

disperse:[英 [dɪˈspɜ:s] 美 [dɪˈspɜ:rs] ]


过去式:dispersed;   过去分词:dispersed;   现在分词:dispersing;

disperse 基本解释

及物/不及物动词(使)分散,(使)散开; 散播,传布(如知识); 使(光)色散; 使粒子分散



disperse 同义词

动词dissipatebreak upscatterspreaddistribute

disperse 反义词


disperse 相关例句



1. The lips of the wise disperse knowledge.


2. The police dispersed the crowd.


3. A prism disperses light.



1. The smoke dispersed.


2. disperse的反义词

2. After school the children dispersed to their homes.



3. A group of children dispersed.


disperse 网络解释

1. 分散:是一种有机界面活性剂,可加在溶液中使悬浮的大型粒子,得以分散成更小的粒子,而能均匀分散(Disperse)在溶液中,使发挥更好的乳化效果. E-Beam(简称EB)是一种细小的能源,可用做无需底片直接感光的光源.

2. 驱散,消散,免除:dispense 分与,分配 | disperse 驱散,消散,免除 | displace 使离乡背井,免职,取代,代替

3. disperse的翻译

3. 分散属性:directional lights 平行光 | disperse 分散属性 | displace 位移

disperse 双语例句

1. The crawd disperse.


2. By careful analysis, the parameters of DOMA (Disperse Optical Model Analysis) for some medium and heavy nucleus are determined.


3. disperse是什么意思

3. It`s Road Tools` Coolpad which is built to help disperse heat that gathers at the bottom of the laptops.

它的道的工具' coolpad这是建,以帮助驱散热量聚集在底部的笔记本电脑。

4. The in-situ reaction method is studied to synthesize the reinforcements. The composites reinforced with 10-100nm AlTi phases or 10 microns Mg2Si phase are fabricated successfully, in which the reinforcements disperse homogenously as well as the volume percentages and sizes of the particles can be controlled. Based on the computer simulation, the behavior of the melt and the reinforcements involved in it are researched systematically in the electromagnetic field. The physical mechanism and principles of the nonmetallic particles movement in the metal liquid are established and the physical model and dynastic functions are obtained. The influences of the processing parameters on the reinforcement's distribution are studied. The main parameters such as melt temperature, imposing time, imposing type and frequency of the EM are optimized. The results of the simulation and mathematic analysis are validated by the experiments.


5. In this paper, The influence of heat set and dyeing on the structure of PTT fiber was investigated by FT-IR, DSC, critical dissolution time. The influence of heat set on the dyeability of PTT fiber was discussed, too. Meanwhile, many experiments on the dyeing performance of PET fiber were carried out. The effect of different dyeing temperature on the uptake and visual color depth value and dyeing characteristics of different dyes with temperature increasing were discussed, and the influence of temperature on the dyeing depth were also evaluated when dyeing for PTT and PET fiber in the same dye bath condition. Especially the kinetics and thermodynamics of dyeing with disperse dyes were mainly studied.



6. The hydroxyl groups of the modified cellulose molecules are closed, so the hydrophility of the cotton fabrics is lowered, and the affinity of cotton fabrics to disperse dyes is increased.


7. In friction experiment, SiC particles bear mostly the brake pressure as hard phase which could disperse effectively the brake pressure and avoid micro-area pressure concentration to obscission of SiC and fish tail dualization if the SiC content is proper.


8. When mixed into the same carbon fiber quantity is 1.0%, differ age material's AC impedance chart is discrepancy very much, along with to hydrate age's add, C-S-H gel isa great deal of form, the solution resistance at the concrete is gradually aggrandizement, the carbon fibre of here qua transmit electricity quality disperse would leading effect of conductance, along with the add of exterior load, the transmit electricity quality of concrete is almost nothing change, till breakage, resistance change rate tempestuousness add, and that the resistance change rate along with inside stress linearity add of corbon fibre concrete in elasticity phase, when near peak value load, resistance rate just gradually add, indicate the test sample would be about to breakage.


9. Thorough purification from heart trouble to remove all the thickness of the contaminated and non-prescribed shelter, so that knowledge of the heart with the clean bright as the scorching sun to disperse the dark clouds, which freed all the suffering, that to reach at a complete self-realization, that is Buddhism core to all Buddhist on increasing certification.


10. Traditional liquor starter in China also developed from disperse starter to caky starter.


11. The methods of the disperse fluorescence, temporal-resolved spectrum and spatial-resolved spectrum were used to study the excited dissociation kinetics of N2/H2O gas in the pulsed streamer discharge plasma at the standared atmospheric pressure (1.013×105 Pa).

采用色散荧光光谱、时间分辨光谱和空间分辨光谱方法,在标准大气压(1.013×105 Pa)下,对以N2气为载气的H2O蒸气脉冲流光放电等离子体激发解离反应动力学过程进行了实验研究。


12. This technics is suitable for moisture absorption and perspiration treatment with disperse dyes dyeing in one bath.


13. disperse的近义词

13. Ionized helium at least, the density minimum, it can quickly disperse from the metal bath of metal vapor produced by an increase, so to use helium as shielding gas, the plasma will be to maximize the suppression, thus increasing the penetration depth, improve welding speed.


14. The selection of geological prospecting in different stages(initial-prospecting, detailed-prospecting)(2)the selection of geological prospecting in the deep-laid and shallow-laid of tunnel project (3)the selection of geological prospecting of tunnel projecting in different geological conditions Finally, the author summed up main problems needing to be solved in tunnel engineering geological prospecting as follow:(1)differentiate stratum and find out the depth and thickness of different stratums in the tunnel section (2)find out geological structure and existence situation of fault, broken zone and weak plane (3)find out weathering level of bed rock to classify surrounding rock combining speed materials (4)differentiate stratum structure of the entrance of tunnel to judge the stability of it (5)find out existence situation and performance of ground water (6)situations of other harmful geological phenomenon In view of above problems and classification of surrounding rock, the author showed principles of rational choosing of methods in geological prospecting and counted disperse range of physical character parameter value in different petrosal character, getting achievements as follow:(1)summarization of effect, merits and demerits of different geological prospecting methods in the tunnel geological investigation (2)method selection and arrangement principle of tunnel engineering geological prospecting in different geological conditions and prospecting stages (3)According to previous experience and cases, the author concluded the物性parameters most in use, and showed the basis of selecting geological prospecting methods in different geological conditions.


15. However, if non-stop across from the break up, then you have to fill the earth shield, and a few more, in fact, a lot of disperse blue.


16. disperse

16. In computational coefficient matrix yuan bizarre when 2 heavy integral, use analytic method, this algorithmic error limitation is on the disperse of border and attrib border function, raised precision.


17. When bearing the load in functional status, implant can transfer and disperse the load.


18. disperse

18. In Afghanistan, one person was killed and four wounded Monday when police opened fire to disperse hundreds demonstrators in eastern Laghman province.


19. As indicated by results of XRD、SEM and EDS, phase-separative opacifying isdominant in the area with a high content of bone ash. The continues phase is silicate glass rich in aluminumand silicon but deficient in phosphorus however disperse phase is phosphate silicate glass rich in phosphorus, zinc...


20. disperse在线翻译

20. The epicarp and mesocarp may be brightly colored thus attracting animals, which disperse the fruit, as also pericarp. tomato.


disperse 词典解释

1. (使)分散;(使)散布

When something disperses or when you disperse it, it spreads over a wide area.

e.g. The oil appeared to be dispersing...


e.g. The intense currents disperse the sewage...


2. (使)散开;分散;驱散

When a group of people disperses or when someone disperses them, the group splits up and the people leave in different directions.

e.g. Police fired shots and used teargas to disperse the demonstrators...


e.g. The crowd dispersed peacefully after prayers.


disperse 单语例句disperse的反义词

1. Police ended up having to disperse the crowd and subdue several drug users by force.

2. Demonstrators shout their defiance after militiamen acting as police fire in the air in an attempt to disperse the protest in front of Libya's parliament.

3. Local police deployed dogs and capsicum spray to disperse the crowd, and the demonstrations turned violent.

4. Besides the time adjustment that should effectively disperse the heavy traffic flow, the railway company will add more railway liners in due time.

5. Intelligence officials said Saddam would disperse his chemical weapons among his Iraqi Republican Guard units, which would use them if the government were about to fall.

6. The red shirts have said they would only disperse if a deputy prime minister faces criminal charges over a deadly clash between troops and protesters.

7. The man pointed out to Mubarak's bodyguards a clump of people they should disperse.

8. Experts said it will be difficult to remove the algae, but rainfall and cool weather may help disperse it.

9. Police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse a crowd of looters carrying off food and electrical appliances from one supermarket in Concepcion.

10. Some residents called for police to deploy water cannons to disperse rioters, or call on the military for support.

disperse 英英释义


1. cause to separate

e.g. break up kidney stones

disperse particles

Synonym: break upscatter

2. cause to become widely known

e.g. spread information

circulate a rumor

broadcast the news

Synonym: circulatecircularizecircularisedistributedisseminatepropagatebroadcastspreaddiffusepass around

3. distribute loosely

e.g. He scattered gun powder under the wagon

Synonym: scattersprinkledotdust

4. separate (light) into spectral rays

e.g. the prosm disperses light

5. move away from each other

e.g. The crowds dispersed

The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached

Synonym: dissipatescatterspread out

6. to cause to separate and go in different directions

e.g. She waved her hand and scattered the crowds

Synonym: dissipatedispelbreak upscatter