




1.45公斤 漂洗温度:82 ℃ Rinse Temperature:82℃ 净重:45公斤 N/W:45Kg 中厨系列 Chinese Kitchen Series ...

2.45千克 Giant 超大型犬 >45kg >45千克 Breed Type 犬的品种 ...


1.In December the U. S. Customs Service discovered 45kg of ecstasy shipped from France to the FedEx headquarters in Memphis.十二月份美国海关查获了45公斤从法国运往孟菲斯的联邦快递总部的摇头丸。

2.The pttle goats can be up to 60cm tall and weigh up to 45kg.小羊们可以长到高六十公分并且重达四十五公斤。

3.Before we play catch up with our supper skinny pop princess, she reveals that she's recently lost weight, down from 45kg to 41kg.我们这位超瘦的流行乐坛天后透露她瘦了,从45公斤瘦到了41公斤。

4.Mr Huckabee got a grip, lost 100lb (45kg) and now runs marathons.Huckabee先生恢复自制力并改进行为,减掉了100lb(45kg),而且现在跑马拉松。

5.Batteries can account for over 10 per cent of the 45kg to 70kg of equipment that infantry currently carry.电池占用了目前士兵携带的45kg到70kg设备的超过10%的重量。

6.My weight. Although I am 48 kg I still look a bit fleshy on screen, so in order to look good on screen, an ideal weight will be 45kg.我的体重。我虽然只有48公斤,但是荧幕上看起来还是有点肉肉的。我的理想体重是45公斤。

7.Winter black truffles sell for $300-$500 US Dollars (USD) per pound (. 45 kg).冬季黑松露卖价为每英镑(0.45kg)300-500美元(USD)。

8.It takes a brisk 35 miles (56km) to burn off a pound (0. 45kg) of body fat.这种药丸服下之后,一个人需要行走35英里(56公里)才会消耗1磅(0.45公斤)的体内脂肪。