

slum:[英 [slʌm] 美 [slʌm] ]


过去式:slummed;   过去分词:slummed;   现在分词:slumming;   复数形式:slums;

slum 基本解释




slum 相关例句


1. Sometimes they go slumming.



1. slum

1. These children came from a slum area.


2. I'm not staying in that slum.


slum 网络解释

1. 贫民区:关于行政程序是否适用自然正义原则,在Erringtom v.Minister of Health(1935 IK.b.249)一案中,由于贫民区(slum)清除处分案的主管承认迟误有关事项之公告且异议人未出席公听会,而复审采用了未经听证程序的新证据,

2. slum的近义词

2. 润滑油渣:sluiceway 泄水道 | slum 润滑油渣 | slump 下降;猛然落下;衰落;坍塌;滑移

3. 贫民窟 ,陋巷:slum area 贫民窟区 | slum 贫民窟 ,陋巷 | sluice weir 排淤堰

slum 双语例句

1. In the Bombay slum of Golibar, a room about 15 square meters is home to a family of eight.


2. He came to know that I was living in a slum, suffering from duodenal ulcers.


3. slum的反义词

3. As it is in most of the slums, there is also no doctor or medical service available here in this slum.


4. Sundar Burra suggests that this scheme has potential if the inhabitants of a slum are well organized, in order that they can determine the process rather than being objects of private developers` designs.

Sundar Burra建议,如果能组织好贫民窟居民,这一计划是有潜力的,以便他们可以决定进程而不仅是私人开发者计划中的事物。

5. The redevelopment of the slum area is well under way.


6. I visited Nima, and going down slum alleys that were black underfoot charcoal is put down to soak up occasional floods I came across women from Nandom brewing beer from millet as if they were at home.



7. But he she says the Mathari slum alone has more than 300, 000 children of shool school age.



8. In the past few weeks Iraq`s prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, has belied a reputation for weakness by sending the army to take control of the port city of Basra and the Baghdad slum known as Sadr City, both strongholds until then of the powerful militia run by Muqtada al-Sadr, a vehemently anti-American Shia cleric.


9. In the past few weeks Iraq's prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, has belied a reputation for weakness by sending the army to take control of the port city of Basra and the Baghdad slum known as Sadr City, both strongh old s until then of the powerful militia run by Muqtada al-Sadr, a vehemently anti-American Shia cleric.


10. The mobile has spread from city whiz kids to Brazilian slum dwellers.



11. Leaving the slum behind her, she turned into a squalid alleyway


12. This implies that most of the people who are migrating to cities, and who are born in cities, are joining the ranks of the urban poor and slum dwellers.


13. Living in slum, you are thin and hungry but you still enjoy the life. Your practice is better than mine.


14. He introduced a project for slum clearance.


15. slum的翻译

15. Part 3 talks about the Urban Renewal Movement in Detroit, such as the expressway construction, the slum clearance and the public housing projects.


16. slum是什么意思

16. Among the Herculeam tasks confronting large cities are slum clearance and traffic control.


17. On the top of the list would be educational reform, followed closely by improved sanitary measures, slum clearance and most assuredly, the abolition of slavery.


18. slum是什么意思

18. Why not cure unemployment by a National slum clearance effort?


19. slum的解释

19. In a sprawling slum in the Indian capital, 25-year-old Rakesh Kumar has only the most basic amenities in his one room tenement - a single electric bulb, and a fan.


20. Children play in the dirt or on the railway tracks that bisect the slum.


slum 词典解释

1. 贫民区;贫民窟

A slum is an area of a city where living conditions are very bad and where the houses are in bad condition.

e.g. ...a slum area of St Louis.


e.g. ...inner-city slums in the old cities of the north and east.


2. 逛贫民窟;体验下层社会的生活

If someone is slumming it or is slumming, they are spending time in a place or in conditions that are at a much lower social level than they are used to.


e.g. ...rich kids slumming it.


e.g. ...aristocratic types who enjoyed slumming around in musty old Scottish castles.


slum 单语例句

1. He vividly remembers how the teacher took students to the slum areas and treated the poor free of charge.

2. It promptly met with complaints from communist censors about scenes of violence and shots depicting parts of Shanghai as a slum.

3. Old women with groceries balanced on their heads ran screaming as shots rang out at a crossroads near the La Saline slum.

4. A UN report which was not even discussed is described as " a damning UN report into Zimbabwe's slum clearances ".

5. Police found four hanged men dangling from electricity pylons in a Baghdad Shiite slum Monday.

6. Student Lu Song volunteered to teach in a Nairobi slum for an adventure but soon developed a deep affection for the place and the people.

7. Understanding such a place solely by the generic term " slum " ignores its complexity and dynamism.

8. The flipside of the subsidy fest in the midwest is higher food prices for slum dwellers in Ghana and Haiti.

9. It was a rainy day when Green visited the slum and a group of children followed him out of curiosity.

10. The gasoline inside leaked out into a sewer and the river running through the slum and then ignited.

slum 英英释义



1. a district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions

Synonym: slum area


1. spend time at a lower socio-economic level than one's own, motivated by curiosity or desire for adventure

usage considered condescending and insensitive

e.g. attending a motion picture show by the upper class was considered sluming in the early 20th century