

serious:[英 [ˈsɪəriəs] 美 [ˈsɪriəs] ]


serious 基本解释


形容词严肃的,严重的; 认真的,庄重的; 重要的; 危险的


serious 同义词


serious 反义词


serious 相关例句


1. The mistake is not very serious.


2. Getting married is a serious matter.


3. He is a serious boy.


4. serious的反义词

4. I was pretty serious in what I said at dinner.


5. serious的意思

5. The play was amusingly written, but its subject was a serious one.


serious 情景对话



A:Hi, Mr. Smith. I’m Dr. Hawkins. Why are you here today?


B:I thought it would be a good idea to get a check-up.


A:Yes, well you haven’t had one for…five years. You should have one every year.


B:I know. I figure as long as there’s nothing wrong, why go see the doctor?


A:Well, the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early. So, try to come at least once a year for your own good.




A:Let me see here. Your eyes and ears look fine. Take a deep breath, please. Do you smoke, Mr. Smith?





A:Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease, you know. You really should quit.


B:I’ve tried a hundred times, but I just can’t seem to kick the habit.


A:Well, we have classes and some medications that might help. I’ll give you more infomp3ation before you leave.


B:O.K., thanks, doctor.


serious 网络解释

1. 严重的:软件失效模式、影响分析(S-FMEA)是一种软件可靠性、安全性设计与分析技术,它是一种诱导式的分析方法,通常是在软件初始设计完成后展开,并在其后的各开发阶段反复修改. 根据失效影响和作用反应将软件失效危害度分为致命的(cfitical)、严重的(serious)、一般的(moderate)、轻微的(cosmetic)四种.

2. 認真:1 认真(Serious)做事认真不马虎2 系统(System)做事要有规律,讲究系统和逻辑3 标准(Standard)把同类事物,给它一个规范4 简单(Simple)凡事能可靠的达到目的就够了,不要把它搞复杂5 维持(Sustain)把应当维持的项目,定出简单的标准和系统,

serious 双语例句

1. The bad geology conditions of watershed are usually scoured by the rain that brings lots silt into the reservoir and cause serious silting. After observation over the variation of reservoir`s capacity, below the elevation 37m, it is almost filled with silt and the effective capacity is beyond 1.3 million cubic meter.


2. Your feedback is anonymous and will be taken serious consideration for our future improvement.


3. serious的翻译

3. His countenance was serious and solemn, as befitted the occasion.


4. My son is now 13 months since the birth of the head there soon eczema, very serious.


5. Peter: He tells me that nothing is serious and I'll recover soon.


6. serious的近义词

6. He said: This is not a serious problem.


7. serious的近义词

7. The equivalent standard pollution loadings were compared among different rigions, the results indicated that the water pollution threaten caused by agricultural non-point source pollution was more serious in the south of Jiangsu province and in Nantong than in the other rigions; The equivalentStandard pollution loading rates of different agricultural non-point source pollution in different regions were analysised by clustering analysis method, and the results indicated that Nanjing、Wuxi、Zhenjiang and Changzhou were polluted mainly by domestic living pollution; Xuzhou、Suqian、Taizhou、Yancheng、Lianyungang、Huaian and Nantong were polluted mainly by chemical fertilizer pollution; Suzhou and Yangzhou were polluted corresponsively by animals feces pollution、domestic living pollution、chemical fertilizer pollution and fish breeding pond pollution.


8. Thousands of videos have been made available via applicable online portals such as YouTube, VideU, MyVideo, ClipFish and GoogleVideo. They offer amusing fun videos, film trailers, snippets of cult movies and serious documentations.

网络视频转换工具,可以将 YouTube、VideU、MyVideo、ClipFish 和 GoogleVideo等这样的视频分享门户网站中的视频直接转换为可以保存在您的电脑中的视频文件,您所需要做的仅仅是将该链接添加到本软件中。

9. The injection of outside capital to Xi`an, the real estate market to provide fresh blood for the city`s economic development a good opportunity to bring real estate development in the form of new products, management models, architectural elements and real estate development follow-up service, but also to the local developer has posed a serious challenge, outside the capital, like an invisible hand, the effective birth of the standardization of the operation of the real estate market and thus the survival of the fittest.


10. From the analysis of the historical and measured data, some tendencies of flood in Zhejiang in the global change are predicted: 1low water year will take the upper hand in ten years or more, the global change will make the temporal and spatial changes of flood in Zhejiang more violent, and the flood disasters in coast area more serious.


11. Get people to look at me as a serious actor.


12. They found that the lack of rain aggravated the serious shortage of food.


13. serious

13. The problem of the shareholders running against the duty of contribution has become serious in our country since the company law was promulgated in 1994, for example, making a false report of capitak falsehood of contribution.


14. serious什么意思

14. If you feel your problem is serious, you might seek professional help from apsychologist, psychiatrist, social worker or mental health counselor.


15. A funeral march is a sad and serious piece of music suitable for funerals.

葬礼进行曲是适合= 110;葬礼的一种悲伤、庄=;严的音乐。

16. On one hand, economicglobalization brought serious challenges to socialism; on the other hand, it alsowill provide a good historical opportunity for the development of socialism.


17. When the damage was serious enough, the germination ability of spore was lower and even lost completely.


18. In case of serious persisting default, the non defaulting party may terminate this Master Agreement by way of registered letter to the defaulting party with immediate effect.


19. serious

19. Zhandao more serious First, the catering operation; 2


20. So, this text regards Essay, this periodical, as the breakthrough point, attempt through understanding its deep layer, integrated survey one periodical how under editor, joint efforts of author since the new period, break out and adhere to the self- style all the time from China's numerous periodicals; And it, as one of the important positions of the domestic prose periodical, how to promote the development of prose, this recreation and sports, it is his abundant and prosperity contribution one's own enthusiasm and strength, thus left a thick and heavy in colours one in the field of contemporary prose; In addition it contemporary writer show self- platform, in order to concentrate on works to issue serious meaning for own duty and famous for ideological content it, so has reflected the Chinese writer's thought current situation and mental outlook in one period effectively, how much mind experience are the ones that refracted the Chinese intellectual out.


serious 词典解释

1. 严重的;危急的;令人担忧的

Serious problems or situations are very bad and cause people to be worried or afraid.

e.g. Crime is an increasingly serious problem in Russian society...


e.g. The government still face very serious difficulties...



If this ban was to come in it would seriously damage my business...


They are not thought to be seriously hurt.


...the seriousness of the crisis.


2. 重要的;需要认真考虑的;严肃的

Serious matters are important and deserve careful and thoughtful consideration.

e.g. I regard this as a serious matter...


e.g. Don't laugh boy. This is serious.


3. 认真的;郑重的;严肃的

When important matters are dealt with in a serious way, they are given careful and thoughtful consideration.

e.g. My parents never really faced up to my drug use in any serious way...


e.g. It was a question which deserved serious consideration.



The management will have to think seriously about their positions.


4. (音乐、文学作品)严肃的,非供消遣(或娱乐)的

Serious music or literature requires concentration to understand or appreciate it.

e.g. ...serious classical music...


e.g. There is no point reviewing a blockbuster as you might review a serious novel.


5. 认真的;当真的;真心的;郑重其事的

If someone is serious about something, they are sincere about what they are saying, doing, or intending to do.

e.g. You really are serious about this, aren't you?...


e.g. I hope you're not serious.



Are you seriously jealous of Erica?


In all seriousness, there is nothing else I can do...


They had shown a commitment and seriousness of purpose.


6. (人)若有所思的,庄重的,严肃的

Serious people are thoughtful and quiet, and do not laugh very often.


e.g. He's quite a serious person...


e.g. She looked at me with big, serious eyes.



They spoke to me very seriously but politely.


7. (钱等)数目巨大的,大量的

Serious money is a very large amount of money.

e.g. He started earning serious money only in the sixties.

他在 60 年代才开始挣大钱。


What's it like to be seriously rich at 15?

15 岁时非常富有会是怎样一种情况?serious 单语例句

1. Business is something I need to be a lot more serious about.

2. Learning a foreign language has become a serious business for people in China - not least for its leading figures.

3. If an act brings no serious damage to the society, the actor should not be subject to criminal punishment.

4. The US State Department released a brief statement, indicating that the first day of discussions " have been serious and businesslike ".

5. Butler highlighted a " serious failing " in removing warnings and caveats about intelligence that he said was anyway thin.

6. Doctors said serious wounds were found over large areas of Chen's buttocks, and had to be hospitalized for further observation.

7. One was shot in the back and the other in the buttocks, and both were listed in serious condition.

8. Akzo Nobel NV has consistently been named as a serious buyer following the recent sale of its drugs business Organon Biosciences for 11 billion euros.

9. Such a buying spree once again demonstrates that China is serious in its efforts to resolve trade imbalances with the US.

10. The tragedy was caused by " serious design flaws " in railway signaling equipment, an official from the Shanghai Railway Bureau said Thursday morning.

serious 英英释义


1. causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm

e.g. a dangerous operation

a grave situation

a grave illness

grievous bodily harm

a serious wound

a serious turn of events

a severe case of pneumonia

a life-threatening disease

Synonym: dangerousgravegrievousseverelife-threatening

2. requiring effort or concentration

complex and not easy to answer or solve

e.g. raised serious objections to the proposal

the plan has a serious flaw

3. of great consequence

e.g. marriage is a serious matter

4. appealing to the mind

e.g. good music

a serious book

Synonym: good

5. concerned with work or important matters rather than play or trivialities

e.g. a serious student of history

a serious attempt to learn to ski

gave me a serious look

a serious young man

are you serious or joking?

Don't be so serious!

6. completely lacking in playfulness

Synonym: unplayfulsober