
set off是什么意思_set off用法和例句

set off:[英 [set ɒf] 美 [sɛt ɔf] ]

set off是什么意思

set off 基本解释

set off

出发; (使)开始; 引起; 点燃

set off 相关例句


1. They set off in search of the lost child.


set off 网络解释

1. 隔开:后一部分的所有代码被一个if语句隔开(set off) 了,这个if语句检查__name__这个东西是不是等于__main__. 再说一次,双下划线意味着特殊的名字. 使用if的原因是因为每一个文件都有可能在另外的程序里被用作库模块(马上就会讲到模块).

2. set off的近义词

2. 出发:ring off挂断电话 | set off出发 | see off送行

3. 引起:5. show up露面;出席 | 6. set off引起 | 8. a piece of一片;一块;一张

4. 激起:a costume party一个服装聚会 | set off 激起 | get married 结婚

set off 双语例句

1. What government of uptodate special zone should do is cast off associate with rule mode, charge the set pattern that breaks solid to have.


2. Long-term professional registration companies in Hong Kong, BVI, British companies, American companies, companies Brunei, Mauritius, Bermuda, Canada and other overseas companies; long-term applications for trademark in Hong Kong, France trademarks, trademarks Madrid, the EU trade mark, British trademark, trademark registration in China, International Standard Serial Number ISSN, ISBN ISBN Registration; long-term professional register 100, 000 -5 billion in foreign-owned companies, wholly foreign-owned, foreignפrepresentative offices, joint ventures, individual industrial and commercial households, the general taxpayer to apply for has set up a company for all kinds of changes, set up branch offices; professional to do the long-term investment in Hong Kong immigrants, Macao migrants, skilled migrants in Canada, Germany Business Immigration; long-term off-the-shelf company for sale, various corporate changes, inspection, business secretary, Wanted around the agent; proxy account long-term returns, receive invoices, tax advisory, the National Government rent replacement.


3. set off

3. If there are no such arrangements in the contract between the creditor and the debtor, after the creditor takes lien of the property, the creditor shall set a deadline of no less than two months for the debtor to pay off the debt and notify the debtor of the deadline set.


4. set off的翻译

4. The Hazardous Waste Manifest System is a set of forms, reports, and procedures designed to seamlessly track hazardous waste from the time it leaves the generator facility where it was produced, until it reaches the off-site waste management facility that will store, treat, or dispose of the hazardous waste.


5. set off什么意思

5. And one afternoon, when among the amlak trees the shadow grew grave and sweet with the furtive caress of light, the deer set off to run like a meteor in love with death.


6. They set off on a fine morning.


7. In the evening, I set off fireworks with my cousin.


8. How do you celebrate the New Year I set off fireworks.


9. On the basis of displaying the constantly changing world where Virginia Woolf lived in, this paper set off analysis on this type of cyclical psychic time structure.


10. Back aboard the Yaris, neat rotary heater and blower switches turned to the max, we set off for France.



11. In oder to arrive before dark, we set off early.


12. He set these heavy expenses off against his increase in salary.


13. In recent years, China has set off the wave of litigation against auditors.



14. The irregular structure of the concrete elements is set off against the regular rectangular shapes of the sheets of glass.


15. May be set off against capital gains or against regular income according to the tax rules.


16. They only just managed to set off gains against losses.


17. You can set the heavy expenses off against a probable increase in sa lary.


18. From March 1, 2008, Chinas personal income tax wage standards will be set off against the cost of 1, 600 yuan/month adjusted to 2, 000 yuan/month.

摘 要:从2008年3月1日起,我国个人所得税工薪费用的减除标准将从1600元/月调整到2000元/月。

19. set off的解释

19. Eloik thanked the driver and set off towards the graveled path that led to the wire-fenced doors of the Institute.



20. Most important of these are the Flaminia-like fins that set off the subtle and innovative led tail-lights to perfection.


set off 词典解释

1. 动身;出发;启程

When you set off, you start a journey.

set off的翻译

e.g. Nichols set off for his remote farmhouse in Connecticut...


e.g. The President's envoy set off on another diplomatic trip...


2. 引爆(炸弹);触发,拉响(警报等)

If something sets off something such as an alarm or a bomb, it makes it start working so that, for example, the alarm rings or the bomb explodes.

e.g. Any escape, once it's detected, sets off the alarm...


e.g. Someone set off a fire extinguisher...


3. 引发;触发;激起

If something sets off an event or a series of events, it causes it to start happening.

e.g. The arrival of the charity van set off a minor riot as villagers scrambled for a share of the aid...


e.g. If he attended a party without his wife, it set off a storm of speculation.


4. 使发怒;使回忆起来;使侃侃而谈

If something sets a person off, it makes them angry, or makes them remember something and they start talking a lot.

e.g. The smallest thing sets him off, and he can't stop talking about his childhood.


5. 衬托;(通常指通过对比)使显得更漂亮

If one colour, flavour, or object sets off another, it makes it look more attractive, often by providing a contrast.

e.g. Blue suits you, sets off the colour of your hair.


e.g. ...perfectly proportioned galleries that set off the contents to their best advantage.


set off 单语例句set off什么意思

1. The limitations on car ownership set off a frenzy among people wanting to buy.

2. Monday's Nobel awards ceremony set off another buying rush on Mo's works among Chinese readers.

3. A man set his storehouse on fire by accident on Monday morning after letting off firecrackers to celebrate his birthday.

4. The translucent whiteness of the fish is set off by little piles of yellow and green zucchini spaghetti topped by a zucchini flower petal tempura.

5. After receiving their call, the police immediately set off to look for them.

6. After the candle light put out on the masts, people set off various fireworks at the farmland treasure.

7. Witnesses said he approached an officer collecting ID cards and set off a blast that split his own body in two.

8. A Boeing 747 with an undisclosed freight shipment is set to take off in the first direct chartered cargo flight between Chinese mainland and Taiwan.

9. The blasts were confirmed as having been set off by two female suicide bombers who probably were linked to terrorist groups in North Caucasus.

10. The blasts were confirmed to have been set off by two female suicide bombers who probably were linked to terrorist groups in the North Caucasus.

set off的解释set off 英英释义

set off的意思


1. cause to burst with a violent release of energy

e.g. We exploded the nuclear bomb

Synonym: explodedetonateblow up

2. set in motion or cause to begin

e.g. The guide set the tour off to a good start

3. direct attention to, as if by means of contrast

e.g. This dress accentuates your nice figure!

I set off these words by brackets

Synonym: bring out

4. provoke or stir up

e.g. incite a riot

set off great unrest among the people

Synonym: inciteinstigatestir up

5. put in motion or move to act

e.g. trigger a reaction

actuate the circuits

Synonym: tripactuatetriggeractivatespark offsparktrigger offtouch off

6. leave

e.g. The family took off for Florida

Synonym: departpartstartstart outset forthset outtake off

7. make up for

e.g. His skills offset his opponent's superior strength

Synonym: canceloffset