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1.Tudou said it had raised $50m in its latest round of equity financing, with the Singapore state investment fund accounting for $35m of that.土豆网表示,已在最新一轮股权融资中筹集5000万美元,其中新加坡政府投资基金淡马锡占了3500万美元。

2.Facebook reported that 50m people have signed up to its service since July, taking the total number of users to 300m.Facebook报道自从七月以来,有5000万用户注册,该公司目前用户总人数已突破30亿。

3.Standard conversion kits can be fitted easily to any structure up to 50m in span.标准转换套件可安装容易地在任何结构跨度达50米。

4.Mr Mao said 50m Chinese died as a result of Mao's popcies, "for which he felt not the spghtest remorse" .茅于轼说毛的政策导致了5000万中国人死亡。“而毛却从未对此感到悔恨。”

5.The UK bank said the sale to ANZ was at a US$50m premium over book value.RBS表示,对澳新银行的售价较资产账面价值有5000万美元的溢价。

6.A typical ethanol factory producing 50m gallons of bio fuels a year needs about 500 gallons of water a minute.通常一间年产乙醇五千万加仑的工厂每分钟就需要用水500加仑。

7.He also said there were tyre marks on the road stretching about 50m up to where the M3 went off the road.他还表示有轮胎的标志的道路上伸展了约50米的地方去了M3的道路。

8.Mr Murdoch, 76, said he expected savings could be made from integrating News Corp and Dow Jones operations "well in excess of $50m" .现年76岁的默多克表示,他预计,将新闻集团和道琼斯的业务整合,节省的成本“将大大超过5000万美元”。

9.Judge Richard Holwell handed down the sentence after concluding that Mr Rajaratnam made more than $50m in profits from his illegal trades.法官理查德•候威尔(RichardHolwell)在判定拉贾那纳姆通过非法交易获得超过5000万美元的利润之后,做出量刑决定。

10.Sina said its microblog reached 50m users in October, barely a year after its start, and continues to grow rapidly.新浪称,10月份新浪微博用户达到5000万人,这距离微博服务推出还不到一年,而且目前仍在迅速增长。