

meaningful:[英 [ˈmi:nɪŋfl] 美 [ˈminɪŋfəl] ]


meaningful 基本解释

形容词有意义的; 意味深长的; 有意图的; 隽

meaningful 网络解释

1. 意味深长:Wonderful 多么美好 | Meaningful 意味深长 | Full Circle 周而复始

2. 意味深长的:meaning 意义 | meaningful 意味深长的 | meaningless 无意义的

meaningful 双语例句

1. You think of women as disposable pleasures rather than meaningful pursuits.


2. Locutionary act: is the saying of something which is meaningful and can be understood.


3. meaningful在线翻译

3. The paper highlights the importance of meaningful national dialogue and the empowerment of civil society and of marginal actors in particular.


4. The source of all spiritual practices is the wish to make life meaningful and happy.


5. Guston, we come to the conclusion that only setting up an intermediate organization and construction an organic ecology boundary between politics and science may control and regulate the degree of opening of the science system and intensity of the outer control, which is worthy of a meaningful try to find a way of self-organization evolution of scientific system.

戈斯顿(David H·Guston)的委托—代理者理论,在科学与政治之间建立中间组织,构建政治与科学的有机生态的边界,就能够起到控制和调节科学系统的开放度和外部控制强度的作用,这不失为寻求科学系统达到自组织进化的一种有意尝试。

6. It is not necessary that the meaningful transliteration should be a loanword of semantic transliteration.


7. meaningful在线翻译

7. B is for believing in yourself, that you have the ability to tap into your endowments to lead an effective, meaningful life.



8. The investigation of optical property of skin, the study of protoporphyrin IX metabolism in cell proliferation using yolk as the target samples had led to some meaningful results.


9. Until one day, on one summer night when frogs were singing around, we had a rather meaningful long conversation on the campus. He informed me that, practically, as a science worker, he believed in materialism and science; but substantially, he was an agnostic.



10. This is the first time he had such a meaningful birthday, there's inner friend, there are my dear family.


11. Make Learning More Meaningful - Indian education system is going through a bad patch.


12. In many ways we are expected to command quantitative analysis researching on fluorine and fluoride. Therefore it is realistically meaningful for the field of medicine, environmental protection, etc. to establish and adopt a swift, precise, dependable, advanced and universal fluorine quantitative method.


13. There are different ways that each of us can contribute to this meaningful event.


14. Because efforts to study and make their lives fuller, more meaningful, it will be very happy.


15. Reforming our system of statutory holidays, the cancellation came from the West, we do not have meaningful holidays.


16. In order to realize the automation of reconfiguration, this paper designs a reconfiguration tool SCRT for software components which can aid to finish the availability reconfiguration of a software component. This tool is meaningful for enhancing the efficiency and quality of components availability design.


17. meaningful是什么意思

17. It takes only a second to spare our short time for a great and meaningful life with our parents.


18. This time can be an extremely productive and can be a period of very meaningful and creative mental activity.


19. TBD: Just think of all the knowledge we share to make your life more meaningful!


20. meaningful

20. In a broader sense, it seems the goal of life is choosing bigger spaces encased in brick and mortar. It is hard to say that people seek meaningful life in these spaces, since they must exert full effort for decades to pay off the mortgage. Thus, their state of being is defined by repetitious mortgage payments. Of course, many people say this is not the life they wished for, but competition in society makes this happen, to the point that global competition will bring this fate upon all mankind.


meaningful 词典解释

1. 严肃的;重要的;有意义的

If you describe something as meaningful, you mean that it is serious, important, or useful in some way.

e.g. She believes these talks will be the start of a constructive and meaningful dialogue...


e.g. He asked people to tell him about a meaningful event or period in their lives.



This in effect denied them their right to participate meaningfully in elections.


2. (指眼神、姿势)意味深长的,意在言外的

A meaningful look or gesture is one that is intended to express something, usually to a particular person, without anything being said.

e.g. Upon the utterance of this word, Dan and Harry exchanged a quick, meaningful look.



He glanced meaningfully at the other policeman, then he went up the stairs...


'Who's your publisher?' — 'Lockett Press,' she said, and she raised an eyebrow meaningfully.


3. see also: meaningfully

meaningful 单语例句

1. The ban on firecrackers has been questioned by local residents, who hold the view that the folk tradition would be less meaningful without firecrackers.

2. We agree to take meaningful steps toward improving curriculum development and training of trainers, as well as skills standards to build a skilled and adaptable APEC work force.

3. Instead, the Rockets can only make meaningful strides if they change from within.

4. " We expect weak consumer spending to be a meaningful headwind for the foreseeable future, " Dickson Chief Operating Officer Roger Farah said in a statement.

5. Seychellois Ambassador Philippe Le Gall also said he would " share the festive mood and join Chinese people in celebrating this meaningful and colorful event ".

6. The examination for China's civil service applicants is becoming more meaningful as it puts increasing stress on competence and capabilities.

7. The meaningful participation of Chinese investors in the US distressed marketplace will create additional liquidity available for payment of US creditors.

8. The most pressing task for our legislators is to come up with meaningful relief for victimized citizens.

9. Duan says the Eighth Route Army theme park and the commemoration hall are meaningful projects.

10. Caring for their children is a meaningful action taken by the government to bring to happiness to the common people.

meaningful什么意思meaningful 英英释义


1. having a meaning or purpose

e.g. a meaningful explanation

a meaningful discussion

a meaningful pause