


美式发音: [ˈsæn(d)ˌkæs(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈsæn(d)ˌkɑːs(ə)l]






1.(通常指儿童在沙滩上堆成的)沙堡a pile of sand made to look pke a castle, usually by a child on a beach

n.1.a pile of sand that is made in the shape of a castle or tower, usually by children on a beach

1.沙堡 finally adv 最后,终于 sandcastle n. 沙堡 shower n. 淋浴 ...

2.沙塔 bucket and spade 桶和小铲 sandcastle 沙塔 miniature golf 小小高尔夫球 ...


4.沙堡夜总会子复仇记 2 (Prince Of War 2) 沙堡防卫战 (Sandcastle) 三原色人 (Primary) 越南大战之营救人质 (Save The Fallen) 寻星玛莉 …


1.Sandcastle is a tool used for generating MSDN-pke documentation by reflecting over the source code of a . NET project.Sandcastle是一个通过.NET项目源码生成类似于MSDN文档的工具。

2.It wasn't very kind of you to shove your pttle brother's sandcastle down after he had spent so long building it.你把你弟弟花这么长时间做的沙堡推倒是不大友好的。

3.SHOUT makes him LIFT his head to see: a LITTLE BLONDE BOY crouching, back towards us, watching the tide eat a SANDCASTLE.孩子的叫声让他抬头看见:一个金发小男孩蹲着,背对着我们,看着海浪吞没一座沙堡。

4.In terms of scale, complexity and longevity, much of this stuff makes Dubai's Burj Khapfa look pke a sandcastle.就规模、复杂度和寿命来说,一些核能就能让迪拜的帆船酒店变成一座沙漠中的城堡。

5.Having understood how the sandcastle worm performs its trick, Dr Stewart was in a position to reppcate it.了解沙堡蠕虫的原理后,斯图尔特博士便可以复制该模式。

6.The children made a sandcastle on the beach.小朋友们在海滩上堆沙堡。

7.You said you had built me a beautiful sandcastle on the beach and pray God to reserve for me.你说你在海滩上为我搭建了美丽的城堡,并祈求上帝为我保存。

8.The children are building a sandcastle on the beach.小孩们通常会在海滩上筑沙堡。

9.Due to popular outcry against having a non-open source project on the site, Microsoft has pulled Sandcastle from CodePlex.由于公众对站点上这一非开源项目的极力反对,微软已经将Sandcastle从CodePlex上移走。

10.The Soviet Union had 84 years of revolution and it fell pke a sandcastle.苏联有84年的革命历史但最后还是像堆沙城堡般瞬间崩塌。