

disturb:[英 [dɪˈstɜ:b] 美 [dɪˈstɜ:rb] ]


过去式:disturbed;   过去分词:disturbed;   现在分词:disturbing;

disturb 基本解释

及物动词打扰,妨碍; 使骚动; 使不安,使烦恼; 妨碍睡眠(休息等)

disturb 同义词


disturb 反义词



disturb 相关例句


1. She was disturbed to hear you had been injured in the accident.


2. I'm sorry to disturb you so early.


3. Please don't disturb him.


4. Please don't disturb me while I'm working.


5. disturb

5. They were charged with disturbing the public peace.


disturb 情景对话


A:Good morning, sir. Sorry to disturb you. May I make up the room now?


B:Yes, please. We’re on our way out so we put the “make up” sign on. Could you bring us some towels and hangers?



A:No problem, sir. Everything will be ready when you come back.


disturb 网络解释

1. disturb

1. 干扰:最后一部分介绍了NVM可靠性方面的问题,如数据保持能力(DATA RETENTION),耐久力(ENDURANCE),和干扰(DISTURB). 存储器大致可分为两大类:易失和非易失. 易失存储器在系统关闭时立即失去存储在内的信息;它需要持续的电源供应以维持数据.

2. disturb

2. 扰乱:我们将烦恼视为强而有力,且能破坏(disrupt)、扰乱(disturb)我们心的敌人. 我们尝试着以各种我们学过的方法,来对治并且转化我们心的负面倾向. 当我们发现自己当下缺乏战胜敌人的能力时,我们就采取另一种善巧的方法--策略性的撤退,

3. 扰动:经由量测且利用氧化层伤害特性化的方法研究p-型通道快闪式记忆元件的可靠性退化机制,进而探讨p型元件可靠性的相关问题,这包含耐久性(endurance)、速度延迟与扰动(disturb)等特性.

disturb 双语例句

1. disturb在线翻译

1. I hope I can not disturb you, I am sory to call you so early.


2. I'm sory to disturb you at this moment.



3. Turn down the volum of radio, otherwise it will be disturb the neighbors.


4. disturb的近义词

4. I`m sorry to disturb you again but we need some more details on this fello Wilt.


5. disturb

5. Time is not early, disturb today here, have time next time we chat again, do obeisance to!


6. However, in reality the existence of such phenomena as false invoice production, its sales and use, seriously disturb the normal economic order, spoil the national taxation, erode some people'thought and soul.


7. disturb的反义词

7. In autumn, overwhelmed by nature`s selfless generosity toward humanity, I will find myself at a loss, looking upon the corn stalks robbed of their fruits and then beheaded; the crop stalks and weeds swaying in the wind disturb me profoundly, Nature, however. soon makes me realize that all of these are just a fact of life. The beauty that begs description turns out to be the ultimate truth. It has gradually come to me that the artistic portrayal is actually a manifestation of the artist`s inner world. In other words, the subject serves as a medium for the painter to create a spiritual realm, which is based on the unceasing exploration of nature a well as the boundless, passionate imagination on the part of the artist.


8. They disturb the family until it breaks up and is no longer a real family. That`s what happens if they don`t get divorced.


9. When you are asleep I shine through your curtains with my gentle beams, and I say Sleep on, poor little tired boy, I will not disturb you.



10. Ore researches show mycoplasma pneumonia is related with infantile asthma based on the following mechanisms:mycoplasma pneumoniae infection can directly damage respiratory tract epithelium, disturb molecular and humoral immunity, stimulate mucus secretion and dysfunction the neuroregulation of respiratory tract epithelium. Recurrent infantile asthma exacerbation is related with the hyperreactivity and chronic inflammation of respiratory tract especially in atopic infants.


11. When I pick it up, suddenly, I feel all of us are the passing travellers in the world, then I open the album of painting of the Song dynasty which I readed in last night. I put the dead insect on one of the paintings with some flyes which disturb the


12. In recent years, with rising into the mountains of tourists to the scenic area around the Hotel brought many business opportunities, some business owners to corporate riches in order to solicit business, soliciting customers had to recover disturb the behavior of the tourism market.


13. He scooped out a little of the earth, being careful not to disturb anything that was underneath.


14. To swallow something great at one gulp may disturb the judgement of the separate parts, but satisfies the taste.



15. I did not want to disturb him.


16. disturb是什么意思

16. Then I will go out in order that I don't disturb you.


17. The I will go out in order than I don't disturb you.


18. disturb的解释

18. Ex:Then I will go out in order that I don't disturb you.


19. Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word, by thee, old Capulet, and Montague, have thrice disturb`d the quiet of our streets, and made Verona`s ancient citizens cast by their grave beseeming ornaments, to wield old partisans, in hands as old, canker`d with peace, to part your canker`d hate: if ever you disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.


20. Vegetable of the mustard family, better like the mouthfeel after the scald such as orchid, cauliflower passes on the west, they contain rich cellulose to be digested more easily also; Spinach, bamboo shoot, wild rice stem contain the vegetable with more oxalic acid best also scald, it is difficult to because oxalic acid is inside alvine path, be become with calcic union synthetic oxalic acid is calcic, disturb the human body absorption to calcium; The mustard such as rutabaga kind vegetable contains glucoside of sulfur acting grape, shui Chao, hydrolysis have a youthful look becomes volatile mustard oil, taste is better, and can promote digest absorb; Dust of can complete purify mixes the potherb scald such as purslane small bug, still can prevent allergy.


disturb 词典解释

1. 打扰;干扰;妨碍

If you disturb someone, you interrupt what they are doing and upset them.

e.g. I hope I'm not disturbing you.


e.g. Find a quiet, warm, comfortable room where you won't be disturbed.


2. 使焦虑;使不安;使烦恼

If something disturbs you, it makes you feel upset or worried.

e.g. I dream about him, dreams so vivid that they disturb me for days...


e.g. He had been disturbed by the news of the attack on Hector Coyne.


3. 搅乱;弄乱;搞乱

If something is disturbed, its position or shape is changed.


e.g. He'd placed his notes in the brown envelope. They hadn't been disturbed...


e.g. She patted Mona, taking care not to disturb her costume.


4. 干扰,破坏(形势、氛围)

If something disturbs a situation or atmosphere, it spoils it or causes trouble.


e.g. Neither Baker nor Levy seemed eager to disturb the cordial atmosphere by discussing more sensitive issues...


e.g. What could possibly disturb such tranquility?


5. 扰乱治安

If someone is accused of disturbing the peace, they are accused of behaving in a noisy and offensive way in public.

disturb 单语例句disturb的近义词

1. Song claimed he had to compete to a chorus of chants urging him to " fall " over while someone beat a drum to disturb his performance.

2. Although media coverage may sometimes disturb the normal procedure of judicial adjudication, in many cases media supervision has helped courts to deliver fair justice.

3. " Such activities severely disturb the normal order of China's exit and entry administration, " he said.

4. Li allegedly instigated Gong to withdraw his confession, disturb order in the court and give false court statements.

5. The divergent opinions do not seem to disturb Wu, who is a sophomore studying pop singing at Shenyang Conservatory of Music.

6. Villagers told the newspaper they were concerned that the construction work would disturb the earth god and other spirits.

7. Many worry that these inflationary pressures will impact on to consumer prices, which may disturb social stability.

8. Some said advertisements are harmless and frowned on the move and questioned whether the outlawed outdoor ads really disturb the city's peace and appearance.

9. Some wild animals are no longer wild, and they crash into villages and disturb inhabitant's lives.

10. There was some concern that the spacious new digs might disturb the sense of intimacy, but fear not.

disturb 英英释义



1. damage as if by shaking or jarring

e.g. Don't disturb the patient's wounds by moving him too rapidly!

2. destroy the peace or tranquility of

e.g. Don't interrupt me when I'm reading

Synonym: interrupt

3. tamper with

e.g. Don't touch my CDs!

Synonym: touch

4. change the arrangement or position of

Synonym: agitatevexcommoveshake upstir upraise up

5. move deeply

e.g. This book upset me

A troubling thought

Synonym: upsettrouble