

reporter:[英 [rɪˈpɔ:tə(r)] 美 [rɪˈpɔ:rtə(r)] ]



reporter 基本解释



reporter 相关例句



1. The reporter was interrogated again.


reporter 网络解释

1. 通讯员:最近你从上获悉, 该报招一批学生通讯员(reporter). 你很想担任比项工作 成为一名通讯员. 你于元月8日写一自荐信. 你的情况: 喜欢英语, 学英语已有 四年, 能用英语和外国人交谈, 能读懂浅易的原版(original)英文书籍,

2. reporter

2. 报告人:Bug的责任人(owner) 和 报告人(reporter) 具有修改的权利. 1.若不是,重新分配(reassigned)给项目组长或应该分配的开发者. 2.若是,进行处理,解决(resolved)并给出解决方法. (可创建补丁附件及补充说明)

3. 汇报人:提供多个话题,按相同话题分组,使他们有共同感兴趣的内容交谈;(3)任务陈述(Specification of tasks):每个小组应有一个主持人(moderator)、一个秘书(secretary)和一个汇报人(reporter).

reporter 双语例句

1. Yesterday, reporter learned from the Jiangbei Airport yesterday has 435 flights a day, the day before yesterday (11 days) flight delays 35 flights up, in which more than 140 flight delays, a total of 10, 000 passengers on board the plane delayed.


2. From this tight, orderly, warm and serious swearing in ceremony, this reporter felt that, the Japanese Handicapped Sports Team was a team that was well trained, disciplined and possessed fighting spirit.


3. In conclusion, Id4 could be regard as a reporter for ALL patients before their relapse.


4. reporter的解释

4. This reporter has learned that the airport is currently the main passenger port to Wuhan, Changsha, Nanchang, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guiyang, Xi'an and other cities inbound tourists mainly came from Changsha, Chengdu, Wuhan and Shanghai.


5. The hotel backside of scene is shocking numberThe reporter understands in investigation, investigate its reason nothing more than at 3 o'clock: One, Hainan investment opportunity is not much, besides travel and estate, do not know to still what industry can invest.


6. reporter在线翻译

6. Yan Yu of reporter of report from our correspondent reports: Open the hasten of general trends place that is a website, user base is the key of open community platform.

本报讯 记者严钰报道:开放是互联网站的大势所趋,用户基础是开放社区平台的要害。

7. Yan Yu of reporter of report from our correspondent reports: In Internet industry, the concept of operation compares wide extensive, include the market (public relations agency, interactive sale), operation (mobile plan is carried out, the data analysis that monitor), the fractionize category such as customer service and products plan.

本报讯 记者严钰报道:在互联网行业,运营的概念比较宽泛,包括市场、运营(活动策划执行、数据监测分析等)、客服及产品设计等细分类别。

8. Report from our correspondent (south Lu Yan of Lu Wenting of reporter Yan Jianyi's reporter) 3 pieces of receipt for a loan, chatting record of a QQ is printed, after all is loan amount are 8500 yuan still 6300 yuan?

本报讯 (通讯员严剑漪卢文婷记者鲁雁南)三张借条,一份QQ聊天记录打印件,究竟借款数额是8500元还是6300元?


9. Jayson Blair was a Times reporter who was forced to resign from the newspaper in May 2003, after he was caught plagiarizing and fabricating elements of his stories.

杰森。布莱尔是纽约时报的一位记者,他在 2003 年 5 月被发现抄袭和伪造报道内容后被迫辞职。

10. Know according to reporter place, break net incident this to already brought about countrywide net inspect to dispatch.


11. reporter是什么意思

11. Nanfang Daily News (Reporter/SUN correspondent/Xue Zhe Bo) 6 junior high school students in the Internet cafe to play late into the night, went to Silver Lake area to pass the time, I feel a bad mood, they want to vent their emotions on a young man to commit robbery, and The man was wounded.

南方日报讯(记者/孙颖通讯员/薛哲刘波) 6名初中生在网吧玩到深夜,跑到银湖辖区打发时间,觉得心情不好,想发泄情绪便对一年轻男子实施抢劫,并将该男子打伤。

12. The reporter was in yesterday of 58.com secondhand commodity makes over board piece on see many cession information.


13. Reporter: Regard platform of earlier sortie lash-up as the enterprise of construction, do you think what the development trend of this one domain is?


14. Our reporter learned that, at present, Shanxi Province and the Ministry of Railways to complete the circuit with different investment projects pre-feasibility study report.


15. Piao Guangxi told our reporter that many foreigners are willing to invest in the tertiary industry. However, they are hesitating because, as foreigners, they don`t know the regulations, the local conditions and consuming mode in China.


16. Industry public figure tells a reporter, include Chinese net to connect, UniCom inside operation business also is preparing telecommunication to block formal thrust with taking order especially the life portal of respective city, offer those who include meal, hotel, airline ticket and service of other city life to engage a service.


17. reporter是什么意思

17. Reporter learned from a number of banks in Shanghai, although the Shanghai banking sector has yet to express personal loan business to increase loans floating interval manner contraction, but the company has been quietly lending market this year will raise interest rates by 10 percentage points.


18. There are so many? Xu nail a reporter asked, the size of the market is non-impact, but should not be exaggerated.


19. A (Reporter/HU Jian correspondent/Fu-hsin) yesterday afternoon, the Guangdong Provincial People`s Government and the Agricultural Bank of China held in Guangzhou in the financial cooperation agreement signing ceremony.


20. Since some readers do not understand relevant provisions well and even think mistakenly that the state would resume individual income tax on stock transfer, the reporter recently paid a visit to the State Administration of Taxation.


reporter 词典解释

1. 记者

A reporter is someone who writes news articles or who broadcasts news reports.

e.g. ...a TV reporter.


e.g. ...a trainee sports reporter...


reporter 单语例句reporter的翻译

1. But he seems torn between his fears that I'm an undercover reporter and of missing a business opportunity.

2. The reporter who posted the story claimed it was based on inside information and actually was intended to bust the elopement myth.

3. Business reporter Liu Qian says she often gets text messages asking her to buy or sell a particular stock at a designated time.

4. One of the buildings was stained by the blood, according to the reporter at site.

5. A reporter was allowed to talk to patients at the clinic on condition they not be identified by name.

6. A man working for a university's press office has hung up on my call, right after I told him I was a reporter.

7. Some visitors told the reporter that tour guides used to bring the group to dinner, after which they would call it a day.

8. After an investigation into prostitution at the hotel, a China Central Television reporter called Luzhou's police hot line on January 15.

9. A Xinhua reporter at Fuzhou railway station witnessed many passengers calling their families to tell them their train number and which carriage they were assigned.

10. A reporter for British ITV television said its cameraman saw up to 100 bodies inside the school gym where most hostages were held..

reporter是什么意思reporter 英英释义


1. a person who investigates and reports or edits news stories

Synonym: newsmannewsperson