.g. Dealers grew concerned over the sliding dollar and receding prospects for economic recovery.


3. (前额的头发)脱落

If a man's hair starts to recede, it no longer grows on the front of his head.

e.g. ...a youngish man with dark hair just beginning to recede...


e.g. The bartender had a florid face and a receding hairline.


4. (常指牙龈因为感染)萎缩

If your gums start to recede, they begin to cover less of your teeth, usually as the result of an infection.


e.g. If untreated, the gums recede, become swollen and bleed...


e.g. Receding gums can be the result of disease or simply incorrect brushing.


recede 单语例句recede的意思

1. But when the middle class starts buying into an overheated property market, it is time for institutional investors to recede.

2. The Java coastal area was spared by the devastating Asian tsunami of 2004, but many residents recognized the danger when they saw the sea recede.

3. She said a series of large waves as tall as coconut trees came and then the water began to recede.

4. Food commodity prices were likely to recede from the peaks they hit recently, but they would remain higher in the decade ahead than the one gone by.

5. However his controversial life story was far from finished as a drugs scandal early last year saw him recede from public view.

6. But as flood waters started to recede, authorities began to understand the full scale of the disaster.

7. Even after the waters recede, much needs to be done to help villagers get back on their feet.

8. The flooding is not expected to recede until next week when the heavy rain stops, according to a local meteorological service.

9. The policymakers also clung to their belief that the biggest potential danger to the economy is that inflation won't recede as they anticipate.

10. But capital outflows are unlikely to rival inflows until expectations of further RMB appreciation recede.

recede 英英释义


1. become faint or more distant

e.g. the unhappy memories of her childhood receded as she grew older

2. retreat

Synonym: fall backlosedrop offfall behind

3. pull back or move away or backward

e.g. The enemy withdrew

The limo pulled away from the curb

Synonym: withdrawretreatpull awaydraw backpull backretiremove back