

traditionally:[英 [trə'dɪʃənəlɪ] 美 [trə'dɪʃənəlɪ] ]


traditionally 基本解释



traditionally 网络解释


1. 传统的:517 denim 牛仔布 | 518 traditionally 传统的 | 519 venetian 直贡呢,威尼斯缩绒呢

2. traditionally在线翻译

2. 传统上:traditionalistic 传统主义者的 | traditionally 传统上 | traditionarily 传统上

3. 传统地:gemstone 宝石 | traditionally 传统地 | intimately 密切地

4. 传说地:traditionalistic 传统主义者的 | traditionally 传说地 | traditionally 传统地

traditionally 双语例句

1. Silver, copper, gold, aluminum, etc. are all printed traditionally as extra colors.


2. FDA has traditionally viewed blending of out-of-spec batches with material that is in specification as an act of adulteration, disguising a defect in a batch by blending it with another batch.

答:FDA 传统的观点是认为这样做是搀假行为,是用其他批次的物料和它混粉来掩盖批次中的缺陷。

3. Furthermore, information technology and internet accelerate business administration field steps into a new era. Traditionally, measuring corporation value as fiscal and tangible asset been antiquated, the intangible assets such as core-competence, innovation take place. Therefore, scholars propose a new measure methodology—intellectual capital which can explain why the corporation market value surpass book value. This measure methodology will assist high-level managers to identify what is the important asset when corporation faces the competition across internal and external environment systematically. It has become a significant index to evaluate corporation value currently.


4. International agreements have traditionally been based on the assumption of territorial jurisdiction, whereas Internet is a global communication forum.


5. Aioli is a sauce made of garlic and olive oil, traditionally served with seafood, fish soup, and croutons.


6. Traditionally all-white platinum should also be considered a long-lasting option that is open to color as well.


7. Switzerland has already been fretting over dwindling supplies of its beloved'cervelat'sausage following a European Union ban on the Brazilian cows'intestines traditionally used to encase the meat.


8. This color is not traditionally thought of as a Christmas flower, but looks nice when you have a large display of poinsettias and want to mix some different colored blooms in with the usual red.


9. ERP software has traditionally been used by large corporates to integrate and automate diverse departments across the enterprise.


10. In the most general terms, reclusion, which was traditionally defined against officeholding, represented one of the two major paths a member of the educated elite could follow.


11. traditionally

11. Objective To develop a sugar free substitute for the traditionally used sugar starch core pellets as a substrate for durg layering.


12. traditionally

12. Traditionally, this technique produces shaded line art illustrations in drawing or painting, in addition to being a printing and printmaking technique.


13. traditionally

13. As a new type of lawsuit system, economic commonweal lawsuit system is a breakthrough of traditional lawsuit. Traditionally, the prosecutors qualification is restricted to those who directly connect with the case.


14. Kilometer Zero is a particular location (often in the nation's capital city), from which distances are traditionally measured.

Kilometer Zero的意思就是1个中心点,以前的距离都是从这个中心点量起。

15. Traditionally, mordants were found in nature.


16. traditionally

16. Traditionally, the substantial evidence test was regarded as a more stringent standard because it occurred on a record.


17. This type of inter-business service call has traditionally been a task that is undertaken at development time.


18. Traditionally, bigger marine satellite antennas had cumbrous weight and complicated cable installation problems.


19. Traditionally, he said, when the opposition seizes power in the United States, it brings about changes in foreign policy, including the policy towards China, which are bound to lead to political volat


20. Traditionally Chinese chopsticks are usually 9 to 10 inches long and rectangular with a blunt end.


traditionally 单语例句traditionally

1. However, traditionally selling and buying land in China is done through private contract.

2. Naming a Cabinet in Japan has traditionally involved a careful balancing act, giving each of the party's main factions positions that reflect their relative strength.

3. The peak can be reached by navigating an obstacle course traditionally designed to assist the development of kungfu skills.

4. Experts believe it could transform family planning by allowing couples to share the responsibility for contraception - a role that traditionally falls to women.

5. The regulations were designed to open up China's wholesale oil market, traditionally dominated by CNPC and Sinopec.

6. Dragon Boat Festival is traditionally celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month on the Chinese lunar calendar.

7. The fourth month of the lunar calendar is traditionally known as a " bright and warm " month.

8. Dragon boat racing is an essential festive celebration of this traditionally important day, which falls on the fifth day of May according to the Chinese lunar calender.

9. Bush traditionally attends the annual Gridiron Club dinner but was conferring with Brazil's president at Camp David on Saturday.

10. Camphor wood is known for its insect repellant properties, and its wood has been used traditionally in China for dowry and linen trunks.

traditionally 英英释义


1. according to tradition

in a traditional manner

e.g. traditionally, we eat fried foods on Hanukah