

psychologically:[英 [ˌsaɪkə'lɒdʒɪklɪ] 美 [saɪkəˈˈlɑ:dʒɪklɪ] ]


psychologically 基本解释



psychologically 网络解释

1. 心理上地:psychological 心理的 | psychologically 心理上地 | psychologism 心理主义

2. 心理上的:1、 身体上的 physically | 2、 心理上的 psychologically | 3、 首要目标 primary goal

3. 心理学上:psycholeptic 精神抑制药 | psychologically 心理学上 | psychologicpsychological 心理学的

4. 心理上地; 心理学地 (副):psychological warfare 心理战 | psychologically 心理上地; 心理学地 (副) | psychologism 心理主义 (名)

psychologically 双语例句

1. This last part of the film is not dealt with psychologically, but theatrically.


2. This is not as psychologically pressing a question as many believe it to be.


3. These people represent a psychologically homogeneous group, loyal to roots that go back to the Bolsheviks'first political police, the Cheka.


4. psychologically什么意思

4. Don't worry about one's ownphysical stamina state, but must be ready psychologically!


5. psychologically在线翻译

5. Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age.


6. psychologically的意思

6. The mentally ill are up to seven times more likely to be murdered than the psychologically sound.


7. When investors committed such a significant amount of the assets to an investment scheme, psychologically, it is impossible for them to abandon their dreams immediately.


8. psychologically

8. Early on, it's clear that you'll be encountering the four members of the Beauty and the Beast unit--female supersoldiers that are as psychologically complex as they are fun to battle.

在初期,很显然,您将遇到4名成员的美女与野兽单位-女性s upersoldiers是由于心理复杂,因为他们是很有趣的战斗。

9. Psychologically, we're all a complex mixture of hopes and fears.


10. psychologically的翻译

10. I think the reason for this is partly the psychologically safe feeling of knowing that I have my work with me at all times.


11. Indeed, this may be the first generation to do worse psychologically and socially than their parents.



12. There is, of course, duality in nature - man and woman, light and shade, night and day - but inwardly, psychologically, why do we have duality?


13. psychologically的翻译

13. Not too fragile psychologically, that is the mentality of smooth enough.



14. It deals with the imperialist war and its eternal impact upon the younger generation both physically and psychologically.



15. Whenever do one thing better prepared psychologically people tend to be more likely to be successful, or more receptive to constant error and constantly make new attempt.



16. So I am saying myself, being crippled psychologically can they be made whole?


17. psychologically是什么意思

17. Variety of different kinds of tasks which arc related to the real life and composed of chains of activities psychologically selected, graded and sequenced.


18. The frequent springing up of false confession which was caused by the psychologically coercive method present us a practical sample to properly appreciate the psychologically coercive method.


19. psychologically的翻译

19. Actually, in Jianghu Era Japan had fully prepared for her modernization psychologically and laid sound foundation theoritically.


20. psychologically的解释

20. It's a perfect start and psychologically we've got one up on them.


psychologically 单语例句psychologically什么意思

1. While the rescue and rebuilding efforts have been celebrated as exceptional successes, the country hasn't yet developed the capacity to psychologically and socially rehabilitate traumatized disaster survivors.

2. Psychologically speaking, the disorder is related to a person's character.

3. Worst of all, child labor prohibits children from healthy growth both physically and psychologically.

4. " Doing these things to your dog definitely has some sort of impact on it psychologically, " Coco says.

5. Another key gap is that between those who psychologically, financially or otherwise can and those who cannot live without advanced connectivity.

6. Statistics indicate that adolescence comes earlier and so does sexual maturity, both psychologically and physiologically.

7. Such a household must muster enough courage and be psychologically prepared to sustain the pressure both from the developers and the local government.

8. The broken marriage prompted a media debate over whether college students are psychologically and financially mature enough to marry.

9. That's OK if they feel depressed and sad psychologically about their imperfection and feel better inside after plastic surgery.

10. While some may have been hurt financially or psychologically, others treat doomsday as a game.

psychologically 英英释义


1. with regard to psychology

e.g. war that caught them in its toils either psychologically or physically

the event was very damaging to the child psychologically

2. in terms of psychology

e.g. classify poetry psychologically