

livestock:[英 [ˈlaɪvstɒk] 美 [ˈlaɪvstɑ:k] ]


livestock 基本解释


livestock 网络解释


1. 家畜:所以,安省的一个小镇Caledon,有人给镇政府投诉,说自己家的邻居,违反小镇不许在居民生活区私自饲养家畜(livestock)的附例法规,邻居在她家自家后院养了一匹马.

2. 牲口:这时,一个祭司经过,他装作看不见,绕道走开了;之后,一个利未人也经过,也照样避开;后来,一个被犹太人瞧不起的撒马利亚人经过,他赶紧上前蹲在那人身旁,为他抹油和酒,然后扶他上自己的牲口(livestock),送到旅店并整宿照顾(care),

livestock 双语例句

1. Any of several leguminous plants of western North America causing locoism in livestock.


2. The traditional feed yeast, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, multi-dimensional yeast, high active yeast for feed and so on, have been extensively applied in livestock and poultry breeding, has received good results.

摘 要:传统的饲料酵母包括啤酒酵母、多维酵母、酿酒酵母和蓄用高活性酵母等,已在畜禽养殖中大量推广应用,收到了良好效果。


3. The loss resulted by diseases is about 12~15% in the whole value of livestock husbandry production.


4. On the basis of demonstrating, this paper put forward the measures and tactics of implementing competitive development strategy of livestock husbandry.



5. After they gradually settled down, livestock husbandry gave first place in Europe.


6. Its industrialization of livestock husbandry will be playing an important part in promoting the area economic development.


7. livestock

7. Heifer`s model of providing direct gifts of livestock for animal husbandry has been used successfully in many developing countries.


8. livestock在线翻译

8. In the meantime, a strategic step is set forward for reference, for scholars and the government, in order to promote the development of livestock husbandry.


9. livestock的近义词

9. The Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services have increased field inspections of livestock and crops.


10. livestock的解释

10. Our targets for the future are to decrease the emissions of dust and to decrease odour smell in agricultural livestock buildings.


11. The results showed as follows:(1) the de-farming index of 479 investigated farm households is 79.21% with per capita area of de-farming slope farmland of 0.205 hm~2, per capita grain yield loss resulted from de-farming slope farmland of 74 kg and per capita allowance of 171 yuan from the government in 2003; (2) the de-farming allowance from the government has a bigger influence on a poor household, and if an allowance from the government would be stopped, the re-exploitation of partly de-farmed slope farmland is possible; (3) in 2003, per capita cash income of 479 investigated farm households is 1492 yuan, and its sources mainly from floating employment, selling grain and greenstuff, de-farming allowance, selling products of domestic livestock and poultry and dealing dicker etc.; (4) in a few coming years, those employments of stable and higher earning will be firstly selected by farmers, and high expected value agriculture or rural commerce are going to become the leading livelihood of a good few farmers with some fund or skill.

结果表明:被调查农户人均退耕坡地0.205 hm2,退耕指数达79.21%;2003年479农户因退耕导致的粮食减产量人均74 kg,得到政府补贴人均171元;退耕补贴对贫困农户的影响程度较大,停止退耕补贴后存在反垦可能性。2003年被调查农户人均现金收入1492元,主要来源于外出打工、卖粮菜、退耕补贴、卖畜禽产品和做小生意等。未来几年,能获得稳定收入且报酬相对较高的行业是农民谋生的首选,有资金积累或一定技能的农户正在将生计转向高附加值农业或第三产业。

12. The total livestock number is twice as large as it was last year.



13. And my district is one of five major pastoral area the whole country, the annual livestock's livestock on hand is in more than 50 million, there are abundant marsh gas resources.


14. However, there are some significant barriers to this change, including livestock and farm management issues, consumer resistance and the gradual nature of change in food tastes.


15. Meat packing sewage is it enclose fence develop to come from mainly, the livestock one drip washing, butchering, scalding in order to remove hairs or feathers hair of, disintegrating, process, not last oil, oil processing and factory building not other Xiu Tong, non-staple food from washing etc..


16. The land in the delta was seriously salified and it was very difficult for men and livestock to get drinking water.


17. The frequency of the occurrence of the debris of livestock is 70%in the scats of the wolves, its relative biomass reached to 92.8%.


18. livestock是什么意思

18. Higher feed prices would lead to further adjustments in the livestock sector.



19. Annother restaining factor is the slower growth rate of china's livestock sector relative to its feed industry.


20. livestock

20. The livestock sector is by far the single largest anthropogenic user of land.


livestock 词典解释

1. (牛、羊等)家畜,牲畜,牲口

Animals such as cattle and sheep which are kept on a farm are referred to as livestock.

e.g. The heavy rains and flooding killed scores of livestock.


livestock 单语例句

1. Livestock farmer Gert van de Bor has 1000 sheep and a few calves.

2. The area is sparsely populated and used primarily for grazing livestock such as camel and goats.

3. Wild birds were the most likely carriers of the strain to Cameroon, the country's livestock minister said on Monday.

4. Livestock in Henan province was discovered to have been contaminated with clenbuterol, which can cause cancer in humans if consumed in large quantities.

5. He advised people of carbon monoxide poisoning while heating their homes and urged them to protect grain and livestock.

6. The Mosuo men are herders and take care of the livestock like the gauchos used to.

7. The government reserves cattle at livestock farms or meat in cold storage plants across the country at a specified quota every year.

8. The family now has clean tap water and cable TV and Zhuo is planning to build a livestock shed for his remaining heads of cattle.

9. The most immediate threat was to livestock because of the caustic gases the eruption released.

10. Analysts with the Shandong provincial livestock information center suggest that high pig feed prices caused by rising grain prices are partly to blame.

livestock 英英释义


1. any animals kept for use or profit

Synonym: stockfarm animal