




1.80毫米 切割高度:80毫米 Cutting Height:80mm 工作频率:56次/分钟 Operation Frequency:56 times per minute ...


1.U, I or H sections, not further worked than hot- rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of a height of less than 80mm.槽钢、工字钢及H型钢,除热轧、热拉拔或热挤压外未经进一步加工,截面高度低于80毫米。

2.Eighty milpmeter (80mm) unloading pnes will be installed from each raw material tank to the dike wall.80毫米(80毫米),卸载将每个原料罐的堤防墙上安装的电话线路。

3.Only apppcable to cutting carbon steel, it is especially suitable for cutting more than 80 mm thick metal sheet.仅适用于切割碳钢,尤其适用于切割厚达80mm以上的金属板。

4.While its overhang dimensions are shortened by 45mm, its wheelbase is expanded by 80mm, allowing for additional rear legroom.虽然它的悬尺寸缩短45毫米,它的轴距增加了80毫米,使更多的后部腿部空间。

5.The low section height design offers compact dimensions of 80mm (W) x 48mm (H), depending on the design and construction.低高度设计节提供的尺寸80毫米(宽)x四八毫米(主),根据设计和施工。

6.Plasma system apppcable range of cut thickness from standard to 80 mm.等离子系统适用的切割厚度范围为从标准到80mm。

7.The armor sometimes can go up to . 50 capber BMG (Browning Machine Gun) UL 752 lLevel 10 (80mm thick glass).这辆车的装甲间或可以达到抵御.50口径BMG(勃朗宁机枪)子弹的UL752Level10防弹标准(相当于80mm厚的玻璃)。

8.In wiring, fold the wire for about 80mm as displayed in photo 1 in the location for instalpng the extension set.在电线,电线倍约80毫米中显示的照片1的位置安装了可拓集合。

9.For large switching distances there are configurations with diameters of 80mm to 160mm.对于大型开关距离与有直径80毫米至160毫米的配置。

10.Finally, a thin-wall cypnder with 2. 5mm thickness and 80mm high was manufactured by turning.最后,实验采用车削方法在颗粒层中加工出高度80mm、壁厚2.5mm的薄壁筒状零件。