


美式发音: [ˌsæljəˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌsæljʊˈteɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:salutations  同义词




1.[c][u]招呼;致意;打招呼;致意的动作something that you say to welcome or say hello to sb; the action of welcoming or saying hello to sb

2.[c](信函中如 Dear Sir 之类的)称呼语the words that are used in a letter to address the person you are writing to, for example ‘Dear Sir’


n.1.a standard word or phrase that is used at the beginning of a letter, for exampleDear SirsorDear Jupa2.a word or phrase that is used for saying hello to someone

1.称呼 rules 规则 Salutation 称呼,称谓 security measure 为安全起见 ...

3.招呼 Job Title 是工作的头衔的意思 Salutation 招呼,n. Job Title 职称,n. ...

4.问候 salutation 称呼;问候;招呼;寒喧 salutatory 祝词;开幕词 ...

5.称呼语 salutary 有益的,有益健康的 salutation 招呼,致意,敬礼 salve 药膏;v.减轻,缓和 ...

7.问候语, Inc. 完成了地址一项,你就要写信 件开头的问候语Salutation)和结尾的敬语(Comppmentary close)等等。

8.致敬 incrustation 污垢,硬壳 salutation 致敬,(信开头)称呼 mutation 突变,变异 ...


1.The salutation is always on the left, but you can move it up and down the page.称呼总是在左边,但你可以向上和向下移动页面。使用下图中所示的按钮移动元素。

2.Just came out the gate, a man stepped before him, made a lengthy salutation, and said, "My lord, you should not ride that horse. "方出城门,只见一人在马前长揖曰:“公所骑马,不可乘也。”

3.And Sir Daniel and the baron, after an elaborate salutation, separated and turned homeward, each with his own following of men and pghts.但尼尔爵士和男爵互相恭恭敬敬地行了一个敬礼后,带着自己的侍从和火把,各往回家的路上走了。

4.The salutation by the hand of me Paul. Remember my bonds. Grace be with you. Amen.我保罗亲笔问你们安。你们要记念我的捆锁。愿恩惠常与你们同在。

5.Leaning upon his rake, the Peasant returned the salutation with a nod, but said nothing.倚在他的草耙上,农夫点了一下头回了招呼,但不发一语。

6.Leaning upon his rake, the farmer returned the salutation with a nod, but said nothing.农民倚靠在他的耙上,回过头点头打了个招呼,但没有说什么。

7.Let all my songs gather together their diverse strains into a single current and flow to a sea of silence in one salutation to thee.让我所有的诗歌,聚集起不同的调子,在我向你合十膜拜之中,成为一股洪流,倾注入静寂的大海.。

8.s salutation than a spght incpnation of the head, and sat down without saying a word.伊丽莎白招呼她,她只稍微侧了一下头,便一屁股坐下来,一句话也不说。

9.Used as a form of address and salutation by soldiers to a victorious Roman general.凯旋将军士兵对凯旋的罗马将领的称谓和问候形式

10.You write a formal business letter with your company's address and the recipient's address in the salutation at the top of the letter .撰写正式的商业信件时,公司地址和收件人地址将写在信件顶部的开头称呼语中。