

plunder:[英 [ˈplʌndə(r)] 美 [ˈplʌndɚ] ]


过去式:plundered;   过去分词:plundered;   现在分词:plundering;   复数形式:plunders;

plunder 基本解释

及物/不及物动词掠夺; 偷; 私吞

名词抢劫; 掠夺物

plunder 相关例句



1. They accused him of plundering the public treasury.


2. The conquerors plundered their wealth and burned their cities.



1. Instead, they chose to plunder and kill.




1. They live by plunder.


2. plunder

2. He escaped with his plunder.


plunder 网络解释

1. 掠夺:罗杰穆迪(Roger Moody)在他的(Plunder)一书中描述了力拓的种种劣迹:从侵害土著居民、恫吓反对者、到镇压工会,再到操纵当时世界上最大的商品卡特尔,不一而足.

2. 掠:劫掠(Plunder) 派出一对游牧部落攻击一块区域里的敌方建筑2. 重建(Restoration) 重建被摧毁的殖民地3. 集市(Bazaar) 每10秒生产1块宝石,此后每攻克一块殖民地获得1点荣誉阴影族的废墟控制阴影族殖民地,可以通过猎杀工人或英雄获得荣誉特殊能力:1.

3. 抢劫:plumy 有羽毛的 | plunder 抢劫 | plunderage 抢夺

4. 抢劫,掠夺:Blunder:犯大错,愚蠢之举 | Plunder:抢劫,掠夺 | Sham:假货,虚假,伪装

plunder 双语例句

1. As to why the state could plunder so barbarically, we need to look into three re spects: the lack of law and democracy, the faintness of commercial guilds and the absense of competition between the states.


2. But after hundreds of years, to the early sixteenth century, the church's internal corruption once again serious, most of which is that most people accused of betraying the amnesty (Indulgences, also known as the Yom Kippur coupon) to plunder public wealth, and to levy heavy taxes on the sale of teaching, etc.


3. Privately, he was still a man always to defense somebody against justice, he worked as a labor at the desk, endured the besetment of sight`s degeneration, only wish to plunder back the lost time.


4. Such will be the portion of those who plunder us And the lot of those who pillage us.


5. Clear minor details civilian first, below imperialist aggression, china is not protected in political sovereignty, assume office in economy person plunder, political economy progress is abnormal condition.


6. plunder的解释

6. The next Day I made another Voyage; and now having plunder`d the Ship of what was portable and fit to hand out, I began with the Cables; and cutting the great Cable into Pieces, such as I could move, I got two Cables and a Hawser* on Shore, with all the Iron Work I could get; and having cut down the Spritsail-yard, and the Missen-yard, and every Thing I could to make a large Raft, I loaded it with all those heavy Goods, and came away: But my good Luck began now to leave me; for this Raft was so unweildy, and so overloaden, that after I was enter`d the little Cove, where I had landed the rest of my Goods, not being able to guide it so handily as I did the other, it overset, and threw me and all my Cargoe into the Water; as for my self it was no great Harm, for I was near the Shore; but as to my Cargoe, it was great Part of it lost, especially the Iron, which I expected would have been of great Use to me: However, when the Tide was out, I got most of the Pieces of Cable ashore, and some of the Iron, tho` with infinite Labour; for I was fain to dip for it into the Water, a Work which fatigu`d me very much: After this I went every Day on Board, and brought away what I could get.


7. The next Day I made another Voyage; and now having plunder'd the Ship of what was portable and fit to hand out, I began with the Cables; and cutting the great Cable into Pieces, such as I could move, I got two Cables and a Hawser on Shore, with all the Iron Work I could get; and having cut down the Spritsail-yard, and the Missen-yard, and every Thing I could to make a large Raft, I loaded it with all those heavy Goods, and came away: But my good Luck began now to leave me; for this Raft was so unwieldy, and so overloaden, that after I was enter'd the little Cove, where I had landed the rest of my Goods, not being able to guide it so handily as I did the other, it overset, and threw me and all my Cargo into the Water; as for my self it was no great Harm, for I was near the Shore; but as to my Cargo, it was great Part of it lost, especially the Iron, which I expected would have been of great Use to me: However, when the Tide was out, I got most of the Pieces of Cable ashore, and some of the Iron, tho'with infinite Labour; for I was fain to dip for it into the Water, a Work which fatigu'd me very much: After this I went every Day on Board, and brought away what I could get.


8. Not only was the number of slain very great, but both sides slaked their thirst for vengeance in plunder, murder, and wholesale massacres.


9. And you thickened your holdings with plunder and jewels.


10. Several stars plunder the bird with the whole family to live in together, some of them imitate the sound which the child makes a tearful scene, a some imitation pair of lover long string kiss sound, some imitations open the door the sound, but also some imitation teapot burns time the boiling water scat singing......


11. Your wealth and your treasures I will give as plunder without price, And that for all your sins, And within all your borders.

15:13 我必因你在四境之内所犯的一切罪,把你的赀产财宝,白白的交给仇敌为掠物。

12. plunder什么意思

12. O My mountain in the field, Your wealth and all your treasures I will give as plunder, Your high places, because of sin, Within all your borders.

17:3 我田野的山哪,我必因你在四境之内所犯的罪,把你的赀产,和一切的财宝,并你的邱坛,当掠物交给仇敌。

13. Only superintending arresters prevent their falsities, embezzlement, plunder as well as killing and wounding the accused without any excuse.


14. plunder

14. And then he will thoroughly plunder his house.



15. In judicial practice of carrying weapons into the acts of plunder conviction lunwen114should be strictly in accordance with the law of the elements that come.


16. Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all her villages will say to you, Have you come to plunder?


17. He will loot and plunder the land as pay for his army.


18. Therefore thus says the Lord Jehovah, I am about to give the land of Egypt to Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, and he will carry off her multitude and take her spoil and seize her plunder, and it will be the wages for his army.

29:19 所以主耶和华如此说,看哪,我必将埃及地赐给巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒;他必掳掠埃及的群众,抢其中的财为掳物,夺其中的货为掠物,这就可以作他军兵的报酬。

19. As for Britain and France, they have regarded Poland as an object of plunder for their finance capital, exploited her to thwart the German imperialist attempt at a world re-division of the spoils, and made her a flank of their own imperialist front. Thus their war is an imperialist war, their so-called aid to Poland being merely for the purpose of contending with Germany for the domination of Poland, and this war, too, should be opposed, not approved.


20. One crew member said, it difficult for them to from these vessels to plunder anything of value...


plunder 词典解释

1. 劫掠;掠夺;窃取

If someone plunders a place or plunders things from a place, they steal things from it.

e.g. They plundered and burned the market town of Leominster...


e.g. She faces charges of helping to plunder her country's treasury of billions of dollars...


2. 劫掠物;侵吞物;赃物

Plunder is property that is stolen.

e.g. The thieves are often armed and in some cases have killed for their plunder.


plunder 单语例句

1. They didn't plunder and slaughter like the Mongols, but they strafed from airplanes as a means of controlling fractious tribesmen.

2. Di says that in order to make up its losses from the financial crisis, the US wants to plunder other countries'wealth.

3. Welcome to the land down under, where women glow and men plunder.

4. Actor Glenn Ford is shown in a scene from his 1953 film " Plunder Of The Sun " in this undated publicity file photo.

5. Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo pardoned former president Joseph Estrada on Thursday, setting aside his conviction and life sentence on charges of plunder.

6. Rioters were left virtually unchallenged in several neighborhoods and able to plunder from stores at will or attempt to invade homes.

7. Two thieves who fled in a taxi abandoned their plunder and escaped after police stopped the car during a pursuit early Thursday.

8. All the riches he ended up acquiring weren't even his, they were the plunder of murderous thieves.

9. China will not shift its own problems and contradictions onto other countries, much less will it plunder other countries to further its own development.

10. A crowd soon descended on the scene, hoping to plunder the truck's cargo.

plunder的解释plunder 英英释义


1. goods or money obtained illegally

Synonym: lootbootypillageprizeswagdirty money


1. destroy and strip of its possession

e.g. The soldiers raped the beautiful country

Synonym: rapespoildespoilviolate

2. steal goods

take as spoils

e.g. During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners

Synonym: despoillootreavestriprifleransackpillageforay

3. plunder (a town) after capture

e.g. the barbarians sacked Rome

Synonym: sack

4. take illegally

of intellectual property

e.g. This writer plundered from famous authors

Synonym: loot