

humiliate:[英 [hju:ˈmɪlieɪt] 美 [hjuˈmɪliˌet] ]


过去式:humiliated;   过去分词:humiliated;   现在分词:humiliating;

humiliate 基本解释

及物动词使蒙羞,使丢脸,使出丑; 屈辱,羞辱

humiliate 相关例句


1. The country was humiliated by defeat.


2. He's humiliated her beyond endurance.


3. I was so humiliated when I couldn't remember her name.


humiliate 网络解释

1. humiliate的意思

1. 羞辱:humble 谦逊 | humiliate 羞辱 | humiliation 丢脸

2. humiliate的近义词

2. 羞辱; 使蒙羞:shriek: 尖叫 | humiliate: 羞辱; 使蒙羞 | passivity: 被动性


3. 窘:贬:disparage, disdain, disrespect, contempt, devalue, defy/defiance, depreciate, despise, | 窘:embarrass, abash, humiliate, mortify | 沮:frustrated, disappointed, dismay,

4. humiliate

4. 使丢脸,使羞辱:moist 强调舒服 | humiliate 使丢脸,使羞辱 | face off 变脸

humiliate 双语例句

1. I am afraid that when I come again my God may humiliate me before you, and I may mourn over many of those who have sinned in the past and not repented of the impurity, immorality and sensuality which they have practiced.


2. I didn`t want to humiliate her in front of her colleagues.



3. The power of punishment: When you have to ability to humiliate or intimidate someone, then you have power over them.


4. Brought about by the end thanks to the joy of the journey, I hope to give players a lot of surprises and benefits, we will, as always, the journey of love, I am a Jones Fan Dance District Hon Kwok brothers gang AU BR CZ family dynasty after 00 Pier Street达哥00 to thank our friends for all the family to bring joy to my friends welcomed the PK like me learn, so good on other equipment to humiliate me!

最后还是感谢征途带来的欢乐,希望多给玩家带来惊喜和多多实惠,我们也就会一如既往的喜欢征途,我是扇舞奇兵区汉国兄弟盟帮会皇朝霸业CZ 家族 00后墩街达哥00 感谢我们家族所有的朋友带给我的欢乐欢迎喜欢PK的朋友找我切磋,装备太好的就别来羞辱我了!

5. You humiliate him in front of all the other actives.


6. The thematic union of the nobody's destiny and war of resistance against aggression is together, the disposition of simple and unadorned of Chinese people goodness and get humiliate of people of talent and tough revolt is united in wedlock together, armed fight combines the take the foe for one's father of the aggrandizement public security of enemy bandit, traitor and subterranean together, the religious policy of the party and the united front union that oppose fascist aggression war are together, the characteristic of thematic subject matter and style combined the times together to comprise a flowery legend picture.


7. One important characteristics of China's traditional culture of law is to restrict and humiliate merchants, keeping them at the bottom of the four social strata.


8. And I absolutely have the right to humiliate you for it.


9. And all covenants on torture specify that it includes treatment intended to humiliate the victim, like leaving prisoners naked in cells and corridors.


10. Receive the Indian sujith mohan to take to insult and humiliate concerning us, after humiliating the mail of the property, our personality suffered from injury to some extent, as for you were the processing that the boss make and can quell our 怒 fire in the heart, always we always believe hard work can make up for lack of talent, however not difficult see an in you give out our mail hard work can make up for lack of talent in your management have no body now!

关于我们收到印度人sujith mohan带有辱骂,侮辱性质的邮件后,我们人格在一定程度上受到了伤害,至于您作为老板所作的处理并未能平息我们心中的怒火,一直以来我们总是相信勤能补拙,然而在您发给我们的邮件中不难看出勤能补拙在您的管理中并没有体现!

11. Today here, the everyones can announce the Internet of the viewpoint up, relate me to suffer personally, show people of this world pure and black and intermediate and despicable looks, let our compatriot does not would not° fall into trap again to cheat, think that you live the half month at them I cheat the new currency of your 300 dollars you will not therefore dispute with him, only ability the oneself recognize unlucky, the bad person is an in the mind that controled the kind people carry on misdeed, humiliate the compatriot that the honesty doeses not think many matters.


12. humiliate是什么意思

12. You are my adversary, but you are not my enemy, for your resistancy gives me strength, for you will gives me courage, for your spirit enables me, and though I aim to defeat you, should I succeed, I would not humiliate you, instead, I would honor you, for without you, I'm a lesser man.


13. Run to the old chamfer of 704 graphs king, signed N after the unequal treaty of humiliate the nation and forfeit its sovereignty, exchanged in graph king hand like what wish 10 come a link.


14. The Central Committee stresses that we shall impel the Kuomintang government in Nanking to resist Japan and we shall create the prerequisites for the democratic republic only by extending the Chinese people's movement of armed resistance and national salvation, by broadening the anti-Japanese national united front of all political parties, people of all walks of life and all armies, by strengthening the Chinese Communist Party's role of political leadership in the national united front, by greatly consolidating the Red political power and the Red Army, and by waging a determined struggle against all words and deeds which betray our sovereignty and humiliate our nation or weaken the forces of the national united front.


15. And though I aim to defeat you, should I succeed, I will not humiliate you.


16. From now on``I painful person``spoil you`do not cheat you`, promise one of your each affairs, I want to attain`are sincerely to what you speak an each words`do not humiliate you```do not scold you~believe you````The other people humiliate you`I want at and at that time come out to help you~you are happy~I want to accompany you to be happy, you aren't happy, I want to coax this you to be happy.


17. humiliate的意思

17. If a men wear a high shoes like women, he will feel embarrassingand humiliate.


18. The basic problem was that the Chinese were not treated as equals and felt humiliate d.


19. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized.


20. humiliate

20. This is what you wanted, isn't it, to humiliate me and make me quit?


humiliate 词典解释

1. 羞辱;使蒙羞;使出丑

To humiliate someone means to say or do something which makes them feel ashamed or stupid.

e.g. She had been beaten and humiliated by her husband...


e.g. His teacher continually humiliates him in maths lessons.



I have never felt so humiliated in my life.

我一生中从未感到如此丢脸。humiliate 单语例句humiliate的翻译

1. The assaults on lesbians have been called " corrective rapes, " and are meant to humiliate and punish women who don't fit the norm.

2. For reasons all too clear none of the Western powers found it wrong to exploit, bully and humiliate this ancient nation they called China.

3. " I'm doing this not to humiliate people, " said.

4. Education Secretary Alan Johnson urged site operators to do more to remove videos taken by pupils on mobile phones which humiliate staff.

5. Brescia then defended stoutly to further humiliate Lazio who had been beaten by Reggina earlier in the week.

6. A scorned woman, she unleashes her super powers to humiliate and torment him.

7. The mayor of New York City said this week he'd like to publically humiliate taxi drivers who speed.

8. Most people didn't mean to humiliate us but their words still hurt our feelings.

9. Yet he allows himself to be used as a tool by Western powers keen to humiliate China.

10. Isn't it a crime to humiliate a human being after death?

humiliate 英英释义


1. cause to feel shame

hurt the pride of

e.g. He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss

Synonym: mortifychagrinhumbleabase