

responsibility:[英 [rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti] 美 [rɪˌspɑ:nsəˈbɪləti] ]



responsibility 基本解释

名词责任; 职责; 负责任; 责任感,责任心

responsibility 相关词组


1. bear responsibility for : 对...负有责任;

responsibility 相关例句


1. responsibility的近义词

1. A father has many responsibilities.


2. responsibility的意思

2. Keeping house is my responsibility.


3. responsibility的意思

3. He is completely lacking in responsibility.


4. A little child does not feel much responsibility.


responsibility 网络解释

1. 义务:从法律角度看,穿不穿校服是学生的一种权利(RIGHT),而非一种义务(RESPONSIBILITY) 2. 从教育方面看,个性(INDIVIDUALITY)与共性的问题,当今时代更注重个性的培养 3. 若规定只能穿校服,衣服的换洗方面较为不易,

responsibility 双语例句


1. Young Chinese, China's responsibility.


2. Qian is a source for production of wood-processing machinery, cotton, machinery and construction machinery products business, after 20 years of hard work and development, with a maturity of professional experience, a strong technical strength to the market demand as their responsibility, and has now become a large-scale comprehensive manufacturers.


3. Third, there are two cores of spirit of his prose, one is the scholar-officials`s responsibility、innate knowledge、ambition; and the other is the poet`s unique poetic quality.


4. responsibility在线翻译

4. Any delay because of the dally over payments, seller will take no responsibility.


5. I am active and have responsibility in work and I have strong spirit of team-work.

奖励情况 08~09学年三等奖学金 2009年参加校党校学习,并毕业自偶评价我自己思想积极要求上进,向党组织靠拢,并取得党课结业证书,适应性强,性格开朗,善于与人沟通,乐于助人。

6. We have the responsibility to develop the fruit of the Holy Spirit in life.



7. I guess I've always thought that health care was a personal responsibility.


8. Teachers abstract base class and its derived Chair Professor, Professor responsibility, teaching staff, researchers and other derived class.


9. Every healthcare provider, from the blue color worker whose primary responsibility is the maintenance of operating room suite furnishings, to the cardiac surgeon performing high risk, complicated and life saving surgery, should be a patient advocate.


10. responsibility的解释

10. To share in the design and planning of community development activities in his/her area of responsibility



11. When you abandon it, it is after all just a seed; When you do give up its responsibilities, it will die, and even your life to add a trace of haze; If you Like it when in full bloom, with pride unplug it, you will receive the fruits of someone else and regret it later, did not want the responsibility to re-do time, no chance.


12. Management of each activity is expected to accept this responsibility as an important priority and to commit the necessary resources.


13. In the Web coverage also in the user's responsibility.


14. responsibility的近义词

14. Their share of responsibility for transforming the way that we use energy.


15. And that's why all nations must now accept their share of responsibility for transformingthe way that we use energy.



16. And thats why all nations must now accept their share of responsibility for transformingthe way that we use energy.


17. And that's why all nations must now accept their share of responsibility for transforming the way that we use energy.


18. Jesse Falcon: I think that Joann Mclaughlin is the most important because if it wasn't for her creating an atmosphere for myself and people like Damon Nee and Jason Mattern to work in, we wouldn't have had the freedom, creativity, flexibility and responsibility to grow and learn.

杰西猎鹰:我认为乔安劳林是最重要的,因为如果不是她创造一个有利于自己和达蒙等人倪气氛和贾森Mattern 工作在,我们就不可能有自由,创造性,灵活性和责任,成长和学习。

19. BARACK OBAMA: I believe we need to usher in a new era of responsibility.


20. responsibility什么意思

20. I wonder if you see the depth of this, the beauty of it, the immensity of it, the responsibility.


responsibility 词典解释

1. 责任;义务

If you have responsibility for something or someone, or if they are your responsibility, it is your job or duty to deal with them and to take decisions relating to them.

e.g. Each manager had responsibility for just under 600 properties...


e.g. We need to take responsibility for looking after our own health...


2. 责任;过失

If you accept responsibility for something that has happened, you agree that you were to blame for it or you caused it.

e.g. No one admitted responsibility for the attacks...


e.g. Someone had to give orders and take responsibility for mistakes.


3. 职责;任务

Your responsibilities are the duties that you have because of your job or position.

e.g. He handled his responsibilities as a counselor in an intelligent and caring fashion.


e.g. ...programmes to help employees balance work and family responsibilities.


4. 重任;职权

If someone is given responsibility, they are given the right or opportunity to make important decisions or to take action without having to get permission from anyone else.

e.g. She would have loved to have a better-paying job with more responsibility...


e.g. Carrington held a position of responsibility within the government.


5. (道义上的)责任,义务

If you think that you have a responsibility to do something, you feel that you ought to do it because it is morally right to do it.

e.g. The court feels it has a responsibility to ensure that customers are not misled...


e.g. As parents we have a responsibility to give our children a sense of belonging.


6. 对…的责任

If you think that you have a responsibility to someone, you feel that it is your duty to take action that will protect their interests.

e.g. She had decided that as a doctor she had a responsibility to her fellow creatures.


responsibility 单语例句responsibility的近义词

1. This trend has taken shape in response to evolving business needs as well as a growing recognition of corporate social responsibility.

2. Washington's policy of eluding responsibility would extremely dampen Asian nations'enthusiasm to continue to buy US national debt.

3. It is obvious that the employers shirk their responsibility for labor protection by refusing workers a labor contract.

4. She said the industry has a responsibility to step in and push an artist out of the spotlight until they get their personal act together.

5. Someone in America needs to act and step up and take responsibility like Shan Jixiang has in China.

6. The sense of responsibility is also carried out by the Chinese government's resolution of expanding domestic demands and spurring growth.

7. Experts believe it could transform family planning by allowing couples to share the responsibility for contraception - a role that traditionally falls to women.

8. Provocative moves such as Abe's comments downplaying Japan's responsibility for consigning sex slaves to military brothels have drawn an unusually calm response.

9. A sense of social responsibility should be inculcated in banks to stimulate them to play an active role in the green credit policy.

10. Hou thinks it is his responsibility to promote the Paralympic movement across China and encourage more disabled people to live an active life.