

pollster:[英 [ˈpəʊlstə(r)] 美 [ˈpoʊlstə(r)] ]



pollster 基本解释


名词民意调查(分析)者; 整理民意测验结果的人


pollster 网络解释

1. 民意测验专家:pollock 鳕鱼类 | pollster 民意测验专家 | pollutant 污染物质

2. pollster什么意思

2. 调查结果分析网站:29. Metacritic,影评与乐评网站 | 30. Pollster,调查结果分析网站 | 31. Facebook,社交网站

3. 民意测验家:sp;蹩脚诗人. | 401. pollster: 民意测验家. | 402. poltroon: 懦夫.


4. 民意调查者:convince 使信服 | pollster 民意调查者 | compete for 为......竞争

pollster 双语例句

1. pollster的近义词

1. Since she took office in December 2007, Ms Fernández`s popularity has sunk from 56% to 30%, according to Poliarquía, a pollster.


2. pollster的近义词

2. She is criticised for spending every other weekend in London (she has a school-age child and is married to a leading British opinion pollster).


3. I wanted Greenberg to be my pollster.


4. pollster是什么意思

4. But in general, as every pollster avers, it is the future more than the past that motivates voting.


5. In December Mr Sarkozy's approval rating fell to 49%, according to TNS-Sofres, a pollster, from a high of 65% in July.


6. The BBC said pollster ICM interviewed 1, 010 people.


7. She`s a pollster.


8. Celinda Lake, an opinion pollster in Washington DC who carries out work for the Democrats, has a thumbnail sketch of that swing female voter.


9. " Reagan had a37-percent job approval rating at this point in1983, " said the pollster.


10. As pollster bill mcinturff observes, the average US consumer confidence index when a president wins re-election is 95.


11. Quinnipiac University pollster Clay Richards says a large number of voters apparently have already made up their minds about which candidate to support in November.


12. Figures from Gallup, a pollster, reveal just how widespread such corruption is (see chart).


13. Quinnipiac pollster Peter Brown says Americans have concluded the Iraq war was not worth the cost, but he adds that they remain divided on what to do next.


14. Quinnipiac University pollster Peter Brown says recent surveys showed that Trump and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin have some serious image problems with the public.


15. The footballer had already come first in a comparable survey by pollster Ifop six months ago.


16. " More and more Palestinians, particularly women and the young, are identifying with a religious rather than national struggle, " says a pollster at Near East Consulting, a leading West Bank barometer.


17. Obama had trouble winning working class support in his primary battles with former rival Hillary Clinton, but pollster Clay Richards says he appears to be making some inroads.


18. According to Ipsos MORI, a pollster, three-quarters of people plan to spend at least as much on their garden this year as last.


19. pollster

19. Those conversations never left me, he explained over a recent lunch, adding that his value as a pollster is his ability to write questions in the language of these men and women and to hear the answers accurately.


20. The non-governmental organisation based its analysis on almost 60, 000 interviews in 62 countries conducted by Gallup International, the pollster, between July and September – a period when the rich world was awash with corruption scandals.


pollster 词典解释

1. 民意调查人;民意测验机构

A pollster is a person or organization who asks large numbers of people questions to find out their opinions on particular subjects.

pollster 单语例句

1. " Certainly he's exposed in this, " said Ipsos pollster Julia Clark.

2. " There is a clear Clinton fade, " pollster John Zogby said.

3. " Hamas has accepted to play within the rules of the game, " said the pollster.

4. Nielsen pollster John Stirton told state radio the issue had not made a serious dent in Rudd's overall ratings.

5. The pollster urged the government to step up promotion of the " mutual aid " concept in schools.

6. The Zogby daily tracking survey showed Kerry gaining on Bush, and pollster John Zogby said that was because of Kerry's widely praised debate performances.

7. " This is so much like 2000 it's scary, " pollster John Zogby wrote in a commentary on his survey Sunday.

8. " It's going to take some events of significance to turn this around, " GOP pollster Whit Ayres said.

9. While pollster John Zogby described the current situation in Iraq as a quagmire like the Vietnam War.

10. " Each candidate continues to do well among his base constituency, " pollster John Zogby said.

pollster 英英释义


1. someone who conducts surveys of public opinion

e.g. a pollster conducts public opinion polls

a headcounter counts heads

Synonym: poll takerheadcountercanvasser