

witty:[英 [ˈwɪti] 美 [ˈwɪti] ]


witty 基本解释

形容词诙谐的; 机智的; 聪明的; 会说俏皮话的

witty 网络解释

1. 睿智:Optimistic 乐观 | Witty 睿智 | Aggressive and ambitious 充满报复,上进努力

2. 机智的:witness 证人 | witty 机智的 | wizard 男巫

witty 双语例句

1. Over the past few months, my husband has developed a huge crush on the sassy political commentator Rachel Maddow; he is a frequent watcher of The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC so the other night while he was putting our son to bed, I decided to catch her show to see just how witty my competition was.


2. Performing fan drum a crisp, lively, witty, humorous art style by the local people welcome.


3. Last scion of a great family, of feminine manners and witty tongue, he was at that time running through a fortune with a rage of life and appetite which nothing could appease.


4. witty

4. In other words, it's a time sink. edit: Gross, my first first and it's a Bornakk post! Blech!! Where's the clever and witty red skull dude when the magical Sharax is posting?


5. witty的近义词

5. The witty witness withdr aws his words within minutes without any reason.


6. A minute for witty comments comparing the length of your legs to thirteen's...


7. She is conspicuously skilled in military arts as well as witty and brave.


8. And powder coating evenly performance powder is a natural color, natural appearance of a bright pink can be widely applied to the nose, cheeks and other parts to increase their parts of the gloss, finger point, whether it is witty, charming or avant-garde and it can complement each other.


9. Company of several well-maintained, but also witty remarks board, senior director of an airplane, something an outsider would take time to determine who is the boss of them.


10. witty的反义词

10. Is his first full-length short lead detective stories of creation, but also created his first witty, courageous, sincere, kind-hearted official detective - inspector quebracho.


11. witty

11. You are a brave man to trade witty rejoinders with a mental giant such as myself.


12. witty的近义词

12. If, we teachers have been Confucius, Comenius, John Dewey, and other educators Suhomlinski educational thought had nourished; are multiple intelligences, successful education, humanism, constructivism and other theories before baptism; was the pre-Qin myth, poetry, and Shu Ting, Rabindranath Tagore's poetry too invasive; was Ba Jin, Bing Xin, Yu, Wen-Zhe-Wen Wang Meng and other United States and ironing clothes off...... if you have been with a true, good and beautiful baptism off soul into the classroom, you will quote the classics, witty remarks, full of passion, to cope with.


13. You listened, and we had the witty repartee. Bye.


14. In the age of the TV sitcom, witty New York repartee and the instant one


15. witty

15. In the age of the TV sitcom, witty New York repartee and the instant one-liner, Western wisdom in


16. witty什么意思

16. In the age of the TV sitcom, witty New York repartee and the instant one-liner, Western wisdom in the modern sense can mean something more like the dialogue from an American sitcom.


17. Mizoguchi's films during the occupation were noted particularly for their feminist content: The Victory of Women (1946) is the chronicle of a female lawyer defending a woman accused of murdering her child; The Love of Sumako the Actress (1947) and My Love Has Been Burning are biographies of liberated women of the Meiji era. Five Women around Utamaro, a mellow, witty biopic of the 18th-century woodblock artist, was one of the first postwar period films, a genre discouraged under the occupation; according to Joseph Anderson and Donald Richie, Mizoguchi obtained permission to make it by stressing the hero's democratic sympathies and political dissidence.

沟口健二在美军占领期间拍摄的影片尤其因女性主义内容而广为人知:《女人的胜利》(The Victory of Women ,1946)是一部关于一位女性律师为另一位被控谋杀其孩子的女子担当辩护的详尽叙述;《女演员须磨子的恋爱》(The Love of Sumako the Actress ,1947)以及《我的爱在燃烧》则是关于明治时期那些摆脱束缚之女性的传记影片;《歌女五美图》是一部柔美而诙谐的名人传记影片,其主角是一位生活在十八世纪的木版画艺人,本片也是战后第一批时代剧之一,而这种类型的电影在占领时期是受到阻挠的;根据约瑟夫·安德森与唐纳德·里奇的说法,沟口健二通过强调主角对民主的同情以及在政治方面的异端立场而获准拍摄。


18. Sung The theatre's so obsessed/With dramas so depressed/It's hard to sell a ticket on Broadway/Shows should be more pretty/Shows should be more witty/Shows should be more...


19. Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. Abeunt studia in mores.


20. Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtitle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. Abeunt studia in mores.


witty 词典解释

1. 机智幽默的;妙趣横生的;诙谐的

Someone or something that is witty is amusing in a clever way.

e.g. His plays were very good, very witty...


e.g. He is a very witty speaker.



The play deals wittily and intelligently with the pain of betrayal...


'Count Dracula, I presume,' I said wittily.

“我想是德拉库拉伯爵吧。”我打趣地说。witty 单语例句

1. The witty and carefree hosts throw out a topic everyday for listeners to send in mobile messages.

2. That made for witty touches like a shocking pink tufted chiffon poodle embroidered on the back of a frayed denim coat.

3. It does have scholars like Huang Jiwei who compile witty - and often new - sayings collected from every corner of the universe of speech.

4. The films established Feng's reputation as a popular commercial comedy director with a unique sense of humor and a talent for witty satire.

5. She called him a " witty and delightful companion who went out of his way to help each new actor find his niche " on the show.

6. Some love her witty style and her effort to spread the culture, while others criticize her for straying too far from the original texts.

7. My former editor is a very smart fellow, a witty writer and is the biggest um man on this side of Timbuktu.

8. Beijing - The name Sherlock Holmes conjures up images of a sharply dressed and witty Englishman with a wry smile and a keen eye.

9. Most of the stories are adopted from ancient literature, which are told with witty comments and expressive body language.

10. Only a mother feeding pigs at the foot of the mountain was witty enough to safeguard her two children inside a pig trough.

witty 英英释义


1. combining clever conception and facetious expression

e.g. his sermons were unpredictably witty and satirical as well as eloquent