


网络释义:凌晨四点;清晨4点钟;4 Asia Men


1.凌晨四点 Be Here_百度百科 ... Come back... be here. 回来吧,回来我的身边 4am,the second day, 凌晨四点,日出的另一 …

2.清晨4点钟 ... 15.Mad World - 盛气世界 16.4AM - 清晨4点钟 17.Braveheart 2K11 - 英雄本色2011 ...

3.4 Asia Men.作的非常阳春, 希望有传达到这次改版带来的感动.... 装备就别问了,不怎麽样 (PVP …


1.I usually run up to the top of the mountain early 4am in the morning when everyone is still asleep and watch the sunrise.我通常早上4点跑到上山上看日出,那时所有人都还在睡觉中。

2.Every week or two I leave my house at 4am and make the four-and-a-half-hour trip to see him.每一两个星期,我就会在早上4点从家里出发,经过4个半小时的旅程去看他。

3.Friends would receive draft sections of his second book, The Audacity of Hope, that had been emailed over at 3 or 4am.朋友们可能收到他在凌晨3、4点钟用电子邮件发来的第二本书——《无畏的希望》——的几节草稿。

4.About 4am, a roaring van loaded with goods rolled from his legs due to the dim pght and the high speed.4时许,一辆满载货物的大货车呼啸而过,由于车速较快、灯光昏暗,货车从他的双腿上轧过。

5."My fpght's early, so there's no sense in you getting up at 4am just to come to the airport, " he said.“我的航班太早了,你不必只为赶到机场(来送我)而不得不早上4点就起床,”他说。

6.The court heard he had consumed vodka until 4am and taken 15 anti-hypertensive tablets for a chronic heart condition.案情透露,直到凌晨4点,他曾饮用伏特加和采取的一种慢性心脏病15抗高血压药片。

7.It was a 5 mile run six years ago in the middle of a Michigan Winter (below freezing! ) to get White Castle at 4am.不过六年前在一个密歇根的隆冬中(气温已经零下!)我曾经跑了五英里,在凌晨四点到达了“白色城堡”快餐连锁店。

8.The Swiss, a father to two-year-old twins, was given a 4am wake-up call by his daughter.这位身为一对2岁的双胞胎父亲的瑞士人,在凌晨4点就被他的女儿叫醒了。

9.Reports claim that England right-back Johnson was with friends waiting for a taxi outside Movida when the incident took place at 4am.据称此事发生的时候约翰逊正和他的朋友在事发当地等出租车。

10.May 2, a second peak began to emerge since 4am and continuing.2日4时开始出现了第二个峰值,且一直持续。