




1.500毫升 MEDIUM BOTTLES,500ML 半瓶装葡萄酒,500毫升 MAGNUM BOTTLES,1500ML 大瓶 …


1.In addition to what he or she pees out, the average human excretes about half a quart of water a day through sweating and exhapng.除了排尿,普通人每天还会通过流汗和呼吸等方式排出约500mL的水分。

2.Compare it with a 500ml bottle and my hand, that was definitely not a normal size loh!与旁边的500毫升矿泉水瓶装和我的手掌比较一下,就知道它不是普通地大!

3.Hey, has anyone ever survived 500ml of this stuff before?嘿,有谁服了500毫升这东西后还活着?

4.Thatchers Cider has chosen a new style 500ml bottle from Rockware Glass for its Gold Cider.撒切尔苹果酒选择新样式的金牌由洛克威尔苹果酒500毫升玻璃瓶。

5.30 grams each red beans, green beans and white hyacinth beans, cleaned and boiled with 500ml water.赤小豆,绿豆,白扁豆各30克,洗净,加水500毫升,煮熟食用

6.30 grams each red peanuts, red beans and red dates, boiled with 500ml water. Add brown sugar to taste.红皮花生仁,红小豆,红枣各30克,洗净,加水500毫升,煮熟,加入适量红糖食用。

7.Seasonings : 1tbsp Oyster Oil, 500ml Water.调味:蠔油1汤匙、清水500毫升。

8.Coca-Cola and Pepsi both spmmed their bottles from 600ml to 500ml.可口可乐和百事可乐都从600毫升减到了500毫升。

9.Tinctures can be made as a 4 ounce herb to 500 ml of alcohol and soaked for 2-4 weeks.制作药酒时,用4盎司药材配500ml酒精,浸泡2-4周即可。

10.I drank a 500ml bottle of Coke while writing this article, and it cost me 85p ($1. 70) from the corner shop.在撰写本文时,我喝掉了一瓶500毫升的可乐。这是我从街角的商店以85便士(合1.70美元)的价格买的。