

diastole:[英 [daɪˈæstəli] 美 [daɪˈæstəli] ]


diastole 基本解释

名词心脏舒张,心脏舒张期; 心舒期

diastole 网络解释

1. 舒张(期):心率加快,心动周期缩短,收缩期(systole)和舒张期(diastole)都缩短,但舒张期缩短的比例较大,心肌工作的时间相对延长,而休息时间缩短. 这样将不利于心室充盈;不利于心室休息和供血,故心率过快对心脏不利,也将影响心脏的泵血功能.

2. diastole的翻译

2. 心舒期:diastole 心舒期 | diatomaceous earth 硅藻土 | diauxie growth curve 双峰生长曲线

3. 心脏舒张:diaster 双星期 | diastole 心脏舒张 | diastolic 心脏舒张的

diastole 双语例句

1. diastole

1. Methods The constriction induced by norepinephine (NE, 10-8-10-4 mol/ L) and diastole induced by acetylcholine (Ach, 10-8 -10-4 mol/ L) in thoracic aortic ring with angiosteosis induced by vitamin D3 plus nicotine in rats were recorded by BL-Newcentrary multichannel physiologic recorder.


2. Key words hypertension; systolic blood pressure; diastole blood pressure; pulse pressure strok


3. The curves which had definite wave peak and wave trough with cardiac cycle, the highest value near at the end of diastole and the lowest at the end of systole, was marked as l score. If the curve still had discernible wave peak and wave trough, but the phase of increase and reduction were delayed or inverted, it was marked as 2 score.


4. Not in the curious systole and diastole within which will one day cease


5. Abstract] Objective To discuss the effect of Tongxinluo capsule on withdraw of left ventricle diastole function of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

目的 探讨通心络胶囊对2型糖尿病左室舒张功能减退的影响。

6. diastole的意思

6. Results After the treatment, 12 cases of left ventricle diastole function and T wave in treatment group returned to normal, 6 cases got well, and 2 cases had no change, the effective rate was 90%.

结果 治疗组治疗后的左室舒张功能及T波,其中12例恢复正常,6例好转,2例无效,有效率为90%,对照组无明显变化。

7. Left ventricle diastole function and T wave had no change in control group.


8. One of the enginery characters is that it has a longer refractory period, which includes the whole systole and the early period of diastole.



9. Polarity, or action and reaction, we meet in every parto nature; in darkness and light; in heat and cold; in the ebband low o waters; in male and emale; in the inspirationand expkation o plants and animals; in the equation oquantity and quality in the luids o the anima1body; in thesystole and diastole20 the heart; in the undulations o luids-arjld--o sound:in the centriuga1and centripeta1gravity3; inelectricity, galvanism, and chemica1ainity.


10. Reporting the study results at the meeting, Arthur Feldman, MD, chairman of the department of medicine at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, explained that EECP is a technique that consists of placing a series of inflatable cuffs over the calves and lower and upper thighs. The cuffs rapidly inflate and deflate under high pressure at the onset of diastole and systole, respectively. According to Dr. Feldman, the approach is meant to mimic the hemodynamic properties of the heart's intra-aortic counterpulsation. He said that studies have shown that EECP improves cardiac output and endothelial function in patients with stable angina and in those with heart failure.

于会议中报告这项试验结果的Arthur Feldman医师,同时也是宾州费城Thomas Jefferson大学Jefferson医学院内科部主任,他表示,EECP是一种包含放置一系列可以充气的束带,充气后可以使大腿上方与下方分离;在心脏舒张与收缩时,束带在高压下快速地充气及泄气;根据Feldman医师表示,这个方法是为了要模拟心脏主动脉内反博的血行动力学特性;他指出,试验结果已经证实EECP可以改善稳定性心绞痛与心脏衰竭病患的心脏输出量及内皮功能。

11. AIM Doppler tissue imaging and colour doppler flow imaging were used to evaluate the diastole and systole dysfunction of left ventricle of diabetic cardiomyopathy induced by STZ in rabbits.


12. diastole的翻译

12. An increasing content of elastin is typical of larger arteries that need to provide for considerable elastic recoil during diastole, the time period between ejections of blood from the heart.


13. diastole

13. Results: Zaoboning granula at different doses could inhibit the action potential amplitude and maximal upstroke velocity, prolong the action potential duration, ERP /APD90 of AP, and suppress the diastole depolarization rate, prolong the sinuatrial circle length of AP.

示波器照像记录实验结果。观察早搏宁冲剂低、中、高浓度0.1gL^(-1,0.2gL^(-1),0.3gL^(-1)对AP及AP各指标的影响,并与盐酸普鲁卡因胺比较。结果:早搏宁冲剂可降低豚鼠AP的动作电位幅值及0期最大除极速率v(下标 max,延长动作电位时程,同时降低AP的4期除极速率,延长窦性周长。

14. diastole的近义词

14. Materials and Methods: The lower limbs arterial hemodynamics of 11 diabetics and 11 normal subjects were studied with Hewlett-Packard Sonos 1000 with a 7.5 MHz transducer. The measurements included the vessel caliber, the peak forward velocity in systole, the peak reverse velocity in early-diastole, the velocity in end-diastole, the resistence index, and the pulsatility index, etc.

资料与方法:11例糖尿病患者,于丹参治疗前和治疗后一周内用HP 1000型彩超仪/7.5MHz探头检测股、月国、足背动脉的内径、收缩期血流峰值、舒张早期反向血流峰值,舒张末期血流速度,阻力指数、搏动指数等,并与正常组对照。

15. The peak velocity during early diastole and later diastole were measured on myocardial movement curve of every segments. The mean early diastole, mean later diastole velocity and Ve/Va also were calculated. Results The parameters of SRe, mSRe, mSRe/mSRa ratio, early diastolic velocity of the mitral annulus in pulmonary hypertension group were significantly lower than those in healthy subjects; Compared with healthy subjects, Slis and SRa were not different in patients.

结果 肺动脉高压组的舒张早期应变率、平均舒张早期应变率及平均舒张早/晚应变率比值低于对照组(P.01);肺动脉高压组与正常对照组收缩期应变率与舒张晚期应变率比较差异无统计学意义;二尖瓣环的平均舒张早期运动速度及平均舒张早/晚期运动速度之比低于正常对照组(P.01)。

16. diastole

16. Results The treatment was effectual in 71 cases (70.73%), effective in 30 cases (29.27%), and the total effective rate reached 100%; after the administration, the left ventricular ejection fraction and the rate of filling velocity in early diastole over that in late diastole increased significantly (P<0.01), the result of 6-minute Walk Test was improved greatly.

结果 显效71例(70.73%),有效30例(29.27%),总有效率100%。用药后,左心室射血分数、舒张早期最大充盈速度与舒张晚期最大充盈速度的比值均明显增加(P<0。01),6分钟步行距离明显改善。


17. Australian scientist considers to discover, obese young person is normaller than weight produce arteriosclerosis more likely with age person, according to the diastole that is the film inside artery of obese young person reaction compares difference.


18. diastole

18. Results: Known through the experiment that the result caused the diastole by 1 g/ml celery leaves dregs is 82.99 percent. By comparing the relaxation of blood vessels that celery leaves dregs and three-other extracts on rat isolated vascular rings within the same experimental condition, making conjectures that the celery leaf dregs is best to vasodilation.


19. diastole的近义词

19. Methods besides the traditional treatment, 101 patients with refractory heart failure were received continuous intravenous pumping of sodium nitroprusside combined with dopamine in therapeutic dose; the course lasted from 10 days to 15 days. results the treatment was effectual in 71 cases (70.73%), effective in 30 cases (29.27%), and the total effective rate reached 100%; after the administration, the left ventricular ejection fraction and the rate of filling velocity in early diastole over that in late diastole increased significantly (p<0.01), the result of 6-minute walk test was improved greatly. conclusions continuous intravenous pumping of sodium nitroprusside combined with dopamine by syringe pump is of good clinical curative effect in treating patients with refractory hear failure.

对101例顽固性心力衰竭患者在继续采用传统综合治疗基础上,给予微量注射泵持续静脉泵注治疗量的硝普钠和多巴胺,疗程10~15 d。结果显效71例(70.73%),有效30例(29.27%),总有效率100%。用药后,左心室射血分数、舒张早期最大充盈速度与舒张晚期最大充盈速度的比值均明显增加(p<0。01),6分钟步行距离明显改善。结论微量注射泵持续静脉泵注硝普钠、多巴胺治疗顽固性心力衰竭有较好的临床效果。顽固性心力衰竭;微量注射泵;硝普钠;多巴胺

20. diastole是什么意思

20. Groups of blood pressure after the result uses drug all drop apparently, serous NO level all lifts apparently, the function of endodermis dependence diastole that blood stream interpose guides is improved apparently, ET-1 level is reduced apparently, compare with group of A, B, c group afore-mentioned index change are apparent.


diastole 英英释义


1. the widening of the chambers of the heart between two contractions when the chambers fill with blood